Front Matter
Ab . . .
- Abbott, Jonas Archer - Commander, 1841
- Absolon, William - Lieutenant, 1810
Ac . . .
- Achmuty, Robert Ross - Lieutenant, 1819
- Ackerley, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1822
- Ackland, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- A’Court, Edward Henry - Captain, 1811
Ad . . .
- Adam, Charles - Vice-Admiral. of the Red, 1837
- Adams, Charles James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Adams, George Curtis - Lieutenant, 1837
- Adams, John - Captain, 1843
- Adams, William - Lieutenant, 1829
- Adamson, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Adderley, Arden - Captain, 1814
- Addington, William Silvester - Commander, 1830
- Addington, William Wells - Lieutenant, 1846
- Addis, Edward Brown - Lieutenant, 1811
Ag . . .
- Agassiz, James David - Lieutenant, 1829
- Agassiz, James John Charles - Retired Captain, 1840
- Agnew, John De Courcy Andrew - Lieutenant, 1843
Ai . . .
- Ainslie, Henry - Lieutenant, 1838
- Aird, David - Lieutenant, 1845
- Airey, George Sherbrooke - Lieutenant, 1830
- Airey, George Taylor - Lieutenant, 1815
- Airey, John Moore Cole - Lieutenant, 1829
- Aitchison, Edward - Lieutenant, 1816
- Aitchison, Robert - Captain, 1827
- Aitkin, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
Ak . . .
- Akers, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1813
Al . . .
- Alcock, Robert William Henry - Lieutenant, 1844
- Aldham, William Cornwallis - Commander, 1844
- Aldrich, Robert Dawes - Lieutenant, 1842
- Aldridge, John Williams - Captain, 1841
- Aldworth, St. Leger - Lieutenant, 1831
- Alexander, John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Alexander, Nicholas - Commander, 1815
- Alexander, Norton Butler - Lieutenant, 1827
- Alexander, William Charles - Lieutenant, 1842
- Alldridge, George Manley - Lieutenant, 1844
- Alldridge, Thomas Adye - Lieutenant, 1841
- Allen, Charles - Retired Captain, 1840
- Allen, Henry Murray Edward - Captain, 1846
- Allen, John (a) - Vice-Admiral, of the Blue, 1846
- Allen, John (b) - Captain, 1815
- Allen, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Allen, John James - Captain, 1841
- Allen, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1807
- Allen, Saunderson - Retired Commander, 1845
- Allen, William - Captain, 1842
- Allen, William Edward Hughes - Commander, 1828
- Alleyn, Richard Israel - Retired Commander, 1835
- Alston, Edward Hughes - Lieutenant, 1841
Am . . .
- Ambrose, Prosper - Lieutenant, 1810
- Amherst, Jeffery Reid - Lieutenant, 1815
- Amiel, William Eardley - Lieutenant, 1812
- Amphlett, William - Lieutenant, 1844
- Amsinck, Henry - Lieutenant, 1824
An . . .
- Anderson, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1842
- Anderson, James (a) - Commander, 1823
- Anderson, James (b) - Commander, 1842
- Anderson, James (d) - Lieutenant, 1816
- Anderson, William - Retired Commander, 1817
- Andoe, James Hilary - Lieutenant, 1815
- Andrew, John William - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Andrew, Zaccheus - Lieutenant, 1838
- Andrews, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1814
- Andrews, Edward - Lieutenant, 1811
- Andros, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Anley, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Annesley, Francis Charles - Commander, 1814
- Anson, Talavera Vernon - Captain, 1841
- Anson, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1843
- Anthony, Charles - Commander, 1813
- Anthony, Mark - Lieutenant, 1808
- Antram, George - Lieutenant, 1802
- Antram, Simon Edward - Lieut., 1811
Ap . . .
- Aplin, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1811
- Aplin, John George - Captain, 1826
- Appleby, John Frederick - Captain, 1838
- Appleby, Young - Retired Commander, 1840
- Apreece, William - Retired Commander, 1840
- Apthorp, Shirley - Lieutenant, 1845
Ar . . .
- Arabin, Septimus - Captain, 1823
- Arbuthnott, Alexander Dundas Young KCC KSF- Captain, 1824
- Archbold, William Augustus - Lieut, 1816
- Archer, Thomas - Lieut., 1808
- Argles, George - Lieut., 1810
- Arguimbau, Joseph - Lieut., 1818
- Arkwright, Augustus Peter - Lieut., 1845
- Armitage, Whaley - Lieut., 1838
- Armytage, William - Lieutenant, 1845
- Arnold, James Fearnley - Lieutenant, 1810
- Arnold, John - Retired Commander, 1842
- Arrow, John Jordan - Commander, 1814
- Arthur, Richard CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Arthur, William Stephens - Commander, 1824
As . . .
- Ashby, William George - Lieutenant, 1826
- Ashby, William Richmond - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ashe, Edward David - Lieutenant, 1842
- Ashley, Benjamin - Retired Commander, 1844
- Ashton, Herbert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Askew, Christopher Crackenthorp - Captain, 1822
At . . .
- Atherton, Bertram Mitford - Lieutenant, 1824
- Athill, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Atkin, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1810
- Atkins, Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Atkins, James - Lieutenant., 1809
- Atkins, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1810
- Atkinson, George - Lieutenant, 1814
- Atkinson, Henry Esch - Commander, 1827
- Atkinson, Horatio Nelson - Lieutenant, 1827
- Atkinson, Robert Laurie - Lieutenant, 1837
- Atkinson, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1813
- Atwater, James - Retired Commander, 1834
Au . . .
- Auchinleck, James Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Austen, Algernon Stewart - Lieutenant, 1841
- Austen, Charles John - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Austen, Charles John (b) - Lieutenant, 1844
- Austen, Francis William KCB - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Austen, Francis William (b) - Commander, 1841
- Austen, Herbert Grey - Lieutenant, 1841
- Austin, Horatio Thomas CB - Captain, 1838
- Austin, William - Lieutenant, 1838
- Autridge, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
Av . . .
- Avarne, Isaac - Lieutenant, 1824
Ay . . .
- Ayling, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Aylmer, Frederick William CB, KFM - Rear-Admiral, of the Red, 1837
- Aylmer, John - Retired Commander, 1836
- Aynsley, Charles Murray - Lieutenant, 1845
- Ayre, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ayscough, Hawkins Godolphin - Lieutenant, 1838
- Ayscough, John - Rear-Admiral, of the White, 1841
- Ayton, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
Ba . . .
- Back, George Kt - Captain, 1835
- Bacon, Edmund Ker Cranstoun - Retired Commander, 1844
- Bacon, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bagehot, Charles - Lieutenant, 1808
- Bagot, Christopher - Lieutenant, 1824
- Bagot, Henry - Captain, 1845
- Bague, George - Retired Commander, 1837
- Baikie, John - Lieutenant, 1807
- Bailey, John Crawshay - Lieutenant, 1844
- Bailey, John William - Retired Commander, 1845
- Bailey, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1814.
- Bailey, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Baillie, Thomas - Captain, 1845
- Bain, Henderson - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Bainbridge, Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Bainbridge, Joseph Andrew - Lieutenant, 1826
- Baird, Andrew - Commander, 1826
- Baird, Daniel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bake, John Walland - Lieutenant, 1815
- Baker, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Baker, Charles Hougham - Commander, 1846
- Baker, George (a) - Captain, 1846
- Baker, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1844
- Baker, Gustavus Spicker - Lieutenant, 1824
- Baker, Henry - Commander, 1814
- Baker, Henry Loraine Bart. CB - Captain, 1815
- Baker, Horace Mann - Lieutenant, 1841
- Baker, James Vashon - Captain, 1843
- Baker, John (a) - Captain, 1810.
- Baker, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1822
- Baker, John Popham - Commander, 1821
- Baker, John Robinett - Lieutenant, 1828
- Baker, Joseph Francis - Lieutenant, 1828
- Baker, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1823
- Baker, Thomas KCB KWN - Vice-Admiral, of the Red, 1837
- Baker, Thomas (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Baker, Vashon - Lieutenant, 1839
- Baker, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Baker, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Baldock, Thomas KTS - Commander, 1841
- Baldwin, Augustus - Captain, 1817
- Balfour, Charles James - Commander, 1846
- Balfour, Edwin Robert Joseph - Lieutenant, 1841
- Balfour, William - Retired Captain, 1840
- Ball, Thomas - Commander, 1828.
- Ball, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ballantyne, John - Retired Commander, 1843
- Ballard, James Boucher - Lieutenant, 1843
- Bamber, Charles Ross - Lieutenant, 1837
- Bance, James - Commander, 1841
- Banks, John - Retired Captain, 1845
- Bannatyne, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Barclay, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1823
- Barclay, John - Retired Commander, 1838
- Barclay, Robert - Lieutenant, 1814
- Barker, Charles - Commander, 1845
- Barker, George (a) - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Barker, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1814.
- Barker, John - Lieutenant, 1802
- Barker, Robert - Lieutenant, 1809
- Barker, William Collins - Lieutenant, 1802
- Barlow, Charles Anstruther CB KSF - Captain, 1841
- Barnard, Edward (a) - Captain, 1817
- Barnard, Edward (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Barnard, Edward King - Lieutenant, 1841
- Barnard, Frederick Lamport - Lieutenant, 1840
- Barnard, George - Retired Commander, 1840
- Barnard, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Barnes, John - Lieutenant, 1813
- Barnes, Peter - Lieutenant, 1815
- Barnett, Edward - Commander, 1838
- Barr, William Frederick - Lieutenant, 1811
- Barrell, Justinian - Commander, 1815
- Barrett, Joseph Faubiel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Barrett, Robert John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Barrett, Augustus George - Lieutenant, 1820
- Barrie, William - Commander, 1846
- Barrow, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1842
- Barrow, Thomas James Raikes - Lieutenant, 1843
- Barrow, Thomas Pownoll Pellew - Lieutenant, 1825
- Barry, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Barton, Ralph - Captain, 1846
- Barton, Richard - Captain, 1837
- Barwell, Nathaniel - Lieutenant, 1814
- Barwell, William - Commander, 1830
- Basden, Charles - Captain, 1841
- Baskerville, Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Baskerville, Perceval - Lieutenant, 1826
- Bastard, Richard - Lieutenant, 1807
- Bastin, Robert - Retired Commander, 1836
- Bate, John Mort - Commander, 1836
- Bate, William Thornton - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bateman, Charles Philip Butler - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Bates, Henry Andrew - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bates, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bathurst, John Oldenshaw - Lieutenant, 1838
- Batt, Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Batt, Joseph - Commander, 1840
- Batt, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Batten, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Battersby, John Palmer - Lieutenant, 1828
- Baugh, Edward - Lieutenant, 1829
- Baugh, Henry - Captain, 1841
- Baugh, Henry William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Baugh, Thomas Folliott - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Baxter, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bayfield, Henry Wolsey - Captain, 1834
- Bayley, Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Bayly, Charles Bissett - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bayly, Charlton Booth - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bayly, James - Commander, 1848
- Bayly, Peter - Lieutenant, 1809
- Baynes, Robert Lambert CB KRG - Captain, 1828
- Baynton, Benjamin - Commander, 1841
- Bazalgette, Joseph William - Commander, 1814
Be . . .
- Beadon, George - Commander, 1841
- Beale, Robert Beale - Lieutenant, 1846
- Beales, Charles - Retired Commander, 1846.
- Beart, Charles James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Beatty, Daniel McNeale - Lieutenant, 1806
- Beauchamp-Proctor, Edward Halhed - Commander, 1846
- Beauchamp-Proctor, William Bart - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Beauclerk, Amelius, Lord, GCB GCH FRS - Admiral of the Red, 1830
- Beauclerk, Amelius Wentworth, Lord - Commander, 1846
- Beauclerk, Frederick Charles Peter, Lord - Commander, 1834
- Beaufort, Francis, FRS FGS FRAS &c - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Beaufoy, George - Lieutenant, 1821
- Beauman, Francis - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1840
- Beaumont, Francis - Retired Commander, 1844
- Beaumont, Richard - Commander, 1825
- Beazeley, George - Lieutenant, 1811
- Becher, Alexander Bridport - Commander, 1841
- Beckett, Flowers - Lieutenant, 1805
- Beckford, John Leigh - Commander, 1821
- Beddek, Henry - Lieutenant, 1829
- Beddoes, Charles Henry - Commander, 1845
- Bedford, Delboeuf Baker - Lieutenant, 1830
- Bedford, Edward James - Lieutenant, 1838
- Bedford, Frederick - Commander, 1799
- Bedford, George Augustus - Commander, 1843
- Bedford, John William - Lieutenant, 1826
- Bedford, Robert Tench - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bedwell, Edward Parker - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bedwell, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1821
- Beechey, Frederick William - Captain, 1827
- Beechey, Richard Brydges - Commander, 1846
- Beer, Christopher - Lieutenant, 1813
- Beer, Thomas - Commander, 1825
- Belcher, Edward, Kt, CB FRAS FGS - Captain, 1841
- Belches, Peter - Lieutenant, 1827
- Belgrave, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1843
- Bell, Charles - Commander, 1830
- Bell, Christopher - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Bellairs, John Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Bellairs, Waleford Thomas - Lieutenant, 1819
- Bellamy, Joseph Hughes - Lieutenant, 1827
- Belsey, Henry - Lieutenant, 1812
- Belson, Henry Fage - Retired Commander, 1845
- Bendyshe, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Benett, Charles Cowper - Commander, 1814
- Benn, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bennet, Martin - Lieutenant, 1811.
- Bennett, James Cooper - Commander, 1826
- Bennett, Thomas - Captain, 1828
- Benson, John Robert - Lieutenant, 1814
- Benthall, Octavius - Lieutenant, 1845
- Bentham, George - Captain, 1816
- Beresford, Henry Barré - Lieutenant, 1842
- Berington, Rowland - Lieutenant, 1846
- Berington, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Berkeley, Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinge, CB MP - Captain, 1814
- Bernard, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841.
- Berners, Hugh - Commander, 1842
- Bertram, Charles - Captain, 1814
- Best, Thomas - Captain, 1830
- Best, Thomas Fletcher - Lieutenant, 1827
- Bethune, Charles Ramsay Drinkwater -
- Betty, Christopher William - Retired Commander, 1832
- Bevan, Edward - Lieutenant, 1828
- Bevians, Robert John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Bevis, Thomas - Commander, 1829
Bi . . .
- Bickerstaff, Francis - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bickford, Joseph Grant - Lieutenant, 1841
- Biddulph, Edward - Lieutenant, 1809
- Bigland, Wilson Braddyll - Captain, 1821
- Bignell, George - Commander, 1815
- Billingsley, John - Lieutenant, 1820
- Bindon, John Read - Retired Commander, 1843
- Bingham, Henry Hope - Commander, 1840
- Bingham, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Bingham, John Elliot - Commander, 1841
- Bingham, Parker Duckworth - Commander, 1827
- Binstead, Cheesman Henry - Commander, 1841
- Birch, Thomas Francis - Commander, 1842
- Birch, Thomas Frederick - Commander, 1840
- Bird, Edward Joseph - Captain, 1843
- Bird, Henry - Lieutenant, 1809
- Birtwhistle, Alexander Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Bishop, George - Lieutenant, 1812
- Bishop, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Bisset, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1808
Bl . . .
- Black, Archibald - Retired Commander, 1843
- Black, John Reddie - Lieutenant, 1814
- Black, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1814
- Black, William - Captain, 1814
- Blacker, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1830
- Blackmore, Charles - Lieutenant, 1823
- Blackmore, John - Lieutenant, 1840
- Blackwood, Francis Price - Captain, 1838
- Blackwood, Henry Martin, Bart. - Captain, 1827
- Blainey, Thomas Morley - Retired Commander, 1837
- Blair, Frederic - Commander, 1842
- Blair, Horatio - Commander, 1841
- Blair, William Fordyce - Commander, 1841
- Blake, Edgar Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Blake, George Charles - Captain, 1838
- Blake, George Hans - Lieutenant, 1815
- Blake, Patrick John - Captain, 1841
- Blake, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1808
- Blakiston, Thomas - Commander, 1821
- Blanckley, Edward - Captain, 1841
- Blanckley, Henry Duncan - Lieutenant, 1844
- Bland, Alleyne - Lieutenant, 1845
- Bland, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Blandford, James - Lieutenant, 1811
- Blane, George - Commander, 1846
- Blatchley, Charles - Lieutenant, 1823
- Blenkarne, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Blennerhassett, James Primrose - Retired Commander, 1844
- Blight, Emanuel - Lieutenant, 1815.
- Blight, William - Captain, 1830
- Blissett, Charles Edward - Lieutenant, 1824
- Blois, John Ralph - Commander, 1821
- Blood, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1827
- Blow, John Aitkin - Captain, 1842
- Bloye, Robert - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Bluett, Buckland Sterling - Captain, 1812
- Bluett, John Courtney - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bluett, Richard - Commander, 1816
- Blurton, George - Lieutenant, 1812
- Blyth, Charles - Lieutenant, 1825
Bo . . .
- Boardman, Robert Ball - Lieutenant, 1809
- Boardman, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1811
- Bogle, Vere Warner Hussey - Retired Commander, 1844
- Boileau, Lestock Francis - Lieutenant, 1806
- Bold, Edward KTS - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bolton, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bolton, Charles - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bolton, Henry - Commander, 1829
- Bolton, James - Lieutenant, 1826
- Bond, Dyer - Retired Commander, 1834
- Bond, Philip - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bond, Thomas Baring - Commander, 1825
- Bond, William Francis - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bonham, Charles Wright - Lieutenant, 1843
- Booth, Augustus Sinclair - Lieutenant, 1836
- Booth, James Richard - Captain, 1846
- Borland, Oswald - Lieutenant, 1845
- Borlase, John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Borough, William - Retired Commander, 1846
- Borrowman, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Borthwick, Alexander - Commander, 1818
- Bosanquet, Charles John - Captain, 1846
- Boswall, John Donaldson - Captain, 1822
- Boswell, Walter - Commander, 1814
- Boteler, Henry - Commander, 1819
- Boteler, John Harvey - Commander, 1830
- Bott, George - Lieutenant, 1832
- Boulderson, Leslie - Retired Commander, 1836
- Boultbee, Frederick Moore - Captain, 1841
- Boultbee, Joseph Bage - Lieutenant, 1813
- Boulton, William - Lieutenant, 1817
- Bourchier, Henry - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Bourchier, Macdonald - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bourchier, Thomas - Captain, 1827
- Bourne, George Stanway - Lieutenant, 1812
- Bourne, Henry - Commander, 1813
- Bourne, Richard - Retired Commander, 1840
- Bouverie, Frederick William Pleydell - Commander, 1842
- Bouverie, Duncombe Pleydell - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Bowden, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bowden, Philip - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bowden, Richard Bayly - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bowden, Richard Booth - Commander, 1813
- Bowen, Augustus Frederick James - Lieutenant, 1836
- Bowen, Charles - Captain, 1825
- Bowen, George - Commander, 1814
- Bowen, Peregrine - Lieutenant, 1808
- Bowen, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bower, James Paterson - Captain, 1845
- Bowerbank, John - Lieutenant,1812
- Bowers, William - Lieutenant,1810
- Bowie, John - Commander, 1846
- Bowker, John - Captain, 1811
- Bowker, John Harrison - Commander, 1845
- Bowlby, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bowles, William, CB MP - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Bowyear, George Le Geyt - Lieutenant, 1840
- Bowyer, William Bohun - Captain, 1830.
- Boxer, Edward CB - Captain, 1823
- Boxer, James - Captain, 1814
- Boxer, James Michael - Lieutenant, 1840
- Boyack, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1804
- Boyce, Frederick Agar - Lieutenant, 1845
- Boyce, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1805
- Boyce, William Nettleton - Lieutenant, 1815
- Boyd, David - Commander, 1815
- Boyd, John Augustus Hugh - Lieutenant, 1845
- Boyd, John McNeill - Lieutenant, 1841
- Boyes, Henry - Captain, 1842
- Boyle, Alexander - Commander, 1842
- Boyle, Courtenay Edmund William - Captain, 1830
- Boyle, Robert Francis - Lieutenant, 1843
- Boys, Edward - Commander, 1814
- Boys, George Sayer - Lieutenant, 1845
- Boys, Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Boys, William - Commander, 1846
- Boyter, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
Br . . .
- Brace, Francis - Captain, 1827
- Bradby, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1809
- Bradley, John - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bradley, Warre Squire - Lieutenant, 1824
- Bradley, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Bradly, Stephen - Commander, 1841
- Bradshaw, Robert Augustus - Commander, 1841
- Brady, William Hollinshed - Lieutenant, 1815
- Brake, William Lenthall - Lieutenant, 1810
- Branch, Alexander Barclay - Captain, 1822
- Branch, John Powell - Lieutenant, 1841
- Brand, Charles - Lieutenant, 1822
- Brand, John Fittz - Lieutenant, 1829
- Brand, William Henry - Commander, 1846
- Brander, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- Brandreth, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1845
- Branford, John - Commander, 1820
- Brasier, James - Captain, 1837
- Bray, Benjamin John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Bray, Josias - Commander, 1825
- Breedon, Harry Alexander - Lieutenant, 1825
- Breedon, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bremer, Edward Gordon - Commander, 1843
- Bremer, James John Gordon KCB KCH - Captain, 1814
- Brenan, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1814
- Brenton, John KSV - Captain, 1822
- Brereton, Godfrey - Lieutenant, 1815
- Breton, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Brett, Henry - Lieutenant, 1810
- Brewer, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1827
- Brice, Nathaniel - Retired Commander, 1840.
- Brickdale, Charles John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Brickwell, Samuel James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bridge, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bridgeman, Charles Orlando - Captain, 1819
- Bridges, George Francis - Commander, 1818
- Bridges, James Henry - Lieutenant, 1838
- Bridges, Philip Henry - Captain, 1827
- Briggs, David - Lieutenant, 1814
- Briggs, Francis - Retired Commander, 1837
- Briggs, George Campbell - Lieutenant, 1838
- Briggs, Stephen - Retired Commander, 1844
- Briggs, Thomas, GCMG - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Brigstocke, Thomas Robert - Commander, 1821
- Brine, George - Captain, 1818
- Brine, George Augustus - Lieutenant, 1845
- Brine, John - Retired Commander, 1838
- Brisbane, James William Douglas - Captain, 1846
- Brittain, George Sherass - Lieutenant, 1829
- Britton, James Suttor - Lieutenant, 1815
- Broad, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Broadhead, Henry - Captain, 1846
- Broadwater, William - Lieutenant, 1806
- Brock, Thomas Saumarez - Commander, 1842
- Brockman, James - Retired Commander, 1830
- Brodie, Alexander - Retired Commander, 1836
- Broke, George Nathaniel - Captain, 1845
- Broke, Philip - Captain, 1835
- Bromley, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bromley, Robert Howe, Sir - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Bromley, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1804
- Brooks, George - Lieutenant, 1806
- Brooman, James - Lieutenant, 1827
- Brooman, William Rule - Lieutenant, 1840
- Broomhead, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1823
- Brothers, John - Lieutenant, 1818
- Broughton, John - Retired Commander, 1831
- Broughton, William - Captain, 1831
- Broun, George - Commander, 1835
- Brouncker, John Payne - Lieutenant, 1829
- Browell, Langton - Commander, 1845.
- Brown, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1822
- Brown, Charles Foreman - Commander, 1841
- Brown, Edwin Langford - Lieutenant, 1845
- Brown, Francis Thomas - Commander, 1840
- Brown, George Williams - Retired Commander, 1834
- Brown, John Hoskins - Lieutenant, 1814
- Brown, John - Lieutenant, 1829
- Brown, Joseph William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Brown, Robert - Lieutenant, 1826
- Brown, Samuel, Sir, KH - Retired Captain, 1842
- Brown, Seymour Yorke - Lieutenant, 1836
- Brown, Thomas - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1838
- Brown, Thomas Bourmaster - Commander, 1841
- Brown, William - Retired Commander, 1833
- Browne, Edward Walpole - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Browne, George - Retired Captain, 1840
- Browne, John Thomas - Lieutenant, 1846
- Browne, Philip - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Browne, Thomas - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Browne, William Cheselden - Commander, 1832
- Brownrigg, Marcus Freeman - Lieutenant, 1822
- Bruce, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bruce, Henry William - Captain, 1821
- Bruce, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bruce, Thomas Cuppage - Lieutenant, 1846
- Brunton, John - Lieutenant, 1825
- Brunton, Richard - Lieutenant, 1841
- Bryant, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Brydges, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1823
Bu . . .
- Buchan, David Adye - Lieutenant, 1841
- Buchanan, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Buchanan, William George - Lieutenant, 1825
- Buchanan, William - Retired Captain, 1846
- Buckle, Claude Henry Mason - Captain, 1845
- Buckle, Matthew - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Budd, Henry Hayward - Commander, 1842
- Budd, Hopewell Hayward - Retired Commander, 1836
- Budgen, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Budgen, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bulford, John - Lieutenant, 1809
- Bulkeley, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Bull, Henry - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bull, James - Lieutenant, 1843
- Bullen, Charles (a) - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Bullen, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1840
- Bullen, Joseph - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Bullen, Richard Edward - Lieutenant, 1830
- Buller, Edward - Lieutenant, 1828
- Buller, Thomas Wentworth - Commander, 1817
- Bulley, John - Lieutenant, 1826
- Bullock, Frederick - Captain, 1838
- Bullock, Horace - Lieutenant, 1843
- Bulman, Archibald Gibson - Commander, 1844
- Bulteel, Thomas Hillersdon - Lieutenant, 1818
- Bunbury, George Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1825
- Bunbury, Richard Hanmer - Commander, 1839
- Bunbury, William McClintock - Commander, 1835
- Bunce, Benjamin Holland - Lieutenant, 1838
- Bunn, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Bunster, Grosvenor - Lieutenant, 1815
- Burbidge, William Cave - Lieutenant, 1815
- Burch, Isaac - Lieutenant, 1814
- Burdon, Richard Mathews - Lieutenant, 1832
- Burdwood, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1844
- Burgess, Samuel - Captain, 1830
- Borgoyne, Frederick William - Captain, 1815
- Burn, John - Retired Commander, 1833
- Burnaby, William Crisp Hood, Bart - Commander, 1814
- Burnet, Charles - Commander, 1832
- Burnett, William Farquharson - Commander, 1846
- Burnham, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Burniston, Hugh Somerville - Lieutenant, 1825
- Burrard, Charles - Captain, 1822
- Burrell, Lindsey Peter - Lieutenant, 1840
- Burridge, Richard - Captain, 1846
- Burrough, John - Lieutenant, 1827
- Burroughes, Henry Negus - Lieutenant, 1845
- Burroughs, Sackville - Lieutenant, 1812
- Burrows, Montagu - Lieutenant, 1843
- Burslem, Godolphin James - Lieutenant, 1838
- Burstal, Edward - Lieutenant, 1846
- Burt, Edward - Commander, 1808
- Burt, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1824
- Burt, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1835
- Burton, Augustus John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Burton, George Guy - Captain, 1846
- Burton, James Ryder - Captain, 1824
- Bury, George - Lieutenant, 1814
- Bushby, Thomas - Captain, 1840
- Butcher, Jonathan - Lieutenant, 1815
- Butcher, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Butcher, Samuel - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Butler, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1846
- Butler, Charles George - Lieutenant, 1822
- Butler, Charles Wandesford - Lieutenant, 1844
- Butler, George, Lord - Lieutenant, 1811
- Butler, Humphrey - Commander, 1839
- Butler, Thomas Atkinson - Lieutenant, 1827
- Butler, Whitwell - Retired Commander, 1845
- Butler, William - Lieutenant, 1840
- Butterfield, Edward Harris - Captain, 1841
- Buttler, George - Commander, 1846
- Buxton, Richard - Lieutenant, 1826
By . . .
- Byass, Wheatley - Lieutenant, 1827
- Byng, Henry Dilkes - Commander, 1846
- Byng, John Russell Morris - Lieutenant, 1845
- Bynon, John Corrie - Commander, 1842
- Byron, George Anson, Lord - Captain, 1814
Ca . . .
- Cabburn, John Everrest - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cadogan, George Earl, CB KMT - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Caffin, James Crawford - Commander, 1842
- Caiger, Herbert - Commander, 1827
- Caldecot, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Calder, Francis Anderson - Lieutenant, 1811
- Caldwell, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Caley, Charles - Commander, 1844
- Cammilleri, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1823
- Campbell, Archibald - Lieutenant, 1815
- Campbell, Charles James Fox - Lieutenant, 1832
- Campbell, Colin (a) - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Campbell, Colin Yorke - Commander, 1846
- Campbell, Donald - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Campbell, Frederick Archibald - Commander, 1846
- Campbell, George - Lieutenant, 1814
- Campbell, George Pryse - Captain, 1821
- Campbell, Guy Colin - Lieutenant, 1846
- Campbell, James - Captain, 1828
- Campbell, James (a) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Campbell, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1831
- Campbell, John (b) - Commander, 1813
- Campbell, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Campbell, John Norman, CB KRG - Captain, 1827
- Campbell, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1835
- Campbell, Robert - Lieutenant, 1824
- Campbell, Robert Graham - Lieutenant, 1843
- Campbell, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Candler, William - Lieutenant, 1826
- Canes, Edward - Lieutenant, 1814
- Cannon, Edward St. Leger - Captain, 1846
- Cannon, Frederick - Commander, 1842
- Cannon, James - Commander, 1846
- Capel, Algernon Henry Champagné - Commander, 1831
- Capel, Thomas Bladen, KCB - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Card, William John Royle - One of the Junior Lieutenants
- Carden, John Surman - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Carew, Charles Hallowell - Captain, 1827
- Carew, Timothy - Lieutenant, 1814
- Carey, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1828
- Carleton, William - Commander, 1826
- Carmichael, Thomas - Commander, 1846
- Carnac, John - Captain, 1837
- Carnegie, Swynfen Thomas MP KSF - Captain, 1845
- Carpenter, Charles - Lieutenant, 1818
- Carpenter, Edward John - Captain, 1846
- Carpenter, James - Admiral of the White, 1837
- Carpenter, John Cook, KH - Captain, 1821
- Carpenter, Thomas - Commander, 1841
- Carpenter, William - Lieutenant, 1824
- Carr, Henry John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Carr, Washington - Commander, 1846
- Carre, Robert Riddell (formerly Riddell) - Captain, 1819
- Carroll, Andrew De la Cour - Lieutenant, 1829
- Carroll, John Fitzgerald - Lieutenant, 1837
- Carroll, William Dacres - Lieutenant, 1842
- Carroll, William Fairbrother CB - Captain, 1813
- Carslake, John - Lieutenant, 1805
- Carter, Alexander Rodney Bligh - Lieutenant, 1842
- Carter, Charles (a) - Vice- Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Carter, Charles (b), KW - Lieutenant, 1800
- Carter, Charles Ricketts - Lieutenant, 1840
- Carter, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Carter, John - Captain, 1815
- Carter, Robert (a), KW - Lieutenant, 1801
- Carter, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Carter, Samuel Thomas - Retired Commander, 1844
- Carter, Thomas Gilbert - Lieutenant, 1808
- Carter, Thomas Wren - Captain, 1831
- Carthew, James - Vice-Admiral, of the White, 1841
- Carthew, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cartwright, John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Cartwright, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1821
- Cary, Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet - Commander, 1835
- Cary, Henry - Retired Commander, 1843
- Cary, Plantagenet Pierrepont - Captain, 1839
- Case, William - Retired Capt., 1846
- Casey, David O'Brien - Lieutenant, 1799
- Cashman, William - Lieutenant, 1845
- Castle, William Langford - Captain, 1841
- Caswell, George - Commander, 1846
- Caswell, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1820
- Caswell, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Cater, Charles Joseph - Lieutenant, 1809
- Cator, Bertie Cornelius - Captain, 1814
- Cator, John Bertie - Lieutenant, 1842
- Caulfeild, Edwin Toby - Lieutenant, 1815
- Caulfeild, James - Commander, 1832
- Cavendish, George John - Captain, 1830
- Cawley, John (a) - Commander, 1825
- Cawley, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1845
Ce . . .
- Cerjat, Charles Thomas William George - Commander, 1845
Ch . . .
- Chads, Henry - Commander, 1845
- Chads, Henry Ducie, CB - Captain, 1825
- Chaloner, Thomas - Commander, 1845
- Chamberlain, William Browne - Lieutenant, 1809
- Chamberlain, William Charles - Commander, 1844
- Chamberlayne, John - Commander, 1828
- Chambers, David - Retired Commander, 1838
- Chambers, William - Commander, 1846
- Chambers, William Wylly - Captain, 1846
- Chamier, Frederic - Commander, 1826
- Chapell, Charles - Retired Commander, 1845
- Chapman, Charles Matthew - Lieutenant, 1814
- Chapman, Isham Fleming - Captain, 1824
- Chapman, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Chapman, Wellesley Pole - Lieutenant, 1842
- Chappell, Edward - Captain, 1838
- Charlesson, Laurence - Lieutenant, 1815
- Charlesson, Richard Williams - Lieutenant, 1815
- Charlewood, Edward Philips - Commander, 1840
- Charlton, Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- Chasman, William - Commander, 1821
- Chave, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cheere, John - Commander, 1845
- Chegwyn, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1809
- Chesnaye, John Christian - Lieutenant, 1813
- Chesshyre, Henry Thomas Newton - Lieutenant, 1846
- Ingestrie, Viscount, Chetwynd, Henry John CB KSL KSA KEG MP - Captain, 1827
- Cheyne, George - Commander, 1819
- Chichester, John Palmer Bruce, Sir, Bart - Lieutenant, 1816
- Chiene, John - Commander, 1813
- Chinnery, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Chivers, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Christian, Hood Hanway - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1838
- Christian, Thomas Hompesch - Commander, 1846
- Christie, Gabriel - Lieutenant, 1813
- Christie, Peter - Captain, 1841
- Christie, William - Lieutenant, 1821
- Christopher, Thomas Borradaile - Lieutenant, 1841
- Chrystie, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1809
- Chubb, George James - Retired Commander, 1840
- Church, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Church, William Harvey - Lieutenant, 1838
Cl . . .
- Clack, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1808
- Clapp, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Clare, Henry William - Lieutenant, 1828
- Clark, James Charles - Lieutenant, 1845
- Clark, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1819
- Clark, John - Retired Commander, 1837
- Clark, Richard (a) - Retired Commander, 1823
- Clark, Robert Ward - Lieutenant, 1844
- Clark, William - Commander, 1840
- Clark, William John Stephen - Retired Commander, 1834
- Clarke, Charles Griffin - Lieutenant, 1826
- Clarke, Edward Francis - Lieutenant, 1841
- Clarke, Edward John Bellenden - Lieutenant, 1841
- Clarke, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- Clarke, Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Clarke, Hyde John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Clarke, Job Bennet - Lieutenant, 1822
- Clarke, Thomas Jordaine - Captain, 1841
- Clarke, Thomas Pickering - Retired Commander, 1843
- Clarke, William Nehemiah - Commander, 1826
- Clavell, Charles - Lieutenant, 1841
- Clavell, John (a) - Captain, 1808
- Clavell, John (b) - Commander, 1843
- Claxton, Christopher - Commander, 1842
- Clay, Edward Sneyd - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Clay, William Noble - Lieutenant, 1822
- Clayton, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Clayton, John Lloyd - Lieutenant, 1818
- Cleaveland, George - Lieutenant, 1842
- Clements, Hanbury - Lieutenant, 1815
- Clephan, James - Retired Captain, 1840
- Clerk, Francis North - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cleugh, Robert - Lieutenant, 1828
- Clifford, Augustus William James, Kt Bart CB - Captain, 1812
- Clifford, Herbert John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Clifford, William John Cavendish - Commander, 1842
- Clowes, Thomas Ball - Captain, 1823
- Clubley, Charles Witty - Lieutenant, 1815
- Clyde, Charles - Retired Captain, 1840
Co . . .
- Coakley, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1840
- Coates, George Lewis - Lieutenant, 1812
- Coates, Richard - Lieutenant, 1809
- Cobb, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1824
- Cochet, John - Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Cochran, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1844
- Cochrane, Thomas John, Kt CB - Rear-Admiral, of the White, 1841
- Cock, Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Cockburn, George PC GCB FRS MP - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Cockburn, James Hobsford - Commander, 1846
- Cockraft, Macleod Baynes - Lieutenant, 1844
- Cockrell, James Patrick - Lieutenant, 1830
- Cocksedge, George Edward - Lieutenant, 1816
- Codd, Edward - Commander, 1844
- Codrington, Edward GCB GCMG GCL KSG GRG FES - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Codrington, Henry John CB KSV KLH KRG - Captain, 1836
- Coffin, Henry Edward - Captain, 1841
- Coffin, John Townsend - Captain, 1822
- Coffin, William Chappell - Lieutenant, 1841
- Coghill, Josiah, Bart, formerly Cramer - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Coghlan, Francis Rogers - Commander, 1843
- Coham, Lewis Heysett - Lieutenant, 1828
- Colby, Thomas - Commander, 1814
- Colchester, Charles, Lord, formerly Abbot - Captain, 1826
- Cole, Edward - Lieutenant, 1806
- Cole, George Ward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cole, Martin - Retired Commander, 1838
- Cole, Robert Martin - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cole, Thomas Edmund - Commander, 1821
- Cole, William - Lieutenant, 1816
- Cole, William John - Captain, 1838
- Coleman, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Coleman, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Coleman, Thomas - Commander, 1837
- Coles, Cowper Phipps - Lieutenant, 1846
- Coles, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Coles, William - Lieutenant, 1838
- Collard, Valentine - Rear-Admiral, of the Blue, 1841
- Collett, Charles Frederick - Lieutenant, 1841
- Colley, George Francis - Lieutenant, 1819
- Collier, Edward (a) - Captain, 1814
- Collier, Edward (b) - Commander, 1845
- Collier, Francis Augustus, Kt CB KCH KLS - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Collier, George Baring Browne - Lieutenant, 1842
- Collier, Henry Theodosius Browne - Captain, 1822
- Collins, Edward - Commander, 1814
- Collins, Francis - Lieutenant, 1828
- Collins, Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Collins, William - Retired Commander, 1843
- Collinson, Richard CB - Captain, 1842
- Collis, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Colman, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Colquhoun, Humphry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Colquitt, Samuel Martin - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Colston, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1825
- Colthurst, Nicholas - Retired Commander, 1841
- Colville, John, Lord - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Combauld, Richard - Lieutenant, 1827
- Combe, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1825
- Comber, Henry Wandesford - Lieutenant, 1846
- Compton, Charles Talbot - Lieutenant, 1844
- Compton, Henry - Retired Captain, 1840
- Compton, John - Lieutenant, 1838
- Compton, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Compton, William, Lord - Commander, 1842
- Conant, John Edward - Retired Commander, 1831
- Congdon, William - Lieutenant, 1816
- Conjuit, John - Lieutenant, 1821
- Conn, Henry - Lieutenant, 1809
- Conner, Richard - Commander, 1828
- Conner, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Conner, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Connolly, John Bell - Retired Commander, 1840
- Connolly, Matthew (a) - Commander, 1813
- Connolly, Matthew (b) - Lieutenant, 1842
- Connolly, Richard Lock - Retired Commander, 1845
- Connolly, William Hallett - Lieutenant, 1846
- Connor, Ross - Lieutenant, 1807
- Consitt, Thomas - Retired Commander, 184
- Coode, Henry - Lieutenant, 1829
- Coode, John CB KFM KWN - Captain, 1810
- Cook, Samuel Edward later Widdrington, KTS - Commander, 1824
- Cook, Thomas FRS - Lieutenant, 1818
- Cooke, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1824
- Cooke, John Murray - Lieutenant, 1841
- Cooke, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cookesley, John - Captain, 1818
- Cookney, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cooper, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1837
- Cooper, Edward James Lloyd - Lieutenant, 1842
- Cooper, William Salmon - Commander, 1843
- Coote, Robert - Lieutenant, 1843
- Coote, William - Retired Captain., 1840
- Cope, Alexander Frederick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Copeland, Richard - Captain, 1838
- Coppin, Charles Pitman - Lieutenant, 1809
- Coppin, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Coppinger, Thomas Stephen - Lieutenant, 1838
- Corbet, Edward - Lieutenant, 1822
- Corbet, Kynaston - Commander, 1841
- Corbett, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1815
- Corbett, John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Corbett, Nathaniel Gordon - Lieutenant, 1813
- Corbyn, Joseph - Commander, 1814
- Corbyn, Major - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cordry, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Corneck, Henry Asser - Lieutenant, 1822
- Cornish, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Cornish, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1830
- Cornwall, John - Commander, 1826
- Corry, Armar Lowry - Captain, 1821
- Corsbie, Richard - Lieutenant, 1809
- Cory, Nicholas - Captain, 1840
- Coryton, Henry - Commander, 1841
- Cosnahan, Michael Finch - Lieutenant, 1815
- Costerton, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1814
- Cotesworth, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Cotesworth, William - Commander, 1829
- Cotgrave, Edward Stone - Commander, 1815
- Cotgrave, Richard - Lieutenant, 1825
- Cotgrave, Rowland Burdon - Lieutenant, 1822
- Cotton, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1828
- Cotton, Francis Vere - Captain, 1841
- Couch, Daniel Little - Retired Commander, 1843
- Couch, James - Captain, 1824
- Couch, Philip Rogers - Lieutenant, 1846
- Coull, Francis Peter - Lieutenant, 1846
- Coulson, Gustavus Hamilton - Commander, 1841
- Courtenay, George William Conway - Captain, 1828
- Courtenay, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Courtenay, Richard William - Lieutenant, 1844
- Coventry, Percy William - Lieutenant, 1844
- Cowan, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cowen, Maurice - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cox, Douglas - Captain, 1841
- Cox, Francis - Retired Commander, 1825
- Cox, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Cox, Henry Laird - Lieutenant, 1840
Cr . . .
- Crabb, Joseph William - Lieutenant, 1809
- Cracroft, Peter - Commander, 1846
- Cragg, John Bettinson - Commander, 1842
- Craggs, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Craigie, Robert - Captain, 1839.
- Crane, Poynter - Retired Commander, 1843
- Crane, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1840
- Crang, John Hay - Lieutenant, 1840
- Craufurd, Frederic Augustus Buchanan - Lieutenant, 1843
- Craufurd, Henry William - Commander, 1835
- Craufurd, Peter - Retired Commander, 1838
- Crawford, Abraham - Captain, 1829
- Crawford, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crawford, Richard Borough - Commander, 1842
- Crawford, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1844
- Crawford, William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Crawley, Charles Gibbs - Lieutenant, 1838
- Crawley, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1814
- Creagh, James - Commander, 1827
- Creak, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crease, Henry - Commander, 1821
- Crellin, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Creser, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Creyke, Richard - Captain, 1814
- Creyke, Richard Boynton - Lieutenant, 1843
- Crichlow, Ralph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crichton, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cririe, John - Commander, 1825
- Crisp, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crisp, John - Lieutenant, 1823
- Crispin, William - Commander, 1844
- Crispo, John William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Criswick, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Critchell, William - Commander, 1846
- Crocker, Henry - Lieutenant, 1812
- Croft, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Croft, William - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Crofton, George Alfred - Captain, 1812
- Crofton, Henry Robert - Lieutenant, 1842
- Crofton, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Croke, Wentworth Parsons - Lieutenant, 1842
- Croker, Charles - Commander, 1825
- Crole, Charles - Captain, 1828
- Crooke, Charles Henry - Commander, 1815
- Crooke, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Crooke, Thomas Leslie - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crooke, William - Commander, 1845
- Crooke, William Boyle - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crosbie, John Gustavus - Lieutenant, 1828
- Crosby, Thomas Sackville KTS GSC - Lieutenant, 1815
- Crotty, William - Lieutenant, 1809
- Crouch, Edward - Commander, 1843
- Crouch, Edward Thomas - Commander, 1821
- Crowdy, Charles - Captain, 1834
- Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira - Captain, 1841
- Crozier, Richard KTS - Captain, 1839
- Crozier, William Pearson - Lieutenant, 1837
- Crutchley, James - Lieutenant, 1816
Cu . . .
- Cudlip, Frederick Augustus - Lieutenant, 1840
- Cull, Thomas (a) - Retired Commander, 1844
- Cull, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Cumberland, Octavius - Lieutenant, 1841
- Cumberland, Richard Edward - Lieutenant, 1827
- Cumby, Charles - Commander, 1813
- Cumby, David Charles - Lieutenant, 1829
- Cuming, Samuel - Retired Commander, 1838
- Cumming, Arthur - Commander, 1846
- Cunningham, William Graves James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Cuppage, Adam - Commander, 1830
- Cuppage, William - Captain, 1830
- Curlewis, William Edward - Commander, 1841
- Currie, Mark John - Captain, 1841
- Currie, Thomas Metcalfe - Commander, 1835
- Curry, Douglas - Captain, 1846
- Curry, Richard CB - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Curtis, Alfred John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Curtis, Lucius CB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Curtis, Roger - Commander, 1846
- Curtis, Roger Lucius - Lieutenant, 1842
- Curzon, Edward CB KSL KSV RG - Captain, 1823
- Curzon, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1843
- Curzon, Henry - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Cutler, Frank - Lieutenant, 1812
Da . . .
- Dabine, Thomas Dymock Jones - Lieutenant, 1812
- Dacre, George Hall - Lieutenant, 1809
- Dacres, James Richard (a) - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Dacres, James Richard (b) - Captain, 1840
- Dacres, Sidney Colpoys KLH KRG - Captain, 1840
- d’Aeth, Edward Henry Hughes - Lieutenant, 1845
- d’Aeth, George William Hughes, formerly Hughes - Captain, 1815
- Dale, Alfred - Retired Commander, 1844
- Dalgleish, James - Commander, 1813
- Dalgleish, James Ogilvy - Lieutenant, 1823
- Dalling, John Windham - Captain, 1828
- Dalrymple, James - Retired Commander, 1845
- Dalton, James Robert - Retired Captain, 1840
- Dalton, Richard Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- Daly, Cuthbert Featherstone CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Daly, John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Dalyell, James - Lieutenant, 1826
- Dalyell, William Cunningham Cavendish - Commander, 1814
- Dance, William Townsend - Captain, 1834
- Dangerfield, Charles - Lieutenant, 1818
- Daniell, George - Captain, 1838
- Daniell, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Daniell, William, Kt - Commander, 1826
- D’Aranda, William - Lieutenant, 1808
- Darby, Abraham - Lieutenant, 1828
- Darel, James Stephen - Lieutenant, 1846
- Darke, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Darley, Arthur - Captain, 1846
- Darnell, Philip Wheler - Lieutenant, 1846
- Darracott, Robert Young Man - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dashwood, Charles KCB GCTS - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Dashwood, Charles Robert KTS - Lieutenant, 1824
- Dashwood, Francis Robert - Lieutenant, 1820
- Dashwood, George Frederick - Lieutenant, 1833
- Dashwood, John De Courcy - Lieutenant, 1820
- Dashwood, William Bateman - Captain, 1818
- Dathan, James Hartley - Retired Commander, 1841
- Davenhill, Matthew - Retired Commander, 1842
- Davenport, Salusbury Pryce, formerly Humphreys, Kt CB KCH - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1840
- Davies, Alexander Bonthrone - Lieutenant, 1845
- Davies, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1808
- Davies, David Gam - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davies, George - Commander, 1842
- Davies, Hamilton - Lieutenant, 1812
- Davies, Henry Thomas - Captain, 1814
- Davies, John (a) - Commander, 1816
- Davies, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davies, John George - Retired Commander, 1843
- Davies, Richard Longfield - Lieutenant, 1824
- Davies, Thomas (a) - Lieutenant, 1844
- Davies, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davies, William Rees - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davis, George Evan - Commander, 1842
- Davis, Henry (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davis, Henry Barnett - Lieutenant, 1838
- Davis, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Davis, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davis, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Davison, Edward Baker - Lieutenant, 1807
- Davison, James Sandford - Lieutenant, 1842
- Davison, Kilgour - Lieutenant, 1811
- Davy, John - Commander, 1814
- Dawes, Daniel Butler - Lieutenant, 1841
- Dawkins, Charles Colyear - Commander, 1841
- Dawson, Gilbert Francis - Lieutenant, 1824
- Dawson, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Dawson, William (a) - Captain, 1841
- Dawson, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Day, Bartholomew George Smith - Lieutenant, 1815
- Day, Charles Estcourt - Retired Commander, 1846
- Day, George Fiott - Lieutenant, 1845
- Day, John - Retired Commander, 1846
- Dayman, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1843
De . . .
- Deacon, Henry Colins - Captain, 1817
- Dealy, William Justin - Lieutenant, 1820
- Deane, William Godfrey - Lieutenant, 1843
- Deans, Robert - Captain, 1838
- Debenham, John - Commander, 1813
- De Blaquiere, William Barnard - Lieutenant, 1844
- Decoeurdoux, George Lacey - Retired Commander, 1844
- De Courcy, Michael - Commander, 1842
- Delafons, Thomas - Commander, 1814
- Delafons, William Philip - Lieutenant, 1810
- Delafosse, Edward Hollingworth - Commander, 1816
- Delap, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- De Lisle, Henry - Lieutenant, 1844
- Delmé, George - Commander, 1828
- Dench, Charles Thomas - Lieutenant, 1844
- Dench, Thomas - Captain, 1828
- Denham, Henry Mangles - Captain, 1848
- Denman, Edmund - Captain, 1825
- Denman, Joseph FRS - Captain, 1841
- Dennehy, Lawrence - Lieutenant, 1824
- Dennis, James Samuel Aked - Commander, 1841
- Denny, Anthony Cuthbert Collingwood - Lieutenant, 1841
- Dennys, Lardner - Lieutenant, 1812
- Densten, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Dent, Charles Calmady - Commander, 1828
- Dent, Digby - Commander, 1820
- Dent, William Dent, formerly Hedley - Lieutenant, 1825
- Denyer, James Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- De Ros, John Frederick Fitzgerald FRS - Captain, 1835
- De Roverea, Frederick Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Derriman, Samuel Hosk - Lieutenant, 1842
- Derry, John - Retired Commander, 1831
- De Sausmarez, Durell - Commander, 1830
- De Sausmarez, Philip - Commander, 1845
- Despourrins, Peter - Retired Commander, 1841
- De Starck, Mauritius Adolphus Newton - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Des Voeux, Charles Frederick - Lieutenant, 1846
- Deuchar, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1813
- De Vere, William Cecil - Lieutenant, 1846
- Devereux, Walter Bourchier - Captain, 1845
- De Vitré, John Denis - Lieutenant, 1781
- Devon, Thomas Barker KCH - Captain, 1825
- Devonshire, Richard - Captain, 1838
- Dew, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dew, Roderick - Lieutenant, 1846
- Dewar, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Dewes, George Bourchier - Lieutenant, 1841
- D’Eyncourt, Edwin Clayton Tennyson - Commander, 1841
Di . . .
- Dick, John KC - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Dick, John Goodrich - Commander, 1841
- Dick, Thomas - Captain, 1814
- Dicken, Henry Perry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dickens, Samuel Trevor (a) - Commander, 1814
- Dickens, Samuel Trevor (b) - Lieutenant, 1846
- Dickinson, Lundy - Lieutenant, 1828
- Dickinson, Thomas - Captain, 1832
- Dickman, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1829
- Dickonson, Lacy - Lieutenant, 1809
- Dickson, Alexander Collingwood Thomas - Commander, 1842
- Dickson, David John - Commander, 1827
- Dickson, John Bourmaster - Lieutenant, 1839
- Dickson, William (a), Bart - Captain, 1837
- Dickson, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Dickson, William Henry - Commander, 1815
- Didham, Charles John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Digby, Edward - Lieutenant, 1821
- Digby, Everard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Digby, Joseph - Captain, 1815
- Diggens, Francis John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Dilke, Thomas - Captain, 1837
- Dilkes, Charles CB - Captain, 1809
- Dillon, William Henry, Kt KCH - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Dirom, James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Disney, Garret Rufus Taylor - Lieutenant, 1826
- Dixie, Alexander - Commander, 1814
- Dixon, Edward - Commander, 1841
- Dixon, James Thomas Taylor - Lieutenant, 1813
- Dixon, John Stewart - Lieutenant, 1814
- Dixon, Manley Hall - Captain, 1811
- Dixon, Matthew - Commander, 1835.
- Dixon, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1807
- Dixson, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1815
Do . . .
- Dobbie, William Hugh - Commander, 1846
- Dobbs, Conway Richard - Lieutenant, 1821
- Dobree, Thomas Peter - Commander, 1839
- Dobson, George - Captain, 1844
- Dobson, Man - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Dobson, William Burdett - Captain, 1841
- Dodd, Henry Winship - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dodd, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1809
- Dolling, Samuel Brooking - Lieutenant, 1841
- Donellan, Malachi - Commander, 1844
- Donlevy, George Marlay - Lieutenant, 1827
- Donovan, Alexander - Retired Commander, 1841
- Dooley, David - Lieutenant, 1828
- Dornford, Francis - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dornford, Josiah - Lieutenant, 1802
- Dornford, Josiah James - Lieutenant, 1842
- Dorville, John William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Dougal, George - Commander, 1815
- Douglas, Archibald Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Douglas, Arthur James - Commander, 1829
- Douglas, Charles Henry - Commander, 1844
- Douglas, Colin - Lieutenant, 1846
- Douglas, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1844
- Douglas, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Douglas, Henry John - Commander, 1845
- Douglas, James Douglas Stoddart, formerly Stoddart, MP - Lieutenant, 1815
- Douglas, John - Lieutenant, 1826
- Douglas, John Erskine - Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Douglas, Peter John - Captain, 1811
- Douglas, Pringle Home - Commander, 1814
- Douglas, Richard - Commander, 1823
- Douglas, Stephen Francis - Lieutenant, 1845
- Douglas, William Grant - Lieutenant, 1846
- Douglas, William Manners Wellington - Commander, 1841
- Dow, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Dowden, William Gibbs - Lieutenant, 1812
- Down, Edward Augustus - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Downes, Henry - Commander, 1829
- Downes, Thomas Hardwicke - Lieutenant, 1838
- Downman, Hugh - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Dowse, Richard - Commander, 1846
- Doyle, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1846
- Doyle, Charles Francis - Commander, 1845
Dr . . .
- Draffen, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1810
- Drake, James Roper - Lieutenant, 1821
- Drake, John - Captain, 1835
- Drake, Robert Hacche - Retired Commander, 1840
- Drake, Spencer - Lieutenant, 1828
- Drake, Thomas George - Commander, 1846
- Drake, William Edmond - Retired Commander, 1841
- Drane, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1809
- Drew, Andrew - Captain, 1843
- Drew, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Drew, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1846
- Drew, George - Commander, 1843
- Drew, Josias - Lieutenant, 1815
- Driffield, Joseph Bligh - Lieutenant, 1824
- Drummond, Adam Kt KCH - Vice-Admiral, of the Red, 1837
- Drummond, Edgar Atheling - Lieutenant, 1846
- Drummond, James Robert - Commander, 1838
- Drummond, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Drury, Augustus Vere - Captain, 1814
- Drury, Byron - Commander, 1845
- Drury, Henry - Captain, 1841
Du . . .
- Du Cane, Charles - Commander, 1815
- Duff, Archibald - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Duff, Norwich - Captain, 1822
- Duffill, John - Captain, 1846
- Dufty, William - Retired Commander, 1843
- Duins, George Parley - Lieutenant, 1828
- Dumaresq, Henry - Commander, 1842
- Dumbreck, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Dunbar, Charles Sydney - Lieutenant, 1844
- Dunbar, James Alexander - Lieutenant, 1842
- Duncan, Adam Camperdown - Commander, 1837
- Duncan, Robert - Commander, 1840
- Duncan, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1832
- Duncombe, Arthur MP - Captain, 1834
- Dundas, Henry - Captain, 1845
- Dundas, James Whitley Deans, formerly Deans, CB MP - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Dundas, John Burnet - Captain, 1828
- Dundas, Richard Saunders CB - Captain, 1824
- Dundas, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1810
- Dundas, William - Lieutenant, 1818
- Dundonald, Thomas GCB, Earl of Dundonald, formerly Lord Cochrane - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Dunlap, Andrew Robert - Lieutenant, 1842
- Dunlop, Hugh - Commander, 1842
- Dunlop, Robert John Wallace - Commander, 1842
- Dunn, David Kt KCH - Captain, 1814
- Dunn, Montagu Buccleugh - Lieutenant, 1846
- Dunn, Nicholas James Cuthbert - Commander, 1814
- Dunnett, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1821
- Dunstan, Octavius - Lieutenant, 1815
- Dunsterville, John - Lieutenant, 1840
- Duntze, John Alexander - Captain, 1829
- D’Urban, John Gooch - Commander, 1841
- Durbin, George - Lieutenant, 1846
- Durham, Philip Charles Calderwood Henderson GCB GCMF - Admiral of the Red, 1830
- Duthy, Peter - Commander, 1841
- Dutton, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1811
- Dutton, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Duval, Francis - Commander, 1814
Dw . . .
- Dwarris, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1817
- Dwyer, Michael - Commander, 1842
Dy . . .
- Dyer, George Shepherd - Commander, 1827
- Dyer, Thomas Swinnerton, Bart - Commander, 1810
- Dyke, Charles - Lieutenant, 1841
- Dyke, Peché Hart - Commander, 1844
Ea . . .
- Eagar, John - Commander, 1825
- Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur Parry - Commander, 1847
- Earle, Edward Charles - Commander, 1844
- Eaton, James - Retired Commander, 1842
Eb . . .
- Eborall, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
Ed . . .
- Eden, Charles - Captain, 1841
- Eden, Henry (a) - Captain, 1827
- Eden, Henry (b) - Commander, 1846
- Eden, Thomas Rodney - Captain, 1844
- Edgell, Harry Edmund - Captain, 1846
- Edgell, Henry Folkes - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Edmonds, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1843
- Edmonstone, William - Commander, 1841
- Edmunds, Charles - Commander, 1841
- Edridge, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Edwardes, William - Commander, 1827
- Edwards, Adams - Lieutenant, 1815
- Edwards, David (a) - Commander, 1827
- Edwards, David (b) - Lieutenant, 1837
- Edwards, Henry - Captain, 1826
- Edwards, Nathaniel Frederick - Commander, 1841
- Edwards, Richard - Commander, 1828
- Edwards, Richard Venn - Lieutenant, 1814
- Edwards, Rowland - Lieutenant, 1841
- Edwards, Sampson - Lieutenant, 1821
- Edwards, William - Retired Commander, 1840
- Edwin, Felix - Commander, 1835
- Edye, Adolphus George - Lieutenant, 1841
Eg . . .
- Egerton, Charles Randle - Commander, 1846
- Egerton, Francis - Lieutenant, 1846
- Egerton, Francis Philip - Commander, 1844
- Egerton, Frederick Arthur - Lieutenant, 1841
- Egmont, Earl of, George James - Captain, 1818
- Egremont, Earl of, George - Captain, 1812
Ek . . .
- Ekins, Charles KCB KWN - Admiral of the White, 1841
El . . .
- Eliot, Henry Algernon - Captain, 1830
- Eliott, George Augustus - KRG Captain, 1838
- Eliott, Russell - Captain, 1838
- Ellerman, Gustavus Adolphus - Lieutenant, 1841
- Ellice, Alexander - Captain, 1831
- Ellicombe, Hugh Middelton - Commander, 1841
- Ellicott, Edward - Rear-admiral, 1846
- Elliot, Charles - Captain, 1828
- Elliot, Charles Gilbert John Brydone - Captain, 1828
- Elliot, David - Lieutenant, 1839
- Elliot, George (a) CB FRS - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Elliot, George (b) - Captain, 1840
- Elliot, Horatio Foley - Lieutenant, 1842
- Elliot, Robert - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Elliot, Robert Hilley - Commander, 1840
- Elliot, Robert James - Commander, 1814
- Elliott, Edward George - Lieutenant, 1826
- Elliott, James Burnett - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ellis, Francis Wilson - Lieutenant, 1812
- Ellis, Frederick Adam - Commander, 1846
- Ellis, Henry - Commander, 1821
- Ellis, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Ellis, Robert - Lieutenant, 1845
- Ellis, William - Commander, 1842
- Ellman, John Spencer - Commander, 1845
- Elmhurst, Philip James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Elmsley, John - Lieutenant, 1824
- Elphick, James - Commander, 1821
- Elphinstone, Alexander Francis - Commander, 1814
- Elrington, George - Retired Commander, 1844
- Elsmere, Charles - Retired Commander, 1838
- Elsmere, Hans Sloane - Retired Commander, 1831
- Elton, Henry - Commander, 1814
- Elvy, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Elwin, James - Lieutenant, 1834
- Elwin, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1814
Em . . .
- Emerton, James - Retired Commander, 1840
- Emery, James Barker - Lieutenant, 1827
En . . .
- English, Charles - Commander, 1827
- Entwisle, Hugh - Retired Commander, 1839
Er . . .
- Erskine, John Elphinstone - Captain, 1838
Es . . .
- Essell, William Foulkes - Lieutenant, 1827
- Estcourt, Walter Grimston Bucknall - Commander, 1841
Et . . .
- Etheridge, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1840
- Etough, Henry Gladwell - Lieutenant, 1813
Ev . . .
- Evance, William Devereux - Commander, 1818
- Evans, George - Captain, 1838
- Evans, Gustavus - Commander, 1841
- Evans, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1811
- Evans, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Evans, Raymond - Lieutenant, 1815
- Evans, Roger - Retired Commander, 1838
- Evans, Thomas (a) - Retired Commander, 1837
- Evans, Thomas (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Evans, Thomas (d) - Lieutenant, 1821
- Evans, Thomas Pearce - Lieutenant, 1810
- Evans, Ward - Lieutenant, 1813
- Evanson, Alleyn - Lieutenant, 1815
- Eve, Edward Long - Lieutenant, 1824
- Evelyn, George James - Lieutenant, 1804
- Everest, Henry Bryan - Lieutenant, 1844
- Everest, Walter Grosett - Lieutenant, 1842
- Evison, John Crouchley - Lieutenant, 1827
Ew . . .
- Ewart, Charles Joseph Frederick - Lieutenant, 1841
Ey . . .
- Eyre, Thomas - Retired Captain, 1846
- Eyres, Harry CB - Captain, 1841
- Eyton, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1824
- Eyton, William Wynne - Lieutenant, 1814
Fa . . .
- Fairholme, James Walter - Lieutenant, 1842
- Fairless, George - Retired Commander, 1843
- Fairman, Alfred Nelson - Commander, 1846
- Fairweather, John - Retired Commander, 1840
- Falcon, Gordon Thomas - Captain, 1813
- Falcon, Maxwell - Commander, 1846
- Falkiner, Charles Leslie - Commander, 1813
- Fanshawe, Arthur CB - Captain, 1816
- Fanshawe, Edward Gennys - Captain, 1845
- Fanshawe, Henry - Captain, 1814
- Farquhar, Arthur - Commander, 1844
- Farquharson, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Farquharson, Edward Riou Owen - Lieutenant, 1810
- Farquharson, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Farrant, John - Retired Commander, 1846
- Farrant, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Fawcett, Henry Augustus - Lieutenant, 1811
- Fayrer, Robert John - Lieutenant, 1808
Fe . . .
- Fead, Francis - Captain, 1826
- Fead, William Frederick - Commander, 1845
- Fead, William Frederick Glocester - Lieutenant, 1847
- Featherstone, Craven John - Commander, 1844
- Featherstone, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fegen, Charles Goodwin - Lieutenant, 1845
- Fegen, Richard - Commander, 1828
- Fellowes, Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Fellowes, James - Lieutenant, 1838
- Fellowes, Thomas Kt CB KCC KLH KSA KRG - Captain, 1811
- Fellowes, William Abdy - Lieutenant, 1840
- Ferguson, George - Captain, 1814
- Ferguson, John Macpherson - Captain, 1817
- Fernandes, Donald - Retired Commander, 1838
- Ferrar, William Augustus - Lieutenant, 1827
- Ferris, Abel - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Ferris, Thomas - Commander, 1815
- Festing, Benjamin Morton - Commander, 1826
- Festing, Colson - Commander, 1836
- Festing, Robert Worgan George CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Festing, Thomas Colson - Lieutenant, 1810
Ff . . .
- Ffarington, William - Captain, 1815
Fi . . .
- Field, Allen George - Lieutenant, 1809
- Field, John Bousquet - Lieutenant, 1846
- Field, William George - Lieutenant, 1832
- Figg, William - Retired Commander, 1840
- Finch, John William - Commander, 1846
- Finemore, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Finlaison, William - Commander, 1820
- Finlayson, John - Retired Commander, 1845
- Finucane, Henry Augustus - Lieutenant, 1820
- Fiott, William Edward - Lieutenant, 1810
- Fishbourne, Edmund Gardiner - Commander, 1841
- Fisher, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fisher, John - Commander, 1814
- Fisher, Peter - Commander, 1841
- Fisher, Thomas - Commander, 1841
- Fisher, William - Captain, 1811
- Fisher, William Edward - Lieutenant, 1845
- Fitton, Michael - Lieutenant, 1804
- FitzClarence, Adolphus, Lord GCH - Captain, 1824
- Fitzgerald, Charles - Commander, 1840
- Fitzgerald, Hamilton - Retired Commander, 1846
- Fitzgerald, Henry - Lieutenant, 1814
- Fitzgerald, John - Retired Commander, 1842
- FitzGerald, John Coghlan - Captain, 1841
- FitzGerald, Michael - Retired Commander, 1830
- Fitz-Gerald, William Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fitzjames, James - Captain, 1845
- Fitzmaurice, Edmund Howe - Lieutenant, 1813
- Fitzmaurice, James - Retired Commander, 1844
- Fitzmaurice, Lewis Roper - Lieutenant, 1844
- Fitzmaurice, William KW - Lieutenant, 1802
- FitzRoy, Charles William Henry Gage - Lieutenant, 1828
- FitzRoy, Robert - Captain, 1834
- Fitz-Roy, William, Lord KCB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
Fl . . .
- Fleming, John - Commander, 1814
- Fleming, Richard Howell KFM KML - Commander, 1816
- Fletcher, Archibald Douglas William - Lieutenant, 1846
- Fletcher, John Venour - Captain, 1841
- Fletcher, William - Captain, 1829
- Floud, Ross Moore - Lieutenant, 1840
Fo . . .
- Foley, Fitzgerald Algernon Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Foley, Osborne - Captain, 1833
- Foord, James John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Foote, Henry Richard - Commander, 1845
- Foote, John (a) - Captain, 1827
- Foote, John (b) - Commander, 1845
- Foote, Pearson - Lieutenant, 1827
- Forbes, Alexander William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Forbes, Andrew - Captain, 1834
- Forbes, Arthur - Captain, 1846
- Forbes, Frederick Edwyn - Lieutenant, 1843
- Forbes, Henry - Captain, 1819
- Forbes, James Hodder - Lieutenant, 1815
- Forbes, John - Retired Captain, 1844
- Forbes, Thomas George - Commander, 1842
- Forder, George - Lieutenant, 1810
- Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall - Commander, 1841
- Foreman, John Samuel - Captain, 1841
- Foreman, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Forrest, James Rocheid - Lieutenant, 1814
- Forster, George Brooke - Lieutenant, 1812
- Forster, Matthew Charles - Commander, 1847
- Forster, Robert - Commander, 1815
- Forsyth, Charles Codrington - Lieutenant, 1843
- Forsyth, William Codrington - Lieutenant, 1845
- Fortescue, Henry - Lieutenant, 1823
- Fortescue, Thomas Dyke Acland - Lieutenant, 1846
- Fosbery, Godfrey - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fosse, William - Lieutenant, 1809
- Foster, Henry Decolas - Lieutenant, 1828
- Fothergill, William - Lieutenant, 1830
- Fowell, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1842
- Fowell, William Newton - Commander, 1839
- Fowke, Richard - Lieutenant, 1816
- Fowke, Thomas Thorpe - Lieutenant, 1825
- Fowler, George Campbell - Lieutenant, 1841
- Fowler, Robert Dashwood - Commander, 1846
- Fowler, Robert Merrick - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Fowler, Thomas Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fox, George - Retired Commander, 1847
Fr . . .
- Frampton, Thomas Richard - Lieutenant, 1822
- France, Nathaniel Cranstoun - Lieutenant, 1814
- Francillon, John George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Francillon, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Frankland, Charles Colville - Captain, 1841
- Frankland, Edward Augustus - Captain, 1835
- Franklin, Edward - Commander, 1846
- Franklin, John (a) Kt KCH KRG DCL FRS - Captain, 1822
- Franklin, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1842
- Frankling, Felix - Retired Commander, 1844
- Franklyn, George - Lieutenant, 1807
- Franklyn, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Fraser, Charles - Commander, 1823
- Fraser, George - Lieutenant, 1821
- Fraser, John - Captain, 1841
- Fraser, Thomas - Captain, 1841
- Frazer, George Alexander - Commander, 1841
- Frederick, Charles - Captain, 1842
- Freeland, John Osmond - Lieutenant, 1838
- Freeling, Francis, Bart - Lieutenant, 1842
- Freer, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1821
- Freese, Auchmuty Tylden - Lieutenant, 1842
- Freestun, Humphrey May - Lieutenant, 1812
- Fremantle, Charles Howe - Captain, 1826
- Fremantle, Stephen Grenville - Captain, 1842
- French, John Tracey William - Lieutenant, 1837
- Frere, John James Bartholomew Edward - Commander, 1846
- Fricker, Robert - Retired Commander, 1833
- Friend, Charles - Lieutenant, 1812
- Friend, Matthew Curling FRS - Lieutenant, 1815
Fu . . .
- Fuge, Edward Phillott - Lieutenant, 1844
- Fulford, John - Commander, 1840
- Fullarton, John Campbell - Lieutenant, 1828
- Fuller, Rose Henry - Commander, 1814
- Fuller, William - Lieutenant, 1827
- Furber, Thomas - Commander, 1824
- Furneaux, James Holmes - Lieutenant, 1845
- Furneaux, John - Captain, 1829
Ga . . .
- Gabriel, James Wallace KH - Captain, 1831
- Gage, William Hall Kt GCH - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Gahan, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gale, Charles - Lieutenant, 1824
- Gallaway, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1812
- Gallichan, James - Lieutenant, 1810
- Galloway, James - Commander, 1806
- Gallwey, Henry John Windham Sherbrook Payne - Commander, 1841
- Gallwey, Thomas - Retired Captain, 1844
- Gambier, George Cornish - Captain, 1821
- Gambier, Robert - Captain, 1814
- Gambier, Robert Fitzgerald - Captain, 1846
- Gape, Joseph - Captain, 1841
- Gardiner, Allen Francis - Commander, 1826
- Gardiner, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gardner, Alan Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Gardner, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Gardner, George Johnson - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gardner, James Anthony - Retired Commander, 1832
- Garforth, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Garland, Joseph Gulston - Captain, 1815
- Garland, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Garnham, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Garnier, Brownlow North - Lieutenant, 1826
- Garrett, Charles - Lieutenant, 1824
- Garrett, Edward (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Garrett, Edward William - Commander, 1809
- Garrett, Henry (a) - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1840
- Garrett, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Garrett, John - Commander, 1833
- Garrick, William - Retired Commander, 1845
- Garvey, George - Lieutenant, 1816
- Gascoyne, John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Gaussen, Thomas Lovette - Lieutenant, 1845
- Gayton, Charles - Commander, 1841
Ge . . .
- Geale, Daniel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gearey, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1823
- Geary, John - Commander, 1831
- Geary, William Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Geddes, John - Lieutenant, 1819
- Gedge, John - Captain, 1821
- Gennys, John Henn - Commander, 1845
- Gennys, William Henn - Lieutenant, 1840
- George, George - Retired Commander, 1844
- George, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- George, Thomas Gethy - Lieutenant, 1825
- Georges, Henry St. John - Commander, 1845
- Gerard, Henry - Lieutenant, 1825
- Gerrard, William Collinson - Lieutenant, 1823
Gi . . .
- Gibbons, William - Retired Commander, 1836
- Gibson, Paul Wellington - Lieutenant, 1844
- Giffard, George - Captain, 1845
- Giffard, Henry Wells - Captain, 1841
- Giffard, James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Giffard, John - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Gifford, James - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Gilbert, Edmund Williams - Commander, 1842
- Gilchrist, William - Retired Commander, 1843.
- Giles, Henry John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Giles, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gill, Harry - Lieutenant, 1828
- Gill, Joseph Collings - Commander, 1842
- Gill, Thomas - Captain, 1837
- Gill, William Young - Lieutenant, 1824
- Gillmor, Clotworthy - Retired Commander, 1845
- Gilmore, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gilmour, Alexander - Retired Commander, 1836
- Gilson, Thomas Andrew - Lieutenant, 1829
- Gittings, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1829
Gl . . .
- Gladstone, John Neilson - Commander, 1842
- Glaire, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Glanvill, George - Retired Commander, 1843
- Glanville, William Fanshawe - Captain, 1846
- Glascock, William Nugent - Captain, 1833
- Glasgow, Earl of, formerly Viscount Kelburne - Lieutenant, 1814
- Glasscott, Adam Gifford - Lieutenant, 1841
- Glasse, Frederick Henry Hastings - Captain, 1846
- Glennie, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Glinn, Charles James Price - Lieutenant, 1842
- Glinn, Constantine George - Lieutenant, 1845
- Glynn, Edmund Anthony - Lieutenant, 1840
- Glynn, Henry Richard (a) - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Glynn, Henry Richard (b) - Lieutenant, 1836
Go . . .
- Godby, Charles - Lieutenant, 1829
- Godby, John Hardy - Captain, 1814
- Goddard, George - Lieutenant, 1810
- Goddard, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Godden, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Godden, Joseph Shaw - Lieutenant, 1815
- Godench, Francis - Lieutenant, 1809
- Godfrey, George Robert - Lieutenant, 1806
- Godfrey, John Race - Lieutenant, 1815
- Godfrey, Peter McKenzie - Lieutenant, 1841
- Godwin, Matthew - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Goldfinch, George - Commander, 1846
- Goldie, Alexander Taubman - Commander, 1839
- Goldie, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Goldsmith, Charles - Lieutenant, 1825
- Goldsmith, George - Captain, 1842
- Gooch, George Thomas - Commander, 1824
- Gooch, Thomas Lewis - Commander, 1842
- Goode, Sephas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gooding, James Glassford - Retired Commander, 1838
- Goodlad, Edward - Lieutenant, 1814
- Goodridge, Richard - Lieutenant, 1819
- Goold, Hugh - Commander, 1830
- Goose, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gordon, Adam, Viscount Kenmure - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gordon, Alexander Crombie - Lieutenant, 1842
- Gordon, Alexander Duff - Lieutenant, 1845
- Gordon, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1836
- Gordon, Charles (a) CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Gordon, Charles (b) - Captain, 1828
- Gordon, Charles Rumbold - Lieutenant, 1813
- Gordon, David Macdowall - Lieutenant, 1845
- Gordon, George Thomas KSF - Captain, 1846
- Gordon, Henry - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Gordon, Henry Cranmer - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gordon, James (a) - Commander, 1821
- Gordon, James (b) - Commander, 1834
- Gordon, James (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gordon, James Alexander (a) KCB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Gordon, James Alexander (b) - Commander, 1842
- Gordon, James Alexander (c) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Gordon, James Edward - Lieutenant, 1811
- Gordon, James Gabriel - Commander, 1815
- Gordon, James Murray - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Gordon, John - Captain, 1818
- Gordon, Robert - Captain, 1837
- Gordon, William (a) MP - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Gordon, William (b) - Captain 1841
- Gordon, William Everard Alphonso - Lieutenant, 1842
- Gore, Edward - Commander, 1828
- Gore, George Edward Knox - Lieutenant, 1843
- Gore, Graham - Commander, 1846
- Gore, John (a) - Captain, 1821
- Gore, John (b) - Captain, 1825
- Gore, Ralph (a) - Retired Commander, 1835
- Gore, Ralph (b) - Lieutenant, 1824
- Gore, Robert (a) MP - Captain, 1846
- Gore, Robert (b) - Commander, 1821
- Goslin, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Gosnold, James - Lieutenant, 1816
- Gosselin, Joshua Carteret - Lieutenant, 1810
- Gosselin, Thomas Le Marchant - Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Gosset, Charles - Lieutenant, 1819
- Gosset, Henry - Captain, 1829
- Gostling, Philip - Captain, 1841
- Gough, Frederick William - Lieutenant, 1845
- Gould, Davidge GCB - Admiral of the Red, 1825
- Gould, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Goullet, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Gourly, John - Captain, 1817
- Govett, James - Lieutenant, 1815
Gr . . .
- Grace, Percy - Captain, 1825
- Graeme, Alexander John - Commander, 1842
- Graham, Charles CB - Captain, 1830
- Graham, George Tempest - Lieutenant, 1846
- Graham, John George - Captain, 1825
- Graham, Philip - Commander, 1825
- Gramshaw, Joseph George Hülzen - Retired Commander, 1839
- Grandy, John Samuel William - Lieutenant, 1842
- Grandy, Samuel - Commander, 1837
- Granger, William - Vice-Admiral, of the Red, 1837
- Grant, Arthur - Commander, 1846
- Grant, Duncan Brooks Gordon - Lieutenant, 1827
- Grant, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Grant, Henry James - Lieutenant, 1846
- Grant, John - Commander, 1835
- Grant, Richard Kt - Captain, 1828
- Grant, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Grantham, Charles (a) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Grave, John Castellow - Lieutenant, 1818
- Graves, Thomas - Captain, 1846
- Gray, Edward Evans - Commander, 1846
- Gray, Francis - Lieutenant, 1814
- Gray, Herbert Blachford - Lieutenant, 1844
- Gray, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gray, Richard - Lieutenant, 1830
- Gray, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gray, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1825
- Graydon, James Newenham - Lieutenant, 1815
- Greathed, George Herbert Harris - Lieutenant, 1846
- Green, Andrew Pellet Kt KCH KSS - Captain, 1814
- Green, John - Lieutenant, 1809
- Green, William Pringle - Lieutenant, 1806
- Greenaway, Richard - Commander, 1814
- Greene, Augustus Percival - Lieutenant, 1842
- Greene, Charles - Commander, 1814
- Greene, Thomas - Commander, 1833
- Greene, William Burnaby - Captain, 1834
- Greene, William Pomeroy - Lieutenant, 1826 - 1845
- Greening, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Greensword, Edward Nathaniel - Retired Commander, 1842
- Greenway, George Courtenay - Lieutenant, 1814
- Greenway, Richard Croft - Lieutenant, 1805
- Greer, John Miers - Retired Commander, 1840
- Greet, William - Lieutenant, 1840
- Gregory, Arthur Thomas - Retired Commander, 1831
- Gregory, Cave - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gregory, John - Retired Commander, 1845
- Gregory, Thomas - Commander, 1833
- Grenfell, Sidney - Commander, 1840
- Gresham, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1843
- Gretton, Walthall - Lieutenant, 1828
- Greville, Henry Francis - Captain, 1832
- Grey, Charles Conrad - Commander, 1842
- Grey, Frederick William CB - Captain, 1828
- Grey, George - Captain, 1834
- Grierson, James - Retired Commander, 1838
- Grierson, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Grierson, William Charles - Lieutenant, 1845
- Grieve, Adam - Retired Commander, 1843
- Griffin, William - Captain, 1842
- Griffith, Henry Allan - Lieutenant, 1826
- Griffith, Smyth - Lieutenant, 1823
- Griffiths, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Griffiths, Herbert Lloyd - Lieutenant, 1842
- Griffiths, Joseph - Commander, 1819
- Griffiths, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Griffiths, William Nelson - Lieutenant, 1823
- Griffiths, William Tomlin - Commander, 1846
- Grint, William - Commander, 1818
- Grindred, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Groom, John - Lieutenant, 1823
- Grose, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1815
- Grosett, Walter - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Grote, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1823
- Groube, Thomas - Captain, 1814
- Grove, Francis - Commander, 1838
- Grove, Henry Leslie - Retired Commander, 1846
- Grove, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Groves, John - Lieutenant, 1827
Gu . . .
- Gunnell, Edmund Hall - Lieutenant, 1841
- Gunning, Orlando George Sutton - Commander, 1830
- Gurley, John - Lieutenant, 1827
- Gutzmer, John - Lieutenant, 1829
- Guyon, John Frederick - Lieutenant, 1838
Gw . . .
- Gwyn, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Gwynne, Lawrence LLD - Retired Commander, 1836
Ha . . .
- Hackett, Edward - Lieutenant, 1818
- Hackett, John - Captain, 1838
- Hadaway, Cumberland - Commander, 1846
- Hagan, Robert - Captain, 1843
- Haggard, Henry Vachell -
- Haines, Berry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hains, John - Commander, 1845
- Halahan, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hale, Jeffrey - Lieutenant, 1815
- Halford, Charles - Lieutenant, 1812
- Halkett, John Bart - Commander, 1837
- Halkett, Peter Alexander - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hall, Charles - Commander, 1841
- Hall, Edward (a) - Retired Captain, 1846
- Hall, Edward (b) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hall, George - Retired Commander, 1841
- Hall, Henry John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Hall, Henry Watson - Lieutenant, 1814
- Hall, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hall, Robert - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hall, Roger - Commander, 1819
- Hall, Thomas Samuel - Lieutenant, 1816
- Hall, William - Commander, 1814
- Hall, William - Commander, 1814
- Hall, William Hayhurst - Commander, 1840
- Hall, William Hutcheon FRS - Captain, 1844
- Hall, William King - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hallett, Charles William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hallett, Edward Knatchbull Hughes - Commander, 1841
- Halliday, George Richard - Lieutenant, 1841
- Halliday, Lionel - Lieutenant, 1828
- Hallowes, Francis - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hallowes, John - Captain, 1842
- Hallowes, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hallyburton, John Frederick Gordon, formerly Gordon GCH MP - Captain, 1836
- Halsted, Edward Pellew - Captain, 1842
- Halsted, George - Retired Captain, 1840
- Halsted, George Anthony - Commander, 1827
- Halsted, Lawrence George - Lieutenant, 1841
- Ham, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hambly, Peter Sampson - Captain, 1841
- Hambly, Thomas Tocker - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hamby, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Hamilton, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hamilton, Arthur Philip - Captain, 1816
- Hamilton, Augustus Barrington Price Powell -
- Hamilton, Charles - Lieutenant, 1802
- Hamilton, Charles Henry - Commander, 1841
- Hamilton, Cospatrick Baillie - Commander, 1844
- Hamilton, Edward, Bart Kt KCB MA - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Hamilton, Henry George - Commander, 1834
- Hamilton, James - Lieutenant, 1821
- Hamilton, John (b) - Commander, 1827
- Hamilton, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hamilton, John Fane Charles - Lieutenant, 1844
- Hamilton, Joseph - Commander, 1828
- Hamilton, Peter William - Commander, 1841.
- Hamilton, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hamilton, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Hamilton, William Alexander Baillie - Captain, 1828
- Hamilton, William Price - Captain, 1836
- Hamley, William KLA - Captain, 1834
- Hamley, Wymond - Commander, 1846
- Hammet, Lacon Ussher - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hammond, Charles - Lieutenant, 1805
- Hammond, Robert - Lieutenant, 1827
- Hamond, Andrew Snape - Captain, 1846
- Hamond, Graham Eden, Bart KCB KCTS - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Hamond, Graham Eden William - Commander, 1843
- Hancock, George - Lieutenant, 1844
- Hancock, James Kinneer - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hancock, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hancock, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hancock, Richard Turner - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Hand, George Sumner - Commander, 1841
- Handley, John William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hanham, William - Lieutenant, 1818
- Hankey, Frederick Thomas Barnard - Commander, 1846
- Hankey, Henry Barnard - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hanmer, David - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hannant, Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hansard, Alfred Ogle - Lieutenant, 1844
- Harcourt, Frederick Edward Vernon, formerly Vernon - Captain, 1814
- Harcourt, Octavius Vernon, formerly Vernon - Captain, 1827
- Harding, Francis - Captain, 1841
- Harding, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Harding, John - Commander, 1846
- Hardman, Henry Bowman - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hardwick, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hardwicke, Earl of - Captain, 1825
- Hardy, Edward - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hardy, Robert William Hale - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hardy, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1821
- Hare, Charles - Lieutenant, 1810
- Hare, Marcus Theodore - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hare, Richard - Lieutenant, 1814
- Hare, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hargood, William - Captain, 1837
- Harley, Edward - Retired Commander, 1837
- Harnage, George Bart, formerly Blackman - Commander, 1820
- Harness, Richard Stephens - Commander, 1814
- Harper, Francis Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Harper, George - Lieutenant, 1837
- Harper, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Harper, John CB KLA - Captain, 1814
- Harries, Edward Thornborough - Lieutenant, 1833
- Harriott, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Harris, Edward Alfred John MP - Captain,. 1841
- Harris, Francis - Lieutenant, 1815
- Harris, Henry - Retired Commander, 1845
- Harris, Isaac - Retired Commander, 1845
- Harris, James - Commander, 1815
- Harris, Robert - Commander, 1841
- Harris, William Clark - Lieutenant, 1811
- Harrison, George - Lieutenant, 1834
- Harrison, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- Harrison, John Gustavus - Commander, 1842
- Harrison, Joseph - Captain, 1832
- Harrop, David - Lieutenant, 1815
- Harrow, Henry - Lieutenant, 1814
- Harston, Henry Cooke - Commander, 1845
- Hart, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hart, Francis - Commander, 1830
- Hart, George Vaughan - Lieutenant, 1827
- Hart, Henry Kt KCH - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Harvey, Charles Bernhard - Commander, 1814
- Harvey, Edward (a) - Captain, 1811
- Harvey, Edward (b) - Lieutenant, 1826
- Harvey, Gillmore - Commander, 1846
- Harvey, Henry - Commander, 1841
- Harvey, Henry John - Lieutenant, 1834
- Harvey, Henry Wise - Lieutenant, 1819
- Harvey, John - Commander, 1819
- Harvey, Robert Beazley - Lieutenant, 1841
- Harvey, Thomas - Commander, 1840
- Harward, Richard - Captain, 1809
- Haskoll, William - Commander, 1841
- Hast, Philip - Lieutenant, 1826
- Hastings, Francis Decimus - Captain, 1840
- Hastings, George Fowler - Captain, 1845
- Hastings, Thomas Kt - Captain, 1830
- Haswell, Charles Symes - Lieutenant, 1827
- Haswell, Edward - Lieutenant, 1816
- Haswell, John Dawes - Lieutenant, 1815
- Haswell, William Henry (a) - Commander, 1830
- Haswell, William Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hathorn, George - Captain, 1840
- Hatton, Villiers Francis - Captain, 1812
- Haultain, Charles KH - Commander, 1814
- Hawes, Edward - Commander, 1828
- Hawke, Bladen Edward - Lieutenant, 1844
- Hawker, Edward - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Hawker, Henry Samuel - Commander, 1846
- Hawkey, Charles - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hawkins, Abraham Mills - Captain, 1835
- Hawkins, Charles - Lieutenant, 1807
- Hawkins, Frank Keene - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hawkins, Henry Caesar - Commander, 1842
- Hawkins-Whitshed, James Bart, GCB - Admiral of the Fleet, 1844
- Hawkshaw, Hugh - Lieutenant, 1819
- Hawtayne, Charles Sibthorpe John - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Hay, George James - Captain, 1846
- Hay, James - Captain, 1819
- Hay, James Beckford Lewis - Captain, 1841
- Hay, John (a), Lord CB GCC - Captain, 1818
- Hay, John (b) - Commander, 1841
- Hay, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Hay, John (d) - Lieutenant, 1832
- Hay, John Baker Porter - Captain, 1842
- Hay, John Charles Dalrymple - Commander, 1846
- Hay, Patrick Duff Henry - Captain, 1833
- Hay, Peter - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hay, Robert Sinclair - Commander, 1827
- Hay, William - Lieutenant, 1830
- Haycock, Charles - Lieutenant, 1813
- Haydon, Charles - Lieutenant, 1810
- Haydon, George - Lieutenant, 1807
- Haydon, William - Captain, 1841
- Haydon, William Phippard - Lieutenant, 1809
- Haye, George - Captain, 1829
- Hayes, Courtenay Osborn - Captain, 1846
- Hayes, George - Captain, 1829
- Hayes, John Montagu - Commander, 1841
- Haymes, Philip George - Captain, 1846
- Hayter, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1818
He . . .
- Hea, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Head, Richard John - Commander, 1819
- Heales, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1827
- Healy, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Heard, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1840
- Hearle, Robert - Retired Commander, 1850
- Heaslop, John Colpoys - Commander, 1817
- Heastey, George - Lieutenant, 1810
- Heath, Leopold George - Lieutenant, 1840
- Heath, William Andrew James - Lieutenant, 1844
- Heathcote, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1840
- Heathcote, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1824
- Heathcote, Henry Kt - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Heddington, Thomas - Commander, 1806
- Helby, John Hasler - Commander, 1847
- Hellard, Samuel - Captain, 1839
- Helpman, Benjamin Francis - Lieutenant, 1841
- Helpman, Philip Augustus - Commander, 1842
- Hemer, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hemmans, Samuel Hood - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hempsted, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hemsworth, William Glassford - Lieutenant, 1815
- Henderson, David - Lieutenant, 1815
- Henderson, George - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Henderson, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Henderson, John (d) - Lieutenant, 1822
- Henderson, Thomas - Captain, 1840
- Henderson, William Honyman CB KSF - Captain, 1838
- Henderson, William Wilmott CB KH - Captain, 1815
- Hendry, William - Captain, 1822
- Henn, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hennah, Edward - Lieutenant, 1821
- Hennah, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1829
- Henning, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Henri, Alphonso - Lieutenant, 1812
- Henry, Arthur Robert - Lieutenant, 1842
- Henry, George Augustus - Commander, 1841
- Henry, Hastings Reginald - Captain, 1843
- Henry, John - Lieutenant, 1823
- Henry, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hensley, Charles - Lieutenant, 1813
- Henslow, Frederick John Francis - Lieutenant, 1829
- Herbert, Douglas - Lieutenant, 1846
- Herbert, Frederick Charles - Lieutenant, 1844
- Herbert, George Flower - Commander, 1828
- Herbert, John Fletcher - Lieutenant, 1819
- Herbert, Thomas KCB - Captain, 1822
- Herbert, William George - Lieutenant, 1845
- Herrick, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Herrick, William Henry - Commander, 1813
- Herringham, William Allan - Captain, 1837
- Heseltine, Albert - Commander, 1846
- Hetherington, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Hewes, Thomas Oldacres - Retired Captain, 1842
- Hewett, Graham - Commander, 1845
- Hewett, James - Retired Commander, 1843
- Hewett, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hewitt, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1828
- Hewlett, Richard Strode - Commander, 1845
- Hewlett, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hewson, George - Captain, 1817
- Hewson, Maurice - Lieutenant, 1809
- Hext, William - Captain, 1841
- Heyland, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Heysham, James - Lieutenant, 1827
Hi . . .
- Hiatt, John - Retired Commander, 1834
- Hibbs, Robert John - Lieutenant, 1796
- Hickes, Augustus Thomas - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hickley, Victor Grant - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hickman, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Hicks, Edward Buller - Lieutenant, 1812
- Hicks, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hicks, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Higgins, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Higginson, Francis - Lieutenant, 1839
- Higginson, George Montagu - Retired Commander, 1835
- Higgon, Henry Miller - Lieutenant, 1812
- Higgs, William Henry - Captain, 1846
- Higman, Henry - Captain, 1817
- Hill, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hill, Charles Thomas - Lieutenant, 1833
- Hill, Edward (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hill, Edward (b) - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hill, Henry - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Hill, Henry Joseph - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hill, Henry Worsley - Commander, 1841
- Hill, John Kt - Captain, 1815
- Hill, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1810
- Hill, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hill, Joseph Augustus Witham - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hill, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1812
- Hill, Thomas Sharp - Lieutenant, 1833
- Hilldrup, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hillier, Curry William - Commander, 1814
- Hillier, George - Commander, 1824
- Hills, George - Captain, 1814
- Hills, John - Commander, 1841
- Hills, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1806
- Hillyar, Charles Farrell - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hillyar, Henry Shank - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hillyar, William - Captain, 1836
- Hilton, George - Commander, 1814
- Hilton, John KFM - Commander, 1814
- Hilton, Stephen - Retired Commander, 1839
- Hinde, Edwin Thomas - Lieutenant, 1844
- Hindmarsh, John KH - Captain, 1831
- Hingston, George - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hippisley, Charles James - Lieutenant, 1836
- Hire, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hire, George Augustus - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hire, Henry - Lieutenant, 1808
- Hire, Henry William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hirtzel, George John - Commander, 1842
- Hitchins, Joseph - Retired Commander, 1836
Ho . . .
- Hoar, Balch Nun - Lieutenant, 1803
- Hoare, Edward Wallis - Captain, 1810
- Hoare, Richard - Captain, 1827
- Hoare, William O’Bryen - Commander, 1846
- Hobart, Augustus Charles - Lieutenant, 1845
- Hockin, Charles Luxmore - Commander, 1846
- Hockin, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hockings, Robert - Captain, 1821
- Hockley, John Baker - Lieutenant, 1837
- Hodder, Michael - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hodder, Peter - Lieutenant, 1812
- Hodder, Robert - Lieutenant, 1817
- Hodder, Thomas Eyre - Lieutenant, 1824
- Hodge, Stephen - Commander, 1846
- Hodgkinson, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hodgskin, James Archibald - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hodgskin, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1846
- Hodgson, Brian - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Hodgson, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hodgson, James - Retired Commander, 1843
- Hoffman, Frederick - Retired Captain, 1840
- Hoffmeister, Charles John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hogge, Edward Martin - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hoghton, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Holbech, George - Commander, 1830
- Holberton, John - Lieutenant, 1816
- Holbrook, Charles - Commander, 1842
- Holbrook, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Holbrook, Thomas - Commander, 1828
- Holburne, Thomas William Bart - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hole, Lewis - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Hole, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Holland, Edward - Commander, 1840
- Holland, Frederick - Commander, 1846
- Hollinworth, Henry Augustus - Lieutenant, 1843
- Hollinworth, John (a) - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Hollinworth, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1837
- Holloway, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Holman, James KW FRS - Lieutenant, 1807
- Holman, Robert - Lieutenant, 1810
- Holman, Thomas Holloway - Commander, 1841
- Holman, William - Retired Captain, 1844
- Holmes, Edward - Lieutenant, 1841
- Holt, William - Captain, 1838
- Home, James Everard Bart CB FRS - Captain, 1837
- Honyman, Robert - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Hood, Arthur William Acland - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hood, Silas Thomson - Commander, 1815
- Hood, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hood, William John Thompson - Captain, 1843
- Hookey, James - Lieutenant, 1828
- Hooper, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1809
- Hooper, John Sackett - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hooper, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Hooper, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1824
- Hoops, Richard - Lieutenant, 1840
- Hope, Charles - Captain, 1826
- Hope, David - Captain, 1830
- Hope, George (a) - Captain, 1845
- Hope, George (b) - Commander, 1828
- Hope, Henry CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Hope, James CB - Captain, 1838
- Hope, Sackett - Captain, 1840
- Hope, Thomas - Commander, 1841
- Hopkins, Charles - Lieutenant, 1827
- Hopkins, Edward Jervis - Lieutenant, 1826
- Hopkins, Robert - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hopkinson, Simon - Commander, 1821
- Hore, Cavendish Bradstreet - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hore, Edward George - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hore, Henry Cavendish - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hore, James Stopford - Commander, 1828
- Hore, Samuel Bradstreet - Commander, 1813
- Hornby, Frederick John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hornby, Phipps CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Hornby, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Hornby, William Windham - Captain, 1846
- Hornsby, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- Horton, Frederick Wilmot - Commander, 1844
- Horton, William - Lieutenant, 1842
- Hoseason, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1816
- Hoseason, John Cochrane - Commander, 1844
- Hoseason, William - Commander, 1846
- Hosken, James - Lieutenant, 1828
- Hoskins, Samuel - Commander, 1814
- Hoste, William Legge George, Bart - Commander, 1843
- Hotchkis, John - Retired Commander, 1833
- Hotham, Charles KCB - Captain, 1833
- Hotham, George Frederick - Captain, 1828
- Hotham, John William - Lieutenant, 1832
- Hotham, William (a) GCB - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Hotham, William (b) KH - Captain, 1825
- Hough, John James - Commander, 1827
- Houghton, Charles Evelyn - Retired Commander, 1838
- Houlton, Robert - Retired Commander, 1840
- Houstoun, Wallace - Commander, 1842
- Howard, Edward Granville George MP - Captain, 1838
- Howard, Richard - Lieutenant, 1828
- Howat, William - Commander, 1846
- Howe, Alexander Borgoyne - Lieutenant, 1803
- Howell, Joseph Benjamin - Commander, 1816
- Howes, George - Commander, 1847
- Hownam, Joseph Robert - Lieutenant, 1809
Hu . . .
- Hubbard, William (a) - Commander, 1838
- Hubbard, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1828
- Hudson, John (a) - Commander, 1831
- Hudson, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hudson, Philip - Lieutenant, 1846
- Huggins, James Edward - Commander, 1814
- Hughes, John Constantine - Lieutenant, 1846
- Hughes, Robert - Retired Commander, 1842
- Hughes, Robert Andrew - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hughes, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1839
- Hughes, William James - Retired Captain, 1840
- Hugo, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hull, William Hollamby - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hume, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hungate, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hungerford, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hungerford, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Hunn, Frederick - Captain, 1822
- Hunt, Edward - Lieutenant, 1830
- Hunt, Henry Samuel - Commander, 1846
- Hunt, James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Hunt, William - Retired Commander, 1830
- Hunter, George Martin - Commander, 1844
- Hunter, Hugh - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hunter, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hunter, Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Hunter, Valentine Peter - Lieutenant, 1815
- Huntley, Henry Vere Kt - Commander, 1838
- Hurdis, George Clarke - Retired Captain, 1840
- Hurst, George KW - Lieutenant, 1810
- Huskisson, Thomas - Captain, 1811
- Hussey, Richard - Lieutenant, 1822
- Hutcheson, Francis Deane - Captain, 1841
- Hutchinson, Charles - Commander, 1814
- Hutchinson, Edward - Retired Captain, 1840
- Hutchinson, Joshua - Lieutenant, 1833
- Hutchinson, William - Commander, 1827
- Hutchison, George - Commander, 1821
- Hutchison, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Hutchison, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hutton, Frederick - Captain, 1844
Hy . . .
- Hyde, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hyde, Richard Dawbrey - Lieutenant, 1824
- Hyett, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Hyne, Thomas Madge - Lieutenant, 1822
- Hynson, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1814
Im . . .
- Impey, John - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Imrie, John - Lieutenant, 1811
In . . .
- Ince, John Matthew Robert - Commander, 1846
- Incledon, Robert - Commander, 1813
- Ingestrie, Viscount, Chetwynd, Henry John CB KSL KSA KEG MP - Captain, 1827
- Inglefield, Edward Augustus - Commander, 1841
- Inglefield, Samuel Hood CB - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Inglefield, Valentine Otway - Lieutenant, 1846
- Inglis, Charles - Commander, 1829
- Inglis, George - Lieutenant, 1813
- Inglis, James - Lieutenant, 1826
- Inglis, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1827
- Inglis, Stewart Nash - Lieutenant, 1821
- Ingram, Augustus Henry - Commander, 1841
- Ingram, Herbert Frederick Winnington - Lieutenant, 1845
- Ingram, Robert - Commander, 1829
- Inman, Robert - Lieutenant, 1822
- Innes, Robert Wintle - Lieutenant, 1813
- Innes, William John - Retired Commander, 1845
- Inskip, Peter Palmer - Lieutenant, 1834
Ir . . .
- Irby, Charles Leonard - Captain, 1827
- Irvine, Charles Chamberlayne - Retired Captain, 1840
- Irvine, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Irvine, Thomas Johnson - Lieutenant, 1813
- Irving, John - Lieutenant, 1843
- Irwin, James - Lieutenant, 1827
- Irwin, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1814
Is . . .
- Isaacson, Charles Augustus - Lieutenant, 1844
Ja . . .
- Jack, Leigh Spark - Retired Commander, 1840
- Jackson, Caleb - Commander, 1819
- Jackson, Charles Keats - Lieutenant, 1842
- Jackson, Charles Scott - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jackson, Cyril - Lieutenant, 1836
- Jackson, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jackson, George Melville - Lieutenant, 1845
- Jackson, George Vernon - Captain, 1841
- Jackson, John (a) - Retired Commander, 1845
- Jackson, John Henry - Lieutenant, 1825
- Jackson, John Milbourne - Lieutenant, 1846
- Jackson, Robert - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Jackson, Samuel CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Jackson, Robert Aemilius - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jackson, Thomas (a) - Lieutenant, 1808
- Jackson, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jackson, William Travers Forbes - Lieutenant, 1846
- Jacobs, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Jacomb, Robert - Retired Commander, 1842.
- Jager, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1842.
- Jago, John Sampson - Lieutenant, 1816
- James, Henry - Lieutenant, 1829
- James, Horatio - Commander, 1841
- James, James - Commander, 1828
- James, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1821
- James, Thomas Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- James, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jameson, Walter - Retired Commander, 1837
- Jamison, William Papillon - Lieutenant, 1840
- Janns, Charles - Retired Commander, 1842
- Jauncey, Horatio - Commander, 1843
- Jay, Charles Hawse - Commander, 1841
Je . . .
- Jeayes, John - Lieutenant, 1825
- Jefferies, John Head - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jefferis, Charles - Lieutenant, 1809
- Jefferson, Francis - Lieutenant, 1807
- Jeffery, Bartholomew - Lieutenant, 1837
- Jeffreys, George Barbor - Lieutenant, 1841
- Jeffreys, Richard Gunning - Lieutenant, 1827
- Jenkin, Charles - Commander, 1846
- Jenkins, Henry - Lieutenant, 1810
- Jenkinson, Henry - Captain, 1814
- Jenner, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jenner, Robert - Commander, 1847
- Jennings, Edward - Lieutenant, 1813
- Jephson, James Saumarez - Lieutenant, 1824
- Jerningham, Arthur William - Commander, 1841
- Jerrard, Michael - Lieutenant, 1813
- Jervis, Henry Meredyth White Bart - Lieutenant, 1814
- Jervis, William Henry - Captain, 1846
- Jervois, Sampson - Lieutenant, 1841
- Jesse, Richard - Commander, 1827
- Jeston, Humphrey - Lieutenant, 1825
- Jewell, William Nunn - Lieutenant, 1812
- Jewers, Richard Francis KW - Lieutenant, 1809
Jo . . .
- Joachim, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Johnson, Charles Richardson - Lieutenant, 1840
- Johnson, Edward - Commander, 1814
- Johnson, Edward John FRS - Captain, 1838
- Johnson, George - Commander, 1846
- Johnson, George Charles Jefferyes - Lieutenant, 1841
- Johnson, George Child - Lieutenant, 1809
- Johnson, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Johnson, John Ormsby - Lieutenant, 1844
- Johnson, John Samuel Willes - Captain, 1846
- Johnson, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Johnson, William Ponsonby - Lieutenant, 1842
- Johnson, William Ward Percival - Captain, 1841
- Johnston, Charles Alexander - Commander, 1844
- Johnston, Charles James - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841.
- Johnston, Frederick Erskine - Commander, 1846
- Johnston, Gabriel - Lieutenant, 1841
- Johnston, Henry - Lieutenant, 1826
- Johnston, James Charles - Lieutenant, 1827
- Johnston, James Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Johnston, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Johnstone, Henry Hope - Lieutenant, 1818
- Johnstone, Henry Wedderburn - Commander, 1841
- Johnstone, Robert Ballard - Lieutenant, 1814
- Johnstone, William - Commander, 1841
- Johnstone, William James Hope - Captain, 1823
- Jolliffe, William Kynaston - Lieutenant, 1845
- Jolly, Archibald Douglas - Lieutenant, 1842
- Jones, Alexander - Captain, 1811
- Jones, Charles - Retired Commander, 1837
- Jones, Charles Thomas Kt - Captain, 1813
- Jones, Edward Leslie - Lieutenant, 1827
- Jones, Henry Paget - Lieutenant, 1814
- Jones, Herbert John - Commander, 1846
- Jones, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jones, John (a) - Retired Commander, 1832
- Jones, John (b) - Retired Commander, 1835
- Jones, John William - Lieutenant, 1809
- Jones, Lewis Tobias - Captain, 1840
- Jones, Maurice - Lieutenant, 1846
- Jones, Oliver John - Lieutenant, 1839
- Jones, Philip Button - Lieutenant, 1827
- Jones, Richard - Commander, 1844
- Jones, Richard (a) - Retired Commander, 1844
- Jones, Robert - Lieutenant, 1812
- Jones, Robert Parker - Retired Commander, 1840
- Jones, Theobald MP - Captain, 1828
- Jones, Thomas (a) - Retired Commander, 1844
- Jones, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Jones, Valentine Herbert - Lieutenant, 1821
- Jones, William - Captain, 1828
- Jones, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Jones, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jones, William (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Jones, William Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
Ju . . .
- Judd, Robert Hayley - Retired Captain, 1840
- Julian, Humphrey John - Lieutenant, 1840
- Julyan, Robert - Commander, 1814
- Justice, Francis Wall - Lieutenant, 1825
- Justice, Philip - Captain, 1846
- Justice, Robert - Lieutenant, 1816
Ka . . .
- Kains, John - Captain, 1846
- Kane, Colin Campbell A. - Lieutenant, 1841
- Katon, James - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Katon, James Edward - Commander, 1845
- Kay, Joseph Henry - Lieutenant, 1839
Ke . . .
- Keane, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Keane, George Disney - Commander, 1846
- Keatley, John Savell - Lieutenant, 1828
- Keats, William - Captain, 1826
- Keele, Charles - Captain, 1848
- Keeling, John James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Keith, William - Captain, 1828
- Kellett, Arthur - Commander, 1839
- Kellett, Henry - Captain, 1842
- Kellock, Henry Gray - Lieutenant, 1824
- Kelly, Benedictus Marwood - Captain, 1821
- Kelly, Edward - Lieutenant, 1825
- Kelly, Richard Nugent - Lieutenant, 1812
- Kelly, William - Captain, 1844
- Kelly, William (a) - Commander, 1811
- Kelsall, John Theophilus - Lieutenant, 1819
- Kemball, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Kemble, Frederick - Commander, 1845
- Kemp, James - Lieutenant, 1827
- Kempe, John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Kempster, Ralph Richard Tomkin - Lieutenant, 1815
- Kempthorn, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Kendall, Edward Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1827
- Kendall, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Kendall, Walter - Commander, 1845
- Kenderdine, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Kenmure, Viscount - Lieutenant, 1815
- Kennedy, Alexander (a) - Commander, 1809
- Kennedy, Alexander (b) - Commander, 1822
- Kennedy, Andrew - Commander, 1842
- Kennedy, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1838
- Kennedy, Charles Doyle Buckley - Lieutenant, 1846
- Kennedy, John James - Lieutenant, 1841
- Kennedy, Thomas Fortescue - Captain, 1813
- Kennedy, William Hugh - Commander, 1846
- Kennett, Edward Hoile - Lieutenant, 1839
- Kenney, Edward Herbert - Commander, 1841
- Kennicott, Gilbert - Commander, 1846
- Kent, Charles - Lieutenant, 1847
- Kent, Henry - Commander, 1822
- Kent, William George Carlile - Commander, 1814
- Kenyon, George - Commander, 1843
- Keppel, Henry - Captain, 1837
- Kerr, Frederick Herbert - Lord. (Commander, 1846
- Kerr, George - Lieutenant, 1844
- Kerr, George Collier - Lieutenant, 1845
- Kerr, Henry Ashburton - Lieutenant, 1844
- Kerr, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Kerr, John James - Lieutenant, 1830
- Kerr, Mark - Commander, 1846
- Kerr, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1823
- Kerr, Robert - Commander, 1838
- Kevern, Richard - Retired Commander, 1827
- Kevern, Richard Charles - Lieutenant, 1841
- Key, Astley Cooper - Commander, 1845
- Keys, David - Retired Commander, 1841
Ki . . .
- Kiddle, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- King, Edward Durnford Kt KCH - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- King, George (a) - Commander, 1814
- King, George Morison - Commander, 1821
- King, George St. Vincent - Captain, 1841
- King, Henry - Commander, 1841
- King, Henry (b) - Commander, 1846
- King, Henry (a) - Lieutenant, 1818
- King, Henry Bartlett - Lieutenant, 1846
- King, James - Lieutenant, 1846
- King, James William - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- King, John - Commander, 1825
- King, Philip Parker FRS FLS - Captain, 1830
- King, Richard Henry - Captain, 1839
- King, William George Nash - Commander, 1834
- Kingcome, John - Captain, 1838
- Kingdon, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Kingston, Arthur Burrard - Lieutenant, 1840
- Kingston, James - Lieutenant, 1820
- Kingston, Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Kinsman, Hugh Mallett - Lieutenant, 1841
- Kinsman, James Byrn - Lieutenant, 1846
- Kirby, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1811
- Kirby, Walter KH - Commander, 1830
- Kirkes, Martin Stockdale - Lieutenant, 1840
- Kirkwood, Charles - Lieutenant, 1810
- Kisbee, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Kitchen, Henry - Lieutenant, 1825
- Kitchen, William Hewgill - Captain, 1846
Kn . . .
- Knapman, Edward - Lieutenant, 1812
- Knapman, John - Lieutenant, 1809
- Knevitt, Thomas Lepard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Knight, Christopher KH - Commander, 1822
- Knight, John Ellis - Lieutenant, 1815
- Knight, William - Retired Commander, 1844
- Knight, William (c) - Lieutenant, 1811
- Knighton, Charles - Retired Commander, 1843
- Knighton, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Knocker, John Bedingfield - Lieutenant, 1813
- Knocker, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Knolles, Henry KTS - Lieutenant, 1824
- Knott, Nathaniel Sydenham - Lieutenant, 1838
- Knott, Owen Phibbs - Commander, 1846
- Knox, Edmund Sexten Pery - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Knox, Marcus - Lieutenant, 1840
- Knox, Thomas Owen - Captain, 1842
Ko . . .
- Kooystra, Justus Bartholomew - Lieutenant, 1841
- Kortright, Alfred - Lieutenant, 1828
Ku . . .
- Kuper, Augustus Leopold CB - Captain, 1841
Ky . . .
- Kyle, George - Retired Commander, 1837
- Kynaston, Augustus Frederick - Lieutenant, 1842
La . . .
- Lacon, Henry James - Commander, 1842
- Lacy, Edward - Lieutenant, 1845
- Ladd, Charles Pybus - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lafargue, Charles Augustus - Commander, 1842
- Laffer, Nathaniel - Retired Commander, 1847
- Lake, Edward - Commander, 1841
- Lake, Willoughby - Commander, 1827
- Lake, Willoughby J. - Commander, 1840
- Lake, Willoughby Thomas KCB - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Lamb, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lamb, John - Retired Commander, 1846
- Lambart, Oliver William Matthew - Lieutenant, 1844
- Lambert, Charles - Lieutenant, 1813
- Lambert, Edward Henry Gage - Lieutenant, 1846
- Lambert, George Robert - Captain, 1825
- Lambert, William - Retired Commander, 1845
- Lambert, William Leigh - Lieutenant, 1842
- Lambrick, John - Retired Commander, 1837
- Lamont, James - Retired Commander, 1838
- Lancaster, Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Lancaster, Robert Daniell - Lieutenant, 1805
- Lane, Dennys - Lieutenant, 1841
- Lane, John Edward - Lieutenant, 1811
- Lane, John William - Lieutenant, 1828
- Lane, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lang, Edward Wollaston - Lieutenant, 1842
- Langdon, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- Langford, Thomas Netherton - Commander, 1829
- Langley, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Langton, Thomas William - Lieutenant, 1823
- Langtry, Joseph Millar - Commander, 1842
- Langworthy, John - Lieutenant, 1832
- Lanphier, Vernon - Retired Commander, 1846
- Lapenotiere, John Good - Lieutenant, 1827
- Lapidge, Charles Horace - Lieutenant, 1824
- Lapidge, William Frederick KIC KSF - Captain, 1837
- Larcom, Joseph Pafford Dickson - Captain, 1841
- Larke, William - Retired Commander, 1834
- Laroche, Christopher - Captain on Retired Half-pay, 1800
- Lascelles, John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Lascelles, John Francis - Commander, 1814
- Lash, James - Lieutenant, 1828
- Laston, Samuel Hornigold - Lieutenant, 1815
- La Touche, Ashley - Lieutenant, 1840
- Laugharne, Thomas Lamb Polden - Captain, 1832
- Laugharne, William - Commander, 1814
- Laurie, Robert KCB - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Lauzun, Francis Daniel - Lieutenant, 1811
- Lavie, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1830
- Lavie, George - Commander, 1846
- Lavington, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1827
- Lawless, Henry - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lawrance, George Bell - Retired Commander, 1836
- Lawrance, George Bennett - Lieutenant, 1843
- Lawrance, Henry - Lieutenant, 1826
- Lawrence, Daniel - Captain, 1816
- Lawrence, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lawrence, James Ross - Lieutenant, 1821
- Lawrence, John CB - Captain, 1817
- Lawrence, Paul Sandby - Retired Commander, 1845
- Lawrence, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1813
- Laws, John Milligen - Captain, 1833
- Laye, Henry Thomas - Lieutenant, 1836
- Layton, Buxton - Lieutenant, 1815
- Layton, Henry - Captain, 1846
Le . . .
- Leach, Charles - Commander, 1841
- Lean, James Sedgwick - Lieutenant, 1810
- Leary, George Alexander - Lieutenant, 1821
- Leathart, Alfred - Lieutenant, 1833
- Lechmere, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lechmere, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Leckie, Charles Taylor - Lieutenant, 1845
- Lecount, Peter FRAS - Lieutenant, 1827
- Lee, William Alfred Rose - Lieutenant, 1845
- Lee, William Valentine - Lieutenant, 1827
- Leech, Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Leeke, Henry John Kt KH - Captain, 1826
- Lefebvre, Nicholas - Commander, 1838
- Le Feuvre, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Legard, James Anlaby KTS - Commander, 1838
- Le Geyt, George CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Le Hardy, Thomas Philip KSF KIC - Commander, 1837
- Le Hunte, Francis KFM - Commander, 1814
- Leigh, Benjamin - Retired Commander, 1833
- Leigh, Frederick George - One of the Junior Lieutenants
- Leigh, Jodrell - Captain, 1829
- Leigh, Thomas - Commander, 1835
- Leith, John - Captain, 1825
- Leith, Lockhart - Lieutenant, 1815
- Leith, William Forbes - Commander, 1814
- Le Mesurier, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Le Mesurier, Frederick Henry - Lieutenant, 1824
- Lempriere, George Ourry - Captain, 1825
- Le Neve, Anselm Peter - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lennock, Charles Adam - Retired Commander, 1845
- Lennock, George Gustavus - Captain, 1814
- Leroux, Frederick James - Retired Commander, 1844
- Leslie, Samuel - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Leslie, Walter - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lester, William - Retired Commander, 1846
- Letch, Charles - Retired Commander, 1837
- Lethbridge, John - Lieutenant, 1827
- Lethbridge, Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Lett, Stephen Joshua - Lieutenant, 1826
- Levell, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1847
- Leslie-Melville, David Earl of Leven and Melville, formerly Viscount Balgonie - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Le Vesconte, Henry - Commander, 1828
- Le Vesconte, Henry Thomas Dundas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Le Vesconte, Philip - Commander, 1816
- Levinge, Reginald Thomas John - Commander, 1845
- Lewin, Elisha - Lieutenant, 1830
- Lewin, Gregory Allnutt Kt - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lewis, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1813
- Lewis, Francis James - Captain, 1830
- Lewis, Frederick - Retired Commander, 1839
- Lewis, George Wenham - Lieutenant, 1832
- Lewis, Henry (a) - Lieutenant, 1810
- Lewis, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lewis, Richard Fellowes - Lieutenant, 1838
- Lewis, Thomas Arundel - Lieutenant, 1821
- Lewis, William (a) - Retired Commander, 1837
- Lewis, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1826
- Leworthy, Henry - Lieutenant, 1816
- Ley, George - Lieutenant, 1813
- Leycester, Edmund Mortimer - Lieutenant, 1841
Li . . .
- Liardet, Francis - Captain, 1840
- Liardet, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Libby, Edward - Retired Commander, 1839
- Liddell, James - Lieutenant, 1822
- Liddon, Matthew - Commander, 1821
- Liddon, Matthew John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Lilburn, James Robert Roddam - Lieutenant, 1829
- Lilburn, Selby - Lieutenant, 1845
- Lillicrap, James - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Lincoln, Henry - Lieutenant, 1837
- Lind, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lindsay, Colin William - Lieutenant, 1837
- Lindsay, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lindsey, John - Commander, 1814
- Lipscomb, Edwin - Lieutenant, 1826
- Lipson, Thomas - Commander, 1819
- Litchfield, Henry - Captain, 1826
- Little, Alexander - Commander, 1846
- Little, Edward - Commander, 1846
- Littlehales, Bendall Robert - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Littlehales, Edward - Commander, 1841
- Littlewort, Richard John Pike - Lieutenant, 1817
- Livingstone, Thomas Bart - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1838
Ll . . .
- Lloyd, Edward KH FRS - Captain, 1821
- Lloyd, Edward Alexander Tylden - Lieutenant, 1842
- Lloyd, George - Captain, 1828
- Lloyd, Gruffyd Clayton - Lieutenant, 1846
- Lloyd, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Lloyd, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lloyd, John Hughes - Lieutenant, 1831
- Lloyd, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Lloyd, Robert - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1837
- Lloyd, Vaughan - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lloyd, William (a) - Retired Commander, 1840
- Lloyd, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Lloyd, William Hayman - Lieutenant, 1815
Lo . . .
- Loch, Francis Erskine - Captain, 1814
- Loch, George John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Loch, Granville Gower - Captain, 1841
- Lock, Campbell - Commander, 1828
- Lockyer, Nicholas CB - Captain, 1815
- Lockyer, William Nicholas Love - Lieutenant, 1845
- Lodder, Charles Arthur - Lieutenant, 1846
- Lodwick, John - Commander, 1845
- Loftus, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1813
- Loney, John Jenkins - Lieutenant, 1807
- Loney, Robert - Commander, 1837
- Long, James - Retired Commander, 1842
- Longchamp, John - Commander, 1822
- Lord, William - Lieutenant, 1835
- Loring, Hector - Commander, 1845
- Loring, John Wentworth KCB KCH - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Loring, William - Commander, 1841
- Lory, William - Lieutenant, 1821
- Loudon, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Louis, John Bart - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Louis, William - Captain, 1846
- Love, Henry Ommanney - Captain, 1837
- Loveless, Bassett Jones - Lieutenant, 1811
- Loveless, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lovell, William Stanhope, formerly Badcock, KH - Captain, 1815
- Lowcay, Henry - Commander, 1813
- Lowcay, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lowcay, William - Retired Commander, 1847
- Lowe, Abraham - Captain, 1814
- Lowe, Arthur - Captain, 1845
- Lowe, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1837
- Lowe, Gower - Commander, 1840
- Lowe, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lowe, William Henry John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Lowry, James (a) - Commander, 1822
- Lowry, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1837
- Lowry, William - Lieutenant, 1819
- Lowther, Marcus - Lieutenant, 1844
- Lowthian, Robert - Commander, 1813
Lu . . .
- Luard, William Garnham - Lieutenant, 1841
- Luce, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Luckraft, Alfred (a) KLH KRG - Captain, 1838
- Luckraft, Alfred (b) - Lieutenant, 1846
- Luckraft, Charles Maxwell - Lieutenant, 1845
- Luckraft, John - Lieutenant, 1802
- Luckraft, William - Captain, 1840
- Lugg, William - Retired Commander, 1845
- Lunn, John - Commander, 1844
- Luscombe, Edward - Lieutenant, 1810
- Lushington, Stephen KSL KEG - Captain, 1829
- Lutman, Charles William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lutwidge, Henry Thomas - Retired Commander, 1845
Ly . . .
- Lyall, George - Lieutenant, 1825
- Lyde, George - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lydiard, George William Charles - Captain, 1842
- Lye, William Jones - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Lyell, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1824
- Lyne, Thomas - Retired Captain, 1840
- Lyon, Francis - Lieutenant, 1814
- Lyon, Henry Thomas - Lieutenant, 1846
- Lyons, Edmund Bart GCB KCH KSL KCRG - Captain, 1814
- Lyons, Edmund Moubray - Commander, 1846
- Lyons, John - Captain, 1830
- Lyons, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Lys, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1818
- Lysaght, Arthur - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Lysaght, Thomas Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Lyster, Henry - Captain, 1845
- Lyster, William Durham - Lieutenant, 1845
M‘, Mac . . .
- M‘Cleverty, James Johnstone - Commander, 1842
- M‘Clintock, Francis Leopold - Lieutenant, 1845
- M‘Clintock, William Bunbury MP now Bunbury - Commander, 1835
- M‘Clure, Robert John Le Mesurier - Lieutenant, 1837
- M‘Cormick, Shepherd - Commander, 1841
- M‘Cornish, James - Lieutenant, 1827
- M‘Coy, Robert - Commander, 1814
- M‘Crea, Robert Contart - Captain, 1837
- M‘Daniel, Jeremiah - Lieutenant, 1814
- Macdonald, Archibald - Retired Commander, 1842
- Macdonald, Colin CB - Captain, 1814
- Macdonald, Gordon Gallie - Captain, 1846
- Macdonald, James Archibald - Lieutenant, 1827
- Macdonald, John - Retired Commander, 1829
- Macdonald, Reginald John James George - Lieutenant, 1842
- M‘Donell, John - Captain, 1846
- M‘Donell, John Julius - Commander, 1846
- M‘Donell, Thomas -Lieutenant, 1810
- M‘Douall, James - Commander, 1814
- M‘Dougall, John - Retired Commander, 1844
- M‘Dougall, John - Captain, 183
- Macdougall, John - Commander, 1846
- M‘Farland, James - Retired Captain, 1840
- Macfarlane, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- M‘Gladery, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- M‘Gowan, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1827
- M‘Gregor, Fitzjames Stewart - Lieutenant, 1838
- M‘Grigor, Charles Graeme - Lieutenant, 1846
- M‘Gwire, William - Retired Captain, 1840
- M‘Hardy, John Bunch Bonnemaison - Captain, 1840
- M‘Ilwaine, William - Commander, 1838
- Mackay, Donald Hugh - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Mackellar, Duncan - Lieutenant, 1816
- Mackellar, John - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Mackenzie, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1811
- M‘Kenzie, Charles - Lieutenant, 1799
- M‘Kenzie, Donald McLeod - Lieutenant, 1841
- Mackenzie, James George - Commander, 1847
- Mackenzie, John Francis Campbell - Lieutenant, 1846
- Mackenzie, Thomas Henry - Lieutenant, 1810
- M‘Kerlie, John - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- M‘Killop, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- MacKinnon, Lahchlan Bellingham - Lieutenant, 1842
- M‘Kinley, George - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- M‘Kirdy, John - Retired Commander, 1837
- M‘Kirdy, Robert - Lieutenant, 1814
- Mackworth, Herbert - Lieutenant, 1811
- M‘Lean, Charles Clayton - Lieutenant, 1826
- Maclean, Rawdon - Commander, 1823
- Maclean, William - Captain, 1846
- M‘Leod, Alexander (a - Retired Commander, 1824
- M‘Leod, Alexander (c) - Lieutenant, 18263
- MacLeod, Robert Bruce Aeneas - Lieutenant, 1841
- M‘Leod, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- M‘Millan, Allan - Lieutenant, 1810
- M‘Murdo, Archibald - Commander, 1843
- M‘Naghten, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1845
- Macnamara, Burton Kt - Captain, 1833
- Macnamara, Timothy - Lieutenant, 1821
- M‘Neale, Malcolm - Lieutenant, 1825
- Macnevin, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Maconochie, Alexander KH - Commander, 1815
- M‘Quhae, Peter - Captain, 1835
Ma . . .
- Madden, Charles - Commander, 1829
- Madge, Robert Pepperel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Magan, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1814
- Magin, Joseph - Retired Commander, 1844
- Maguire, Rochfort - Lieutenant, 1840
- Maingay, Henry - Commander, 1821
- Maingay, Peter - Commander, 1815
- Mainwaring, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1814
- Mainwaring, Edward Reeves Philip - Captain, 1841
- Mainwaring, Rowland - Captain, 1830
- Mainwaring, Thomas Francis Charles - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Maitland, Anthony KCMG CB - Rear-Admiral, of the White, 1841
- Maitland, James - Commander, 1836
- Maitland, Lewis - Commander, 1841
- Maitland, Thomas Kt CB - Captain, 1837
- Maitland, William - Commander, 1840
- Maitland, William Heriot - Commander, 1842
- Malcolm, Charles Kt - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Malden, Charles Robert - Lieutenant, 1818
- Maling, Irwin - Lieutenant, 1829
- Maling, Thomas James - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Mallard, Charles - Lieutenant, 1821
- Mallock, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1830
- Malone, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1809
- Duke of Manchester formerly Viscount Mandeville - Commander, 1822
- Mangin, Reuben Caillaud - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Mangles, James FRS - Commander, 1815
- Manico, Peter Smith - Lieutenant, 1814
- Mann, Adrian Thomas - Lieutenant, 1827
- Mann, James Saumarez - Lieutenant, 1845
- Mann, Robert - Commander, 1845
- Manners, Russell Henry - Captain, 1829
- Manning, George - Lieutenant, 1824
- Mansel, George KLH - Captain, 1840
- Mansel, Thomas - Captain, 1834
- Mansell, Arthur Lukis - Lieutenant, 1841
- Mansell, Bonamy - Retired Commander, 1847
- Mansell, Thomas Kt KCH KSS - Captain, 1814
- Mansell, William - Lieutenant, 1821
- Mansfield, Walter George - Lieutenant, 1845
- Mant, Joseph Bingham - Retired Commander, 1837
- Manton, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Maples, John Fordyce CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Mapleton, David Robert Bunbury - Commander, 1846
- March, Charles - Lieutenant, 1816
- March, Jeremiah - Lieutenant, 1815
- Marcuard, Charles Richard - Lieutenant, 1840
- Markett, John - Lieutenant, 1833
- Markham, John - Lieutenant, 1824
- Markland, John Duff CB KLA - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Marley, Robert Roper - Lieutenant, 1809
- Marrett, Joseph - Retired Captain, 1845
- Marriott, George - Lieutenant, 1842
- Marryat, Frederick (a) CB FRS FLS - Captain, 1825
- Marryat, Frederick (b) - Lieutenant, 1845
- Marsh, Digby - Captain, 1842
- Marsh, John Barling - Commander, 1844
- Marsh, Richard John - Lieutenant, 1824
- Marshall, Edward - Lieutenant, 1843
- Marshall, George Edward - Commander, 1825
- Marshall, Henry Masterman - Commander, 1814
- Marshall, John Kt CB KCH KSG KSS - Captain, 1814
- Marshall, John (a) - Retired Commander, 1844
- Marshall, William (b) - Commander, 1845
- Marshall, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Marshall, Willoughby Charles - Lieutenant, 1845
- Marsham, Henry Shovell - Captain, 1833
- Marsingall, Samuel - Retired Commander, 1843
- Marten, Francis - Lieutenant, 1844
- Martin, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1811
- Martin, George GCB GCMG KSJ - Admiral of the Fleet
- Martin, George Bohun CB KSL KSA KRG - Captain, 1828
- Martin, Henry Byam CB - Captain, 1827
- Martin, Joseph Winthrop - Lieutenant, 1814
- Martin, Nathaniel - Commander, 1825
- Martin, Thomas - Captain, 1826
- Martin, Thomas Byam GCB KSS - Admiral, of the Red, 1830
- Martin, William - Commander, 1821
- Martin, William Fanshawe - Captain, 1824
- Martin, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1821
- Mason, Francis KCB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1838
- Mason, George - Lieutenant, 1827
- Mason, Henry Browne - Commander, 1815
- Mason, Henry William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Mason, Thomas Henry - Commander, 1841
- Massey, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Massie, Henry George - Retired Commander, 1840
- Massie, John Bevis - Lieutenant, 1838
- Massie, Thomas Lecke - Captain, 1841
- Massingberd, Vincent Amcotts - Commander, 1842
- Masterman, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Masters, James - Retired Commander, 1841
- Masters, Thomas James Poole - Lieutenant, 1809
- Mathews, Edward Morrell - Lieutenant, 1840
- Mathews, Robert Bates - Lieutenant, 1810
- Mathias, Thomas - Commander, 1837
- Mathison, Charles Mitchell - Commander, 1843
- Matson, George William - Commander, 1830
- Matson, Henry James - Commander, 1843
- Matson, Richard - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Matthews, Alfred - Commander, 1822
- Matthews, Michael - Commander, 1815
- Maude, Francis - Commander, 1827
- Maude, William George (a) - Retired Commander, 1840
- Maude, William George (b) - Commander, 1846
- Mauger, Nicholas - Retired Commander, 1845
- Maunsell, Edward Eyre - Lieutenant, 1846
- Maunsell, Robert CB - Captain, 1812
- Maurice, James Wilkes - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Maw, Henry Lister - Lieutenant, 1825
- Maw, Richard Stovin - Lieutenant, 1807
- Mawbey, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Max, John George - Lieutenant, 1806
- Maxey, Edward - Lieutenant, 1814
- Maxwell, Francis - Lieutenant, 1811
- Maxwell, George Berkeley - Captain, 1830
- Maxwell, John Balfour - Captain, 1837
- Maxwell, John Heron Bart - Lieutenant, 1828
- Maxwell, William - Lieutenant, 1820
- May, Augustus Charles - Lieutenant, 1838
- May, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- May, Christopher - Lieutenant, 1815
- May, Philip William - Lieutenant, 1845
- Maynard, Joseph - Commander, 1825
- Maynard, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1840
- Maynard, Thomas Burton - Lieutenant, 1828
- Mayne, Dawson - Commander, 1829
- Mayne, Robert - Retired Commander, 1842
Me . . .
- Meade, John - Commander, 1812
- Meadows, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Medley, Edward - Lieutenant, 1807
- Mee, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Meech, Radford Gundry - Lieutenant, 1810
- Meggison, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Meheux, Archibald Bryan - Lieutenant, 1825
- Meheux, Thomas Charles - Lieutenant, 1836
- Mein, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Mellersh, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1837
- Mends, George Clarke - Commander, 1841
- Mends, George Pechell - Lieutenant, 1841
- Mends, James Augustus - Commander, 1846
- Mends, Robert Hamilton Handfield - Lieutenant, 1846
- Mends, William Bowen - Captain, 1814
- Mends, William Robert - Commander, 1846
- Menzies, Duncan - Retired Commander, 1816
- Mercer, John Davis - Commander, 1824
- Mercer, Samuel - Commander, 1838
- Meredith, Richard - Captain, 1837
- Meredith, Samuel - Commander, 1828
- Merriman, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Metcalfe, William Charles - Commander, 1841
- Metherell, Richard Roe - Lieutenant, 1823
- Meynell, Francis - Lieutenant, 1846
- Meynell, Henry - Captain, 1815
Mi . . .
- Miall, George Gover - Commander, 1838
- Michell, Frederick Thomas - Captain, 1830
- Michell, Reynell Charles - Commander, 1843
- Micklethwait, Henry Sharnborne Nathaniel - Lieutenant, 1842
- Middleton, Lord - Retired Captain, 1840
- Middleton, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Mildmay, George William St. John - Captain, 1828
- Mildmay, Hervey George St. John - Lieutenant, 1844
- Miles, Alfred - Commander, 1846
- Miles, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1815
- Miles, Lawford - Lieutenant, 1825
- Miller, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1812
- Miller, David - Lieutenant, 1840
- Miller, Edward Charles - Lieutenant, 1826
- Miller, Robert Boyle - Lieutenant, 1837
- Miller, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1844
- Miller, William Duncan - Lieutenant, 1825
- Miller, William Stewart - Lieutenant, 1841
- Millett, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Mills, Henry Forster - Lieutenant, 1827
- Milne, Alexander - Captain, 1839
- Milne, David GCB KSJ KWN - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Milne, William - Retired Commander, 1844
- Milward, Clement - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Minchin, William - Commander, 1821
- Mingaye, William James - Captain, 1822
- Mitchell, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Mitchell, Lewis Dunbar - Lieutenant, 1817
- Mitchell, Richard - Lieutenant, 1813
- Mitchell, Spalding - Retired Commander, 1838
- Mitchell, Thomas (a) - Commander, 1842
- Mitchell, Thomas (b) - Retired Commander, 1834
- Mitchell, William - Lieutenant, 1829
- Mitford, Robert - Rear-Admiral, 1846
Mo . . .
- Moberly, John - Captain, 1815
- Moffatt, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Molesworth, Bourchier - Commander, 1814
- Molesworth, John - Commander, 1821
- Molyneux, Thomas Howard - Lieutenant, 1846
- Molyneux, William - Commander, 1833
- Molyneux, William Hargraves - Commander, 1841
- Monday, Edward - Commander, 1846
- Monday, John - Captain, 1838
- Money, Rowland CB - Captain, 1815
- Monk, George Mitford - Lieutenant, 1812
- Monk, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- Montagu, Edward Proudfoot - Lieutenant, 1814
- Montagu, George Duke of Manchester - Commander, 1822
- Montagu, James - Captain, 1824
- Montagu, John William (a) - Captain, 1820
- Montagu, John William (b) - Commander, 1841
- Montagu, Montagu - Commander, 1815
- Montagu, William Augustus Kt CB KCH - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Montgomerie, Alexander - Captain, 1820
- Montgomery, Alexander Leslie - Captain, 1846
- Montgomery, Thomas - Commander, 1815
- Montresor, Frederick Byng - Commander, 1843
- Monypenny, William Backhouse - Commander, 1841
- Moodie, Donald - Lieutenant, 1816
- Mooney, William - Lieutenant, 1844
- Moor, Philip - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moore, Charles (a) - Commander, 1817
- Moore, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Moore, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moore, Howard - Lieutenant, 1814
- Moore, John (a) - Commander, 1843
- Moore, John (b) - Retired Commander, 1846
- Moore, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Moore, John Arthur - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moore, John George Sarsfield Macnamara - Lieutenant, 1845
- Moore, John James - Lieutenant, 1809
- Moore, Joseph Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moore, Paul Wollond - Lieutenant, 1822
- Moore, Robert Seppings - Lieutenant, 1841
- Moore, Thomas Edward Laws - Lieutenant, 1843
- Moore, Thomas Norris - Lieutenant, 1828
- Moore, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Moore, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moorman, Richard (a) KFM - Commander, 1814
- Moorman, Richard (b) - Commander, 1845
- Moorsom, Constantine Richard - Captain, 1818
- Moorsom, William - Lieutenant, 1842
- Moresby, Fairfax CB KMT - Captain, 1814
- Morgan, Edward Edwin - Lieutenant, 1845
- Morgan, James - Captain, 1836
- Morgan, James William - Captain, 1846
- Morgan, John - Commander, 1837
- Morgan, Richard - Commander, 1834
- Morgan, Robert (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Morgan, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moriarty, Merion Marshall - Lieutenant, 1814
- Moriarty, Redmond - Lieutenant, 1812
- Moriarty, William - Commander, 1822
- Moriencourt, Joseph Salvador - Retired Commander, 1827
- Morier, William - Captain, 1830
- Morley, Arthur Thomas - Lieutenant, 1824
- Morley, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Morrell, Arthur - Commander, 1823
- Morres, Elliot - Lieutenant, 1816
- Morries, Andrew - Retired Commander, 1841
- Morris, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1842
- Morris, George (a) - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Morris, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1823
- Morris, Henry Gage (a) - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Morris, Henry Gage (b) - Commander, 1846
- Morris, John Row - Commander, 1814
- Morris, Peter - Lieutenant, 1815
- Morris, Walter Windyer - Lieutenant, 1846
- Morris, William (a) - Commander, 1841
- Morris, William (b) - Commander, 1846
- Morrish, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1841
- Morrison, Isaac Hawkins - Captain, 1814
- Morrison, Richard James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Morriss, Edward John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Morritt, George - Commander, 1845
- Morshead, John - Lieutenant, 1836
- Morshead, William Henry Anderson CB - Captain, 1842
- Mortimer, George - Lieutenant, 1813
- Morton, Charles - Commander, 1827
- Morton, Thomas Constant Paggett - Lieutenant, 1812
- Moss, Charles - Lieutenant, 1825
- Moss, Sidney - Lieutenant, 1822
- Mottley, Joseph Martin - Commander, 1843
- Mottley, Samuel - Retired Commander, 1845
- Mottley, William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Mouat, John Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Moubray, George - Captain, 1812
- Moubray, Robert Hussey - Lieutenant, 1845
- Moubray, William Hobson - Lieutenant, 1843
- Mould, Richard Cotton - Retired Commander, 1843
- Mould, William - Lieutenant, 1842
- Mourilyan, Edward - Retired Commander, 1839
- Mowbray, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1813
- Moxon, James - Lieutenant, 1813
- Moyle, Granville Richard - Lieutenant, 1842
- Moyses, Choyce William - Lieutenant, 1815
Mu . . .
- Mudge, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Mudge, Zachary - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Muir, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1831
- Muller, Henry - Lieutenant, 1803
- Mundy, George KCB - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Mundy, George Rodney - Captain, 1837
- Mundy, Meynell Horton Miller - Lieutenant, 1846
- Munro, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1815
- Munton, William Anthony - Lieutenant, 1844
- Muriel, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Murley, William - Commander, 1813
- Murray, Alexander - Commander, 1840
- Murray, Augustus Charles - Lieutenant, 1841
- Murray, Augustus George Ernest - Lieutenant, 1846
- Murray, Francis Aberdeen - Lieutenant, 1815
- Murray, George Don - Lieutenant, 1847
- Murray, Henry Anthony - Captain, 1841
- Murray, Jack Henry - Commander, 1841
- Murray, James - Lieutenant, 1802
- Murray, James Arthur - Captain, 1816
- Murray, James Copland - Retired Commander, 1840
- Murray, John Halliburton - Commander, 1841
- Murray, William Hamilton - Lieutenant, 1815
- Muston, Thomas Goldwyer - Retired Captain, 1840
Na . . .
- Nagle, Archibald - Lieutenant, 1815
- Napier, Charles KCB GCTS KMT KSG KRE - Rear-Admiral of the Blue
- Napier, Charles George Elers - Captain, 1841
- Napier, Gerard John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Napier, Henry Edward - Captain, 1830
- Nares, William Henry - Commander, 1814
- Nash, John William Cornelius - Lieutenant, 1826
- Nason, Henry - Lieutenant, 1809
- Nason, Richard - Lieutenant, 1812
- Nazer, Henry - Commander, 1828
- Nazer, Kelly - Retired Commander, 1847
Ne . . .
- Neale, John - Retired Commander, 1846
- Neame, William - Commander, 1832
- Need, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Need, Walter - Commander, 1847
- Neill, Joseph - Commander, 1815
- Nelson, Charles - Captain, 1822
- Nelson, Horatio - Lieutenant, 1846
- Nepean, Evan - Captain, 1841
- Nepean, John - Lieutenant, 1806
- Nesham, Christopher John Williams - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Nettleton, Peter Gordon - Lieutenant, 1845
- Nevill, William - Captain, 1846
- Neville, James - Commander, 1828
- Newell, Julius James Farmer - Lieutenant, 1842
- Newenham, William Persse - Lieutenant, 1810
- Newenham, William Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Newland, Charles Frankland - Commander, 1847
- Newman, Robert Amyett - Lieutenant, 1827
- Newnham, Nathaniel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Newton, Charles James Franklin - Commander, 1838
- Newton, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Newton, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
Ni . . .
- Nias, Joseph CB - Captain, 1835
- Nicholas, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nicholls, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nicholls, Thomas Willcocks - Retired Commander, 1843
- Nichols, Thomas George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nicholson, Frederick Falkiner - Lieutenant, 1845
- Nicholson, Richard Adams - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nickoll, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nickoll, James Harvey - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nicolas, John Toup CB KH KFM - Captain, 1815
- Nicolas, Nicholas Harris GCMG KH - Lieutenant, 1815
- Nicolas, William Keigwin - Lieutenant, 1809
- Nicolson, Frederick William Erskine Bart - Captain, 1846
- Nightingale, David Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Nind, Philip Pitt - Commander, 1844
- Nixon, James - Lieutenant, 1812
No . . .
- Noad, Arthur Mayne - Lieutenant, 1838
- Noble, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Noble, James - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Noble, Jeffery Wheelock - Captain, 1846
- Noble, William Blackmore - Lieutenant, 1814
- Nolloth, Charles - Lieutenant, 1845
- Nolloth, Henry Ovenden - Lieutenant, 1828
- Nolloth, Matthew Stainton - Commander, 1846.
- Nops, John George - Lieutenant, 1810
- Norcock, George Lowcay - Lieutenant, 1841
- Norcock, John Henry - Commander, 1846
- Norcott, Edmund - Commander, 1838
- Norie, Evelyn - Retired Commander, 1840
- Norman, Charles Spry - Commander, 1845
- Norman, Henry Anne - Lieutenant, 1841
- Norman, John Norris - Lieutenant, 1842
- Norman, Masters - Lieutenant, 1814
- Norris, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1812
- Northumberland, Duke of formerly Lord Prudhoe FRS FSA - Captain, 1815
- Norton, John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Norton, Nathaniel - Retired Commander, 1846
- Norway, Nevil - Lieutenant, 1838
- Nott, Edward Bunbury - Commander, 1846
- Nott, John Neale - Captain, 1842
- Nott, John Thomas - Commander, 1846
- Nourse, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1841
- Nowell, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Nowell, William Calmady - Lieutenant, 1828
Nu . . .
- Nugent, John - Commander, 1841
Oa . . .
- Oake, Josiah - Captain, 1846
- Oakeley, Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- Oakes, Orbell - Commander, 1828
O’B . . .
- O’Brien, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1807
- O’Brien, Charles Douglas - Lieutenant, 1840
- O’Brien, Donat Henchy - Captain, 1821
- O’Brien, Joseph - Captain, 1829
- O’Brien, Robert - Lieutenant, 1838
- O’Bryen, James GCH Marquess of Thomond - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
O’C . . .
- O’Callaghan, George William Douglas - Captain, 1846
- O’Callaghan, Henry John - Lieutenant, 1815
- O’Connell, Maurice FitzGerald - Lieutenant, 1815
- O’Conor, Richard KCH - Captain, 1814
Og . . .
- Ogilvie, Henry - Lieutenant, 1812
- Ogilvie, Simon Taylor - Lieutenant, 1816
- Ogilvie, William - Retired Commander, 1846
- Ogilvy, George Keith - Commander, 1841
- Ogle, Charles Bart - Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Ogle, Graham - Commander, 1846
- Ogle, Thomas - Captain, 1838
O’G . . .
- O’Grady, Hayes - Captain, 1814
- O’Grady, John - Lieutenant, 1831
O’H . . .
- O’Hea, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1815
Ok . . .
- Oke, William Walter - Lieutenant, 1825
- Okes, Charles KW - Lieutenant, 1807
Ol . . .
- Oldmixon, George - Commander, 1847
- Oldmixon, John William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Oldmixon, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Oldrey, William - Captain, 1838
- Oliver, George Colin - Lieutenant, 1815
- Oliver, James - Commander, 1813
- Oliver, Richard Aldworth - Commander, 1844
- Oliver, Robert Kt - Captain, 1834
- Oliver, Robert (a) - Commander, 1814
- Oliver, Robert Dudley - Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Oliver, William Browne - Commander, 1841
- Oliver, William Sandford - Retired Commander, 1844
Om . . .
- Ommanney, Erasmus - Captain, 1846
- Ommanney, Henry Manaton - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Ommanney, John Acworth KCB KSL KSV KRG - Vice-Admiral, of the Red, 1841
- Ommanney, John Colpoys - One of the Junior-Lieutenants
On . . .
- Onslow, John James - Captain, 1834
O’R . . .
- O’Reilly, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- O’Reilly, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1828
- O’Reilly, Montagu Frederic - Lieutenant, 1845
Or . . .
- Orlebar, John - Commander, 1845
- Orlebar, Orlando - Lieutenant, 1811
- Ormond, Francis - Commander, 1825
Os . . .
- Osborn, John - Retired Commander, 1838
- Osborn, Sherard - Lieutenant, 1846
Ot . . .
- Otter, Henry Charles - Commander, 1844
- Otty, Allen - Commander, 1815
- Otway, George Graham Bart - Captain, 1846
- Otway, Robert - Commander, 1837
- Otway, Robert Jocelyn - Commander, 1846
- Otway, Robert Waller Bart GCB - Admiral of the White, 1841
Ov . . .
- Overend, Henry - Retired Commander, 1844
Ow . . .
- Owen, Bell Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Owen, Charles Cunliffe - Commander, 1815
- Owen, Edward - Lieutenant, 1815
- Owen, Edward William Campbell Rich GCB GCH - Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Owen, Richard - Captain, 1837
- Owen, William Fitzwilliam - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
Ox . . .
- Oxenham, Justus - Lieutenant, 1826
- Oxford, John - Lieutenant, 1821
Pa . . .
- Pace, Edmund Howard - Lieutenant, 1821
- Paddon, Silas Hiscott - Commander, 1826
- Page, Benjamin William - Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Page, Henry Hotham M‘Roden - Lieutenant, 1845
- Paget, Charles Henry - Captain, 1829
- Paget, Clarence Edward Lord MP - Captain, 1839
- Paget, John - Commander, 1837
- Paget, William Lord - Captain, 1829
- Pain, Martin - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pakenham, John - Captain, 1826
- Pakenham, Thomas Alexander - Lieutenant, 1844
- Palk, Robert - Retired Commander, 1831
- Palliser, Wray Richard Gledstanes - Lieutenant, 1847
- Palmer, Charles - Lieutenant, 1820
- Palmer, Edward Gascoigne - Lieutenant, 1809
- Palmer, George - Commander, 1840
- Palmer, John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Palmer, John Jervis - Lieutenant, 1843
- Palmer, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Palmes, John Philip - Lieutenant, 1842
- Panton, Paul Griffith - Lieutenant, 1812
- Pardoe, William - Retired Commander, 1839
- Parish, John Edward - Lieutenant, 1846
- Park, John Steele - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parker, Charles - Commander, 1829
- Parker, Charles (a) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Parker, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parker, Charles Christopher Bart - Captain, 1822
- Parker, Frederick Augustus Hargood - Commander, 1814
- Parker, George KCB - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Parker, Henry - Commander, 1814
- Parker, Henry Dickson - Retired Commander, 1836
- Parker, Hyde (a) CB - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Parker, Hyde (b) - Commander, 1847
- Parker, John - Captain, 1838
- Parker, Robert Brockholes - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parker, Walter Turner - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parker, William Bart GCB - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Parker, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1801
- Parker, William Frederick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parker, William George Bart - Captain, 1814
- Parkhurst, Percy - Lieutenant, 1841
- Parkin, James Lamport - Commander, 1837
- Parkin, John Pengelly - Captain, 1841
- Parkinson, William Frederick W. - Lieutenant, 1842
- Parkman, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Parks, Abraham - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parlby, James Edward - Commander, 1836
- Parr, Alexander Forsyth - Lieutenant, 1806
- Parrey, Edward Iggulden - Captain, 1843
- Parrey, Robert - Lieutenant, 1829
- Parry, Henry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Parry, Howard Lewis - Commander, 1832
- Jones-Parry, Thomas Parry - Retired Captain, 1840
- Parry, William Edward Kt LLD FRS L&E - Captain, 1822
- Parson, John - Captain, 1837
- Parsons, George Samuel - Lieutenant, 1802
- Parsons, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parsons, Robert White - Captain, 1828
- Parsons, Timothy - Lieutenant, 1815
- Parsons, William - Retired Commander, 1836
- Parsons, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Partridge, Frederick John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Partridge, William Luke - Lieutenant, 1844
- Pasco, Crawford Aitcheson Dunham - Lieutenant, 1843
- Pasco, John - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Pasco, William Montagu Isaacson George - Commander, 1846
- Pascoe, John Eyre - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pasley, James - Retired Commander, 1845
- Pasley, Thomas Sabine Bart - Captain, 1831
- Paterson, George Yates - Lieutenant, 1841
- Paterson, William Love - Retired Commander, 1847
- Pateshall, Nicholas Lechmere - Captain, 1815
- Patey, Charles - Retired Commander, 1825
- Patey, Charles George Edward - Captain, 1846
- Patey, George Edward - Lieutenant, 1813
- Patey, George Edwin - Commander, 1845
- Patey, Joseph - Commander, 1815
- Patey, Russell - Lieutenant, 1844
- Patriarche, Charles - Retired Commander, 1844
- Patten, Frederick - Commander, 1837
- Patterson, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Patton, Hugh - Captain, 1819
- Patton, Robert - Captain, 1827
- Patton, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Paul, Alfred John - Commander, 1841
- Paulet, George Lord - Captain, 1833
- Paulson, John Thomas - Commander, 1842
- Payne, Charles Bradney - Lieutenant, 1848
- Payne, Charles Frederick - Captain, 1814
- Payne, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Payne, William - Retired Commander, 1835
- Payne, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Payne, William Rousseau - Lieutenant, 1834
- Paynter, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Paynter, James Aylmer Dorset - Commander, 1846
- Paynter, John Meyrick - Lieutenant, 1814
- Paynter, John Pender - Commander, 1816
Pe . . .
- Peace, Richard - Lieutenant, 1811
- Peacocke, Richard - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Peake, Charles - Lieutenant, 1814
- Peake, Henry Frederick - Commander, 1838
- Peake, Thomas Ladd - Captain, 1822
- Pearce, Edward Stokes - Commander, 1842
- Pearne, William George - Lieutenant, 1824
- Pears, Charles Wethered - Lieutenant, 1819
- Pearse, John - Commander, 1825
- Pearse, Joseph - Captain, 1846
- Pearse, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1807
- Pearse, William - Lieutenant, 1833
- Pearse, William Alfred Rumbulow - Lieutenant, 1841
- Pearson, Alexander Stevenson - Commander, 1820
- Pearson, Charles - Captain, 1837
- Pearson, Charles (a) - Retired Commander, 1846
- Pearson, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1832
- Pearson, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Peat, David - Captain, 1847
- Peat, John Green - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pechell, Charles - Lieutenant, 1844
- Pechell, George Richard MP - Captain, 1822
- Pechell, Samuel John Brooke Bart CB KCH PRS - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Pedder, George Murray McKinley - Lieutenant, 1809
- Pedder, William - Lieutenant, 1824
- Pedlar, George - Commander, 1814
- Peel, Edmund - Commander, 1841
- Peel, William - Commander, 1846
- Peirse, Edward - Commander, 1842
- Pelham, Dudley Worsley Anderson - Captain, 1840
- Pelham, Frederick Thomas KSF - Captain, 1840
- Pell, Watkin Owen Kt - Captain, 1813
- Pellew, Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Kt CB KCH - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Pellew, Pownoll Fleetwood - Lieutenant, 1843
- Pelly, Richard Wilson - Commander, 1844
- Penfold, George - Lieutenant, 1823
- Pengelley, Charles - Commander, 1814
- Pengelley, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pengelly, Henry - Lieutenant, 1812
- Pengelly, Robert Lamport - Lieutenant, 1826
- Pennefather, William Westby - Lieutenant, 1821
- Pennell, Follett Walrond - Captain, 1828
- Penruddock, George - Commander, 1814
- Pentland, James Murray - Lieutenant, 1824
- Peppin, Matthew - Lieutenant, 1837
- Perceval, Michael Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Perceval, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- Percy, Algernon - Duke of Northumberland formerly Lord Prudhoe FRS FSA - Captain, 1815
- Percy, Josceline CB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Percy, William Henry - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Perkins, Henry Augustus - Lieutenant, 1814
- Perrier, William - Lieutenant, 1846
- Perry, James Clewlow - Lieutenant, 1828
- Petch, Charles Adolphus - Lieutenant, 1828
- Petch, William Tatton - Lieutenant, 1814
- Petley, John - Retired Commander, 1843
- Petrie, Peter - Lieutenant, 1816
- Pettet, John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Pettman, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Pew, George - Lieutenant, 1816
Ph . . .
- Phelps, Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Phepoe, John - Retired Commander, 1848
- Philipps, Griffith Grismond - Lieutenant, 1844
- Philipps, John George - Commander, 1814
- Philipps Philipps, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Philips, James Robert - Rear-Admiral, of the Red, 1841
- Phillimore, Augustus - Lieutenant, 1845
- Phillipps, Henry Cranmer March - Lieutenant, 1814
- Phillipps, Robert - Lieutenant, 1830
- Phillips, Charles Gerrans - Commander, 1848
- Phillips, Edward - Lieutenant, 1812
- Phillips, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Phillips, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Phillott, Charles George Rodney - Captain, 1818
- Phillpotts, George - Lieutenant, 1841
- Phipps, Weston - Captain, 1814
- Phipps, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Phipps, William Hugh - Lieutenant, 1846
Pi . . .
- Pickard, Benjamin Spencer - Lieutenant, 1843
- Pickard, James - Commander, 1814
- Pickard, Spencer Hicks - Lieutenant, 1845
- Pickernell, Peter Giles - Commander, 1810
- Pickthorn, John - Lieutenant, 1808
- Pierce, George - Commander, 1823
- Pierce, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1807
- Pierson, William Henry Kt - Captain, 1838
- Pigot, George - Lieutenant, 1842
- Pigot, Hugh KCB KCH - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Pigot, Richard Henry Holms - Commander, 1814
- Pigott, Leighton Price - Lieutenant, 1844
- Pike, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1847
- Pike, Walter - Retired Commander, 1840
- Pilch, Robert - Commander, 1813
- Pilch, William KW - Lieutenant, 1814
- Pilkington, Edward Williams - Commander, 1830
- Pinhorn, William - Lieutenant, 1818
- Pinto, Thomas - Retired Captain, 1840
- Piper, Edmund John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Pitfield, Jacob - Lieutenant, 1824
- Pitfield, Joseph Edward Chilcott - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pitman, John Charles - Commander, 1842.
- Pitman, William - Lieutenant, 1806
- Pitt, Edward William - Lieutenant, 1809
- Pitt, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Pitts, Edward KTS - Commander, 1830
Pl . . .
- Place, Lionel Read - Lieutenant, 1842
- Plumridge, James Hanway - Captain, 1822
- Plunkett, Edward - Captain, 1846
Po . . .
- Poad, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Poate, James - Retired Commander, 1845
- Podmore, John George King - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pogson, Henry Freeman Young - Commander, 1819
- Pollard, John - Lieutenant, 1806
- Pollard, Walter James - Lieutenant, 1843
- Ponsonby, Thomas Cabrique - Lieutenant, 1827
- Poole, Robert - Lieutenant, 1825
- Pooley, George - Lieutenant, 1820
- Poore, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Poore, William - Retired Commander, 1847
- Pope, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1826
- Popham, Brunswick - Captain, 1838
- Popham, William - Captain, 1819
- Popplewell, George Otway - Lieutenant, 1842
- Popplewell, Matthew James - Commander, 1813
- Porcher, Edwin Augustus - Lieutenant, 1846
- Porteous, Francis Pender - Lieutenant, 1842
- Porter, Thomas - Commander, 1822
- Porter, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Portman, Wyndham Berkeley - Lieutenant, 1826
- Postle, Charles James - Commander, 1845
- Potbury, John Moon - Commander, 1844
- Potts, John - Lieutenant, 1808
- Poulden, Richard - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Poulett, George - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Powell, Caesar Cottrell - Lieutenant, 1838
- Powell, George Eyre - Commander, 1841
- Pottell, Herbert Brace - Captain, 1822
- Powell, Richard Ashmore - Lieutenant, 1842
- Power, Edward Roche - Lieutenant, 1839
- Powney, John KH - Commander, 1827
- Powys, Charles Edward - Lieutenant, 1831
- Poynter, Charles Willet - Lieutenant, 1823
- Poyntz, Newdigate - Commander, 1815
- Poyntz, Stephen - Admiral of the White, 1841
Pr . . .
- Praed, Bulkeley Mackworth - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Pratt, James - Lieutenant, 1825
- Preedy, George William - Lieutenant, 1844
- Prescott, Henry CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Prescott, Thomas Lennox - Retired Commander, 1839
- Preston, D’Arcy - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Preston, Henry - Commander, 1830
- Preston, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Preston, William - Captain, 1841
- Pretyman, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pretyman, William - Commander, 1846
- Prevost, James - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Prevost, James Charles - Commander, 1844
- Prevost, Lewis de Teissier - Commander, 1845
- Price, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1824
- Price, David - Captain, 1815
- Price, Francis Swaine - Retired Commander, 1839
- Price, Hugh - Lieutenant, 1815
- Price, James Hervey - Retired Commander, 1838
- Price, John - Lieutenant, 1836
- Price, John Adolphus Pope - Lieutenant, 1842
- Price, Samuel - Captain, 1831
- Prickett, Thomas - Captain, 1824
- Pridham, Richard - Captain, 1830
- Pridham, William Downman - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pridham, William White - Lieutenant, 1840
- Priest, Benjamin Portland - Lieutenant, 1842
- Prince, John - Retired Commander, 1841
- Pring, Daniel - Captain, 1815
- Pringle, James - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Prior, Thomas Henry - Lieutenant, 1829
- Pritchard, John Appleby - Lieutenant, 1842
- Pritchard, John White - Commander, 1828
- Pritchard, Richard Davison - Commander, 1841
- Pritchard, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1843
- Pritchard, Samuel Perkins - Captain, 1841
- Probert, John Wale - Lieutenant, 1844
- Proby, Granville Leveson - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Proby, Henry Joshua Philadelphia - Retired Commander, 1845
- Probyn, Henry (a) - Retired Captain, 1840
- Probyn, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Proctor, Edward Halhed Beauchamp - Commander, 1846
- Proctor, William Beauchamp Bart - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Protheroe, Samuel Rosser - Lieutenant, 1826
- Prowse, William - Commander, 1843
- Prowse, William Jones - Captain, 1841
- Prust, Bartholomew - Lieutenant, 1822
- Pryce, Henry - Commander, 1821
Pu . . .
- Puckford, James - Commander, 1827
- Puget, William David - Captain, 1841
- Puleston, John - Lieutenant, 1809
- Pullen, Samuel George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Pullen, William John Samuel - Lieutenant, 1846
- Pulling, James - Captain, 1845
- Purcell, Edward - Captain, 1828
- Purchas, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Purchas, William Jardine - Captain, 1828
- Purches, James Uzuld - Lieutenant, 1804
- Purver, Thomas White - Lieutenant, 1841
- Purvis, George Thomas Maitland - Commander, 1842
- Purvis, John Brett - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Purvis, Richard - Lieutenant, 1846
Py . . .
- Pye, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Pyke, John - Commander, 1841
- Pyke, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1826
- Pym, Samuel KCB - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Pyne, George - Lieutenant, 1841
Qu . . .
- Quin, Francis Beaufort - Lieutenant, 1846
- Quin, Henry - Lieutenant, 1820
- Quin, Michael - Captain, 1837
- Quin, Richard Robert - Commander, 1846
- Quinlan, William St. Louis - Lieutenant, 1843
Ra . . .
- Raban, Robert Bruce - Lieutenant, 1814
- Rabett, George William - Lieutenant, 1826
- Radcliff, John - Lieutenant, 1816
- Radcliffe, William - Commander, 1830
- Radford, Samuel KH - Captain, 1832
- Radford, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Lord Radstock, Granville George Waldegrave CB - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Rainier, Charles - Lieutenant, 1844
- Rainier, John - Lieutenant, 1821
- Rainier, Peter - Lieutenant, 1835
- Rains, James - Retired Commander, 1829
- Ralph, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ramsay, George - Captain, 1843
- Ramsay, John Douglas - Lieutenant, 1829
- Ramsay, Joseph - Retired Commander, 1848
- Ramsay, Robert (a) CB - Captain, 1815
- Ramsay, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ramsay, William - Captain, 1838
- Ramsden, Frank - Commander, 1826
- Ramsden, William - Captain, 1822
- Ramsey, Edward - Lieutenant, 1810
- Ramsey, Samuel - Commander, 1828
- Ramsey, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ramshay, George Rodney - Retired Commander, 1844
- Randall, Daniel White - Lieutenant, 1806
- Randall, Henry - Commander, 1846
- Randolph, Charles Grenville - Captain, 1827
- Randolph, George Grenville - Commander, 1846
- Ranwell, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Raper, Henry (a) - Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Raper, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1823
- Ratsey, Edward - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Ratsey, Nathaniel - Retired Commander, 1847
- Ratsey, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1838
- Rattray, James - Captain, 1815
- Raven, Michael - Retired Commander, 1845
- Rawdon, Charles Wyndham - Lieutenant, 1822
- Rawle, Richard - Retired Commander, 1847
- Rawlins, Robert Dicklegg - Commander, 1815
- Rawlins, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1811
- Rawlinson, Charles James - Lieutenant, 1810
- Rawstorne, James - Commander, 1846
- Ray, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1823
- Rayley, Charles - Commander, 1813
- Raymond, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Raymond, James Grant - Lieutenant, 1828
- Rayner, Edmund - Retired Commander, 1831
Re . . .
- Read, Charles Rudston - Lieutenant, 1841
- Read, George (b) KTS - Lieutenant, 1815
- Read, Offley Malcolm Crewe - Lieutenant, 1846
- Read, Thomas - Commander, 1829
- Read, William Viner - Commander, 1846
- Reed, Archibald - Commander, 1837
- Reed, Nehemiah John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Reeve, John - Commander, 1830
- Reeve, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1842
- Reid, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1820
- Reid, Charles Hope - Captain, 1822
- Reid, Curtis - Lieutenant, 1809
- Reid, Douglas - Lieutenant, 1840
- Reid, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Reid, John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Reid, Robert - Lieutenant, 1843
- Reid, Walter - Commander, 1846
- Reikie, William - Retired Commander, 1844
- Rendell, John - Lieutenant, 1828
- Rennie, James - Lieutenant, 1811
- Renou, Timothy - Lieutenant, 1812
- Renwick, Thomas - Captain, 1817
- Repington, Edward Henry A’Court - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Revans, Thomas - Commander, 1816
- Reynolds, Barrington CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1848
- Reynolds, George - Retired Commander, 1831
- Reynolds, George Stewart - Commander, 1841
- Reynolds, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Reynolds, John - Captain, 1830
- Reynolds, Louis Rivett - Lieutenant, 1846
- Reynolds, William - Lieutenant, 1812
Rh . . .
- Rhind, William Graeme - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rhodes, John Henry - Commander, 1814
Ri . . .
- Riall, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Riddell, Robert - Captain, 1819 (see Carre, Robert Riddell)
- Ribouleau, Peter - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Rice, Edward Bridges - Lieutenant, 1844
- Rice, George William - Lieutenant, 1848
- Rice, Henry - Retired Commander, 1846
- Rich, Charles - Captain, 1838
- Rich, Edwin Ludlow - Captain, 1841
- Rich, Frederick Dampier - Lieutenant, 1846
- Rich, George Frederick - Captain, 1823
- Rich, Henry - Retired Commander, 1846
- Richards, Edwin - Commander, 1827
- Richards, George Henry - Commander, 1845
- Richards, Harry Lord - Commander, 1828
- Richards, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Richards, Peter CB - Captain, 1828
- Richards, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Richardson, Charles KCB - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1847
- Richardson, John (a) - Commander, 1802
- Richardson, John (b) - Commander, 1839
- Richardson, Richard M‘Kinley - Lieutenant, 1842
- Richardson, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1828
- Richardson, William KIC - Captain, 1838
- Riches, Watson Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Richie, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Richmond, Henry - Lieutenant, 1819
- Richmond, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1822
- Ricketts, Charles Spencer - Lieutenant, 1809
- Ricketts, Cornwallis Bart - Captain, 1846
- Ricketts, Simpson Hicks - Lieutenant, 1842
- Rideout, Samuel - Commander, 1827
- Rider, William Barnham - Commander, 1806
- Ridge, George Agar Ellis - Lieutenant, 1846
- Rigge, Charles Gray - Lieutenant, 1838
- Rigmaiden, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Riley, Charles Wilson - Commander, 1838.
- Risk, John Erskine Field - Lieutenant, 1840
- Risk, Richard Hawkins - Lieutenant, 1844
- Ritchie, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Rivers, William - Lieutenant, 1806
- Rivers, William Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Rivett-Carnac, John - Captain, 1837
Ro . . .
- Robb, John - Captain, 1841
- Roberton, John Sherbrooke - Lieutenant, 1843
- Roberts, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1812
- Roberts, Daniel - Retired Captain, 1845
- Roberts, Duncan - Lieutenant, 1815
- Roberts, Edward Forward - Lieutenant, 1841
- Roberts, Francis - Lieutenant, 1811
- Roberts, Henry - Lieutenant, 1827
- Roberts, James Wolfe - Retired Commander, 1840
- Roberts, John - Lieutenant, 1816
- Roberts, John Charles Gawen - Captain, 1815
- Roberts, John Walter - Captain, 1823
- Roberts, Lazarus - Lieutenant, 1815
- Roberts, Mitchell - Commander, 1814
- Roberts, Samuel Kt CB - Captain, 1815
- Roberts, Thomas - Retired Captain, 1840
- Roberts, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Roberts, William Pender - Retired Captain, 1845
- Robertson, Bowen Robert - Lieutenant, 1811
- Robertson, David - Commander, 1845.
- Robertson, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Robertson, James Balfour - Lieutenant, 1806
- Robertson, James Hector M‘Kenzie - Lieutenant, 1831
- Robertson, John - Captain, 1838
- Robertson, Richard Murdoch - Captain, 1838
- Robertson, Robert - Commander, 1847
- Robertson, William - Lieutenant, 1840
- Robilliard, John - Captain, 1837
- Robilliard, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1835
- Robins, Henry Jenkins - Commander, 1841
- Robins, John Gunn - Lieutenant, 1840
- Robins, Thomas Lowton (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Robins, William Stocker - Commander, 1821
- Robinson, Alfred Samuel - Lieutenant, 1810
- Robinson, Charles - Commander, 1794
- Robinson, Charles (a) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Robinson, Charles Cowling - Lieutenant, 1812
- Robinson, Charles Gepp - Captain, 1846
- Robinson, Edward - Lieutenant, 1813
- Robinson, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1844
- Robinson, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Robinson, Hercules - Captain, 1814
- Robinson, James Charles - Lieutenant, 1838
- Robinson, John Delancey - Lieutenant, 1823
- Robinson, John James - Commander, 1843
- Robinson, Joseph (b) - Lieutenant, 1826
- Robinson, Louis Augustus - Commander, 1837
- Robinson, Richard - Commander, 1838
- Robinson, Robert - Lieutenant, 1825
- Robinson, Robert Spencer - Captain, 1840
- Robinson, Thomas Pitt - Commander, 1828
- Robinson, Walter Francis - Lieutenant, 1841
- Robinson, William - Commander, 1844
- Robson, William - Commander, 1846
- Roche, John - Retired Commander, 1841
- Roche, Joseph - Commander, 1838
- Rochfort, Robert - Commander, 1828
- Rochfort, William - Captain, 1826
- Rodd, John Rashleigh - Lieutenant, 1840
- Roddam, William - Lieutenant, 1812
- Rodger, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rodney, John - Captain on Retired Half-pay, 1780
- Rodney, Mortimer Harley - Lieutenant, 1840
- Rodney, Thomas Maitland - Commander, 1846
- Roe, John Septimus - Lieutenant, 1822
- Roe, Robert Bradley - Lieutenant, 1810
- Roepel, Juste Peter - Captain, 1846
- Rogers, Frederick - Commander, 1831
- Rogers, Henry Downing (b) - Commander, 1847
- Rogers, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1811
- Rogers, Richard Eales - Lieutenant, 1828
- Rogers, Robert Henley - Captain, 1816
- Rogers, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rogers, William - Retired Captain, 1840
- Rogier, Edward - Lieutenant, 1826
- Rolland, William Rue - Lieutenant, 1841
- Rolleston, James - Lieutenant, 1811
- Romney, Francis Darby - Commander, 1847
- Rooke, Charles Thomas - Commander, 1841
- Rooke, Francis - Lieutenant, 1846
- Rooke, Frederick William - Retired Captain, 1845
- Rooke, Leonard Charles - Captain, 1842
- Rootes, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Rorie, George - Retired Commander, 1847
- Rorie, John James - Retired Commander, 1842
- Roscow, Samuel (b) - Retired Commander, 1847
- Rose, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rose, George Frederick - Lieutenant, 1841
- Rose, John - Retired Commander, 1847
- Ross, Charles Bayne Hodgson CB - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1847
- Ross, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Ross, Charles William De Courcy - Commander, 1842
- Ross, Charles Wilsone - Lieutenant, 1816
- Ross, James Clark DCL FRS FLS FRAS &c - Captain, 1834
- Ross, John Kt CB KCS KSA - Captain, 1818
- Ross, John Francis - Lieutenant, 1846
- Ross, Melville George Hope Warrender - Lieutenant, 1842
- Ross, Richard Colmer - Lieutenant, 1812
- Ross, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ross, Thomas Kt - Commander, 1833
- Ross, Thomas Courtis - Lieutenant, 1839
- Rothery, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rous, Henry John - Captain, 1823
- Rouse, John Wood - Lieutenant, 1807
- Routledge, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1824
- Rowan, Edward - Retired Commander, 1844
- Rowe, Henry Nathaniel - Retired Captain, 1840
- Rowe, Hugh Thomas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Rowe, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Rowlands, John Samuel - Lieutenant, 1813
- Rowlatt, William - Commander, 1847
- Rowles, Byron George - Lieutenant, 1843
- Rowley, Charles Bart GCB GCH KMT - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Rowley, Charles Evelyn - Commander, 1846
- Rowley, Joshua Ricketts Bart - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1848
- Rowley, Richard Freeman - Captain, 1830
- Rowley, Robert Hibbert Bartholomew - Commander, 1842
- Rowley, Samuel Campbell - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Royer, Alfred - Lieutenant, 1841
- Royer, Charles - Retired Commander, 1838
- Royse, William - Lieutenant, 1829
Ru . . .
- Rubidge, Charles - Retired Commander, 1841
- Rubidge, Robert Henry - Retired Commander, 1845
- Rule, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rumley, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Rundle, Joseph Sparkhall - Lieutenant, 1839
- Rushbrooke, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Russell, Edward Lord - Captain, 1833
- Russell, Francis John Lord - Commander, 1837
- Russell, John - Captain, 1845
- Russell, Robert - Captain, 1836
- Russell, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Russell, William Nathaniel - Commander, 1841
- Rust, Robert - Lieutenant, 1813
- Rutherford, Gilbert Brydone - Lieutenant, 1840
Ry . . .
- Ryder, Alfred Phillipps - Captain, 1848
- Ryder, Granville Dudley - Lieutenant, 1819
- Ryder, William - Lieutenant, 1816
- Rye, George Hubert - Retired Commander, 1847
- Rye, Peter - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Rymer, David - Lieutenant, 1825
- Ryves, George Frederick CB - Captain, 1830
- Ryves, Herbert Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
Sa . . .
- Sabben, James - Lieutenant, 1810
- Sadleir, Richard - Lieutenant, 1819
- Sadler, Benjamin Peyton - Lieutenant, 1818
- St. Aubyn, Robert John - Lieutenant, 1841
- St. Clair, Charles - Commander, 1842
- St. Clair, David Latimer - Retired Captain, 1847
- St. John, Charles Orlando Henry Perkins - Lieutenant, 1846
- St. John, James - Commander, 1842
- St. John, William Oliver - Lieutenant, 1810
- St. Leger, James Aldworth - Commander, 1848
- St. Quintin, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Sainthill, Alfred - Lieutenant, 1816
- Sainthill, George Augustus - Captain, 1838
- Sainthill, Richard Tillidge - Lieutenant, 1810
- Salkeld, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Salmon, John - Retired Commander, 1843
- Salter, John - Lieutenant, 1813
- Samwell, Peter - Retired Commander, 1841
- Samwell, William (a) - Retired Commander, 1833
- Samwell, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1829
- Sanders, Edwin William - Lieutenant, 1840
- Sanders, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sanders, John Harry - Retired Commander, 1841
- Sanders, Thomas - Captain, 1841
- Sanders, William Schollar - Lieutenant, 1841
- Sanderson, John (a) - Commander, 1846
- Sanderson, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1828
- Sanderson, John Proctor - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sandom, Robert Maccure - Lieutenant, 1843
- Sandom, Williams - Captain, 1828
- Sanford, George - Lieutenant, 1811
- Sanford, John Ayshford - Lieutenant, 1847
- Sangster, Robert - Retired Commander, 1845
- Sankey, Jacob Hiram - Commander, 1844
- Sansum, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1839
- Sargent, Robert Orme - Lieutenant, 1846
- Sarsfield, Dominick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sartorius, George Rose Kt KSBD’A KCTS - Captain, 1814
- Saulez, Isaac Newton Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Saumarez, Philip - Lieutenant, 1847
- Saumarez, Richard KLA - Captain, 1824
- Saumarez, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1848
- Saunders, William Clewes - Lieutenant, 1822
- Saunderson, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Saurin, Edward - Captain, 1814
- Savage, James - Lieutenant, 1816
- Savage, William - Commander, 1830
- Savage, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Saville, George Augustus - Retired Commander, 1835
- Sawbridge, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1828
- Sayer, George (a) - Captain, 1810
- Sayer, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Sayer, Robert Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
Sc . . .
- Scallon, Robert - Commander, 1823
- Scantlebury, Jehu Caudle Bend - Lieutenant, 1814
- Schaw, Frederick David - Retired Commander, 1844
- Schomberg, Alexander Wilmot - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Schomberg, Charles Frederick - Commander, 1844
- Schomberg, Henry Charles - Lieutenant, 1827
- Schomberg, Herbert - Commander, 1841
- Schultz, George Augustus - Retired Commander, 1839
- Scobell, George Treweeke - Retired Captain, 1843
- Scott, Charles Kittoe - Lieutenant, 1827
- Scott, David - Captain, 1814
- Scott, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1810
- Scott, Edward Forlow - Commander, 1815
- Scott, Edward Hinton - Captain, 1838
- Scott, Francis - Captain, 1848
- Scott, George - Captain, 1830
- Scott, Henry William - Commander, 1815
- Scott, James CB - Captain, 1828
- Scott, John - Commander, 1815
- Scott, John Bonnet - Lieutenant, 1846
- Scott, Peter Astle - Lieutenant, 1843
- Scott, Robert Anthony Edward - Commander, 1848
- Scott, William Isaac - Captain, 1814.
- Scriven, John Barclay - Lieutenant, 1810
- Scriven, Thomas Swain - Lieutenant, 1822
- Scroggs, Edward - Lieutenant, 1847
- Scrymgour, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Scudamore, William James - Lieutenant, 1812
Se . . .
- Seale, Charles Henry - Commander, 1814
- Sealy, John Ludlow Nelson - Lieutenant, 1828
- Searle, Thomas CB - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Seaton, John KTS - Lieutenant, 1815
- Seaver, Charles - Lieutenant, 1830
- Seaward, William - Lieutenant, 1830
- Seccombe, Charles Julius - Lieutenant, 1825
- Seccombe, John - Lieutenant, 1842
- Selbie, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Selby, George - Lieutenant, 1811
- Selby, Henry Donaldson - Lieutenant, 1847
- Selby, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sellon, William Richard Baker formerly Smith - Retired Commander, 1844
- Selwyn, Frederick Leopold Augustus - Commander, 1847
- Selwyn, Jasper Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Senhouse, Edward Hooper - Commander, 1843
- Senior, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Servante, Charles - Lieutenant, 1828
- Servante, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1828
- Seton, James Grant - Lieutenant, 1815
- Seward, Charles - Commander, 1814
- Sewell, Francis Theodore Dudley - Lieutenant, 1821
- Sewell, Henry Frederick - Lieutenant, 1810
- Seymour, Edward William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Seymour, Francis Edward - Commander, 1814
- Seymour, Frederick Beauchamp Paget - Commander, 1847
- Seymour, George Alexander - Commander, 1845
- Seymour, George Francis - Kt CB GCH - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Seymour, George Henry - Captain, 1844
- Seymour, John Crossley - Lieutenant, 1813
- Seymour, Matthew Cassan - Lieutenant, 1815
- Seymour, Michael - Captain, 1826
Sh . . .
- Shacklock, Edward - Lieutenant, 1821
- Shadwell, Charles Frederick Alexander - Commander, 1846
- Shairp, Alexander - Commander, 1827
- Shairp, Alexander Mordaunt - Lieutenant, 1841
- Shairp, John Hamilton - Lieutenant, 1844
- Shairp, Stephen - Lieutenant, 1824
- Shakespear, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1810
- Shapcote, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1811
- Shapland, Henry - Lieutenant, 1823
- Sharpe, Alexander Renton CB - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1848
- Sharpe, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1839
- Sharpe, Robert KTS - Captain, 1848
- Shaw, Charles (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Shaw, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Shaw, George - Lieutenant, 1815
- Shaw, Isaac - Commander, 1813
- Shaw, William Eade - Lieutenant, 1845
- Shearman, William Marcus - Lieutenant, 1841
- Shears, John Abelard - Lieutenant, 1840
- Shebbeare, Robert - Lieutenant, 1813
- Shed, Robert - Commander, 1814
- Sheils, James Waldegrave Ludlow - Lieutenant, 1814
- Shephard, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Shepheard, William - Captain, 1840
- Shepherd, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1811
- Shepherd, John (b) - Captain, 1840
- Shepherd, John (a) - Retired Captain, 1847
- Sherer, Joseph KH - Captain, 1841
- Sheridan, John - Captain, 1815
- Sheringham, William Louis - Captain, 1847
- Sherwin, Thomas Cowper - Commander, 1825
- Shewen, Daniel - Retired Commander, 1844
- Shiffner, Henry Bart - Captain, 1819
- Shillingford, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Shipley, Conway Mordaunt - Lieutenant, 1845
- Shipley, James - Lieutenant, 1810
- Shippard, William - Retired Captain, 1846
- Shipton, James Maurice - Lieutenant, 1810
- Shirley, George James - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Shirreff, Patrick - Lieutenant, 1815
- Shirreff, William Henry - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Shore, Samuel Sparshott - Lieutenant, 1842
- Short, Henry Middleton - Lieutenant, 1815
- Short, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Short, Samuel Frederick - Lieutenant, 1840
- Shortland, Peter Frederick - Commander, 1848
- Shortland, Willoughby - Lieutenant, 1828
- Shortt, Charles - Lieutenant, 1821
- Shortt, Francis Henry - Lieutenant, 1843
- Shuldham, Molyneux - Retired Commander, 1843
- Shute, Henry George - Commander, 1841
- Shuttleworth, Peter - Lieutenant, 1815
Si . . .
- Sibbald, John - Commander, 1843
- Sibbald, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1845
- Sibly, John - Lieutenant, 1821
- Sicklemore, John Cony - Lieutenant, 1827
- Sidney, Frederick William - Lieutenant, 1842
- Simeon, Charles - Captain, 1827
- Simkin, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Simkin, Thomas Allen - Retired Commander, 1841
- Simmons, Chestney - Lieutenant, 1819
- Simmons, Edward - Lieutenant, 1811
- Simmons, George Valentine - Lieutenant, 1815
- Simmons, William Cress - Lieutenant, 1825
- Simonds, Richard Smith - Lieutenant, 1812
- Simpkinson, Francis Guillemard - Lieutenant, 1845
- Simpson, Henry George - Lieutenant, 1846
- Simpson, James (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Simpson, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1845
- Simpson, John - Captain, 1809
- Simpson, John (b) - Captain, 1846
- Simpson, John (c) - Retired Commander, 1841
- Simpson, John (d) - Lieutenant, 1808
- Simpson, Samuel Ash - Retired Commander, 1837
- Simpson, Thomas (a) KTS - Retired Captain, 1841
- Simpson, Thomas (b) - Retired Commander, 1843
- Sims, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sinclair, Archibald - Captain, 1814
- Sinclair, John Gordon Bart - Captain, 1814
- Sison, Samuel - Retired Commander, 1844
Sk . . .
- Skardon, George Briscoe - Lieutenant, 1814
- Skekel, John - Captain, 1825
- Skene, Alexander Motz - Lieutenant, 1820
- Skene, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Skene, John McDowall formerly Smith - Commander, 1846
- Skinley, John - Lieutenant, 1817
- Skinner, Arthur Macgregor - Commander, 1828
- Skipsey, William - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Skipwith, Grey - Commander, 1842
- Skipwith, Sidmouth Stowell - Lieutenant, 1846
- Skynner, John - Retired Commander, 1838
Sl . . .
- Slade, Adolphus - Commander, 1841
- Slade, Edgar - Lieutenant, 1841
- Slade, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1811
- Slade, Henry - Commander, 1825
- Slade, James - Captain, 1810
- Slaughter, John - Lieutenant, 1830
- Slaughter, William KH - Captain, 1837
- Sleigh, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Slight, Julian Foulston - Lieutenant, 1842
- Sloan, George - Lieutenant, 1812
- Sloly, James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Slyman, Daniel - Lieutenant, 1815
Sm . . .
- Smail, James - Lieutenant, 1825
- Smail, William Archibald - Lieutenant, 1812
- Smart, John Norval - Lieutenant, 1815
- Smart, Robert KH - Captain, 1837
- Smith, Alexander John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Smith, Andrew - Commander, 1841
- Smith, Andrew (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Smith, Benjamin - Retired Commander, 1836
- Smith, Charles - Captain, 1841
- Smith, Christopher - Lieutenant, 1821
- Smith, Edward (a) - Commander, 1828
- Smith, Edward Garrow - Lieutenant, 1827
- Smith, Frederick Abraham - Lieutenant, 1820
- Smith, Frederick Wetherall - Lieutenant, 1846
- Smith, George - Captain, 1832
- Smith, George Hamilton - Lieutenant, 1825
- Smith, George Martyr - Lieutenant, 1846
- Smith, George Thomas Cleather - Lieutenant, 1842
- Smith, George Woodberry - Commander, 1841
- Smith, Harry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Smith, Henry (a) CB - Captain, 1829
- Smith, Henry (b) - Captain, 1846
- Smith, Henry Thomas - Lieutenant, 1841
- Smith, James - Retired Commander, 1832
- Smith, John - Retired Commander, 1847
- Smith, John (d) - Lieutenant, 1802
- Smith, John (e) - Lieutenant, 1807
- Smith, John (f) - Lieutenant, 1821
- Smith, John William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Smith, John Wynter - Lieutenant, 1810
- Smith, Marmaduke - Lieutenant, 1808
- Smith, Richard Sidney - Commander, 1846
- Smith, Robert - Commander, 1814
- Smith, Thomas (a) - Captain, 1825
- Smith, Thomas (b) - Captain, 1841
- Smith, Thomas (c) - Commander, 1844
- Smith, Thomas (d) - Commander, 1846
- Smith, Thomas (e) - Retired Commander, 1845
- Smith, William (a) - Captain, 1846
- Smith, William (b) - Commander, 1826
- Smith, William Forsyth - Lieutenant, 1821
- Smith, William Harris - Retired Commander, 1831
- Smith, William Henry - Retired Commander, 1847
- Smith, William Richard - Lieutenant, 1841
- Smith, William Robert - Retired Captain, 1840
- Smith, William Sidney - Captain, 1837
- Smithers, George - Lieutenant, 1811
- Smyth, Francis - Lieutenant, 1826
- Smyth, George Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Smyth, Spencer - Commander, 1827
- Smyth, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1832
- Smyth, Thomas Johnson - Lieutenant, 1842
- Smyth, William - Captain, 1843
- Smyth, William Henry KFM DCL VPES PresRAS &c - Captain, 1824
- Smythe, George - Commander, 1847
Sn . . .
- Snell, George - Commander, 1843
- Snell, John Cooke - Lieutenant, 1841
- Snell, Robert (a) - Lieutenant, 1806
- Snell, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- Snellgrove, Henry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Sneyd, Clement - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Snow, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
So . . .
- Soady, Joseph - Commander, 1822
- Somerville, George Field - Retired Commander, 1841
- Somerville, James Bowen - Lieutenant, 1814
- Somerville, Kenelm Lord - Captain, 1814
- Somerville, Philip - Commander, 1848
- Somerville, Philip Hodge - Commander, 1842
- Somerville, William - Retired Commander, 1840
- Sotheby, Charles - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1848
- Sotheby, Edward Southwell - Commander, 1841
- South, William Wilson - Lieutenant, 1809
- Southey, William - Commander, 1844
Sp . . .
- Spain, David - Lieutenant, 1847
- Spark, Thomas - Commander, 1846
- Sparrow, Meyrick Bodychan - Lieutenant, 1813
- Sparshott, Edward KH - Captain, 1830
- Sparshott, Samuel - Commander, 1818
- Speck, William - Commander, 1843
- Spence, Henry Francis - Lieutenant, 1812
- Spencer, Frederick Earl KSL KSA KRG - Captain, 1822
- Spencer, John Welbore Sunderland - Commander, 1847
- Spencer, Nelson Grantley - Lieutenant, 1847
- Spencer, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1806
- Spettigue, Coryndon - Commander, 1838
- Spiers, William - Lieutenant, 1811
- Spong, George - Commander, 1846
- Spratt, James - Retired Commander, 1838
- Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage - Lieutenant, 1841
- Spread, John Matthias - Commander, 1798
- Sprigg, George - Commander, 1844
- Spurin, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Spurway, John - Lieutenant, 1814
Sq . . .
- Squire, Charles Frederick - Retired Captain, 1843
- Squire, William - Lieutenant, 1825
St . . .
- Stacpoole, Michael - Commander, 1818
- Stanbury, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Standbridge, William Tomlinson - Lieutenant, 1846
- Stanfell, Francis Henry - Lieutenant, 1840
- Stanhope, Chandos Scudamore S. - Lieutenant, 1846
- Stanhope, Edwyn Francis Scudamore - Commander, 1814
- Stanhope, Henry - Captain, 1822
- Stanley, Edward - Captain, 1838
- Stanley, Owen FES FRAS - Captain, 1844
- Stanley, William Pearce - Captain, 1838
- Stanton, James - Retired Commander, 1835
- Stark, Peter - Lieutenant, 1814
- Starmer, Charles - Commander, 1842
- Stead, Thomas Fisher - Lieutenant, 1815
- Steane, John - Commander, 1841.
- Steddy, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Steel, David - Lieutenant, 1825
- Steele, Elmes - Lieutenant, 1825
- Steele, Henry Perin - Retired Commander, 1838
- Steele, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Stephen, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Stephens, John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Stephens, Philip formerly Wilkinson - Admiral of the Red, 1837
- Stephens, Robert Lee - Lieutenant, 1826
- Stephens, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1834
- Stephens, William Knighton - Captain, 1846
- Stephens, William Lukis - Lieutenant, 1821
- Sterne, William - Lieutenant, 1813
- Stevens, Frederick Hildebrand - Lieutenant, 1841
- Stevens, James Agnew - Commander, 1842
- Stevenson, Charles Goude - Retired Commander, 1846
- Stevenson, James - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Stewart, Edward Brenton - Commander, 1844
- Stewart, Frederick Augustus Bowes - Lieutenant, 1815
- Stewart, Henry - Lieutenant, 1840
- Stewart, Houston CB - Captain, 1817
- Stewart, James - Lieutenant, 1828
- Stewart, James Pattison CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Stewart, Keith - Captain, 1842
- Stewart, Peter Benson - Commander, 1841
- Stewart, Robert Arthur - Commander, 1845
- Stewart, Thomas Bedford - Lieutenant, 1842
- Stewart, Thomas Dilnot - Commander, 1843
- Stewart, William Houston - Commander, 1848
- Still, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Stirling, Alexander Garthshore - Retired Commander, 1838
- Stirling, Frederick Henry - Lieutenant, 1848
- Stirling, James Kt - Captain, 1818
- Stirling, James (b) - Commander, 1814
- Stirling, Joseph Francis - Commander, 1843
- Stirling, Spencer - Lieutenant, 1843
- Stirling, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Stockdale, Charles Boddam - Lieutenant, 1812
- Stocker, Stephen - Lieutenant, 1815
- Stocker, Walter Broad - Commander, 1847
- Stoddart, James - Commander, 1842
- Stoddart, John - Captain, 1825
- Stoddart, Pringle - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Stokes, Henry - Lieutenant, 1842
- Stokes, John Lort - Captain, 1846
- Stokes, Shovel Brenton - Lieutenant, 1830
- Stoll, John Luke Richard - Commander, 1841
- Stone, James (a) - Lieutenant, 1800
- Stone, John - Lieutenant, 1824
- Stone, William - Lieutenant, 1824
- Stopford, Edward - Commander, 1841
- Stopford, James John - Captain, 1841
- Stopford, Montagu - Captain, 1825
- Stopford, Richard Henry - Captain, 1845
- Stopford, Robert Fanshawe GCB GCMG KRE - Admiral of the Red, 1825
- Storey, James - Lieutenant, 1810
- Story, Henry Alexander - Commander, 1846
- Stother, John Meyricke - Retired Commander, 1846
- Stoyle, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Strachey, Christopher KSV - Captain, 1814
- Strange, James Newburgh - Commander, 1842
- Strange, Thomas (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Strangways, Edmund Ludlow - Lieutenant, 1842
- Stratford, William Samuel FRS - Lieutenant, 1815
- Streatfeild, Richard - Commander, 1814
- Streatfeild, Robert - Commander, 1815
- Strettell, John - Lieutenant, 1841
- Strettell, William Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Strickland, Walter - Lieutenant, 1847
- Strode, Augustus Chetham - Lieutenant, 1847
- Strode, Edward Chetham formerly Chetham, KCB KCH - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Strode, Frederick Thomas Chetham - Lieutenant, 1842
- Strong, Charles Burrough (a) - Captain, 1819
- Strong, Charles Burrough (b) - Lieutenant, 1846
- Strong, Joseph Thompson - Lieutenant, 1829
- Strong, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1807
- Strong, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Stroud, Henry - Captain, 1841
- Strover, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1814
- Strover, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Strugnell, William Baker - Lieutenant, 1814
- Stuart, James (a) - Commander, 1846
- Stuart, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Stuart, Richard - Commander, 1827
- Stuart, Robert - Captain, 1841
- Stuart, Thomas - Commander, 1840
- Stubbin, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Studdert, John Fitzgerald - Captain, 1828
- Studdert, Richard - Captain, 1844
- Stupart, Gustavus - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Stupart, Robert Douglas - Captain, 1840
- Sturt, Henry Richard - Captain, 1844
- Style, William - Retired Captain, 1844
Su . . .
- Suckling, Robert William - Lieutenant, 1838
- Suckling, William Benjamin - Captain, 1841
- Sulivan, Bartholomew James - Captain, 1845
- Sulivan, Norton Shaw - Lieutenant, 1846
- Sulivan, Thomas Ball CB - Captain, 1814
- Sulivan, Thomas Digby - Lieutenant, 1843
- Sulivan, Thomas Ross - Captain, 1847
- Sullivan, Charles (a) Bart - Captain, 1814
- Sullivan, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1844
- Summers, John - Lieutenant, 1826
- Sumpter, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sunderland, George Henry Carleton - Lieutenant, 1840
- Sutherland, Robert - Lieutenant, 1802
- Sutton, Charles Thomas - Lieutenant, 1813
- Sutton, William - Lieutenant, 1815
Sw . . .
- Swain, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1845
- Swaine, Spelman - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Swainson, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Swan, Oliver - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sweeting, William - Lieutenant, 1816
- Sweetland, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Sweny, Mark Halpen - Captain, 1838
- Swinburn, William - Lieutenant, 1848
- Swinburne, Charles Henry - Captain, 1835
- Swinburne, Thomas Anthony - Lieutenant, 1846
- Swinfen, William Clement - Commander, 1829
Sy . . .
- Syer, Dey Richard - Lieutenant, 1809
- Syer, Frederick Chevallier - Commander, 1841
- Sykes, John (a) - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1838
- Sykes, John (b) - Commander, 1814
- Sykes, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1817
- Sykes, Thomas - Commander, 1813
- Syme, George - Lieutenant, 1813
- Symes, Aaron Stark - Lieutenant, 1816
- Symes, Joseph - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Symonds, Thomas Edward (a) - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Symonds, Thomas Edward (b) - Commander, 1847
- Symonds, Thomas Matthew Charles - Captain, 1841
- Symonds, William Kt CB FRS - Captain, 1827
- Symonds, William Ley - Retired Commander, 1847
- Symons, Richard - Commander, 1841
- Symons, William Henry (a) - Commander, 1842
- Symons, William Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Symons, William Joseph - Eetired Commander, 1837
- Synge, Robert - Lieutenant, 1841
Ta . . .
- Tait, Alexander - Commander, 1825
- Tait, James Haldane - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1841
- Tait, Robert - Captain, 1827
- Talbot, Charles - Captain, 1830
- Talbot, Henry John Chetwynd Earl &c - Captain, 1827
- Talbot, John GCB - Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Talbot, John Thomas - Commander, 1829
- Tancock, John - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Tancock, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tandy, Daniel - Retired Commander, 1825
- Tardrew, George - Lieutenant, 1811
- Tarleton, John Walter - Commander, 1846
- Tatham, Edward - Commander, 1846
- Tatlock, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1812
- Tattnall, James Barnwell - Commander, 1819.
- Tattnall, Robert Cooper - Lieutenant, 1844
- Tause, Hector - Commander, 1845
- Tayler, George Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tayler, George Skene - Lieutenant, 1841
- Tayler, Joseph Needham CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Taylor, Charles (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Taylor, Edward Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Taylor, James Claude William Neufville - Lieutenant, 1845
- Taylor, John - Retired Commander, 1839
- Taylor, Robert - Lieutenant, 1821
- Taylor, Walker - Lieutenant, 1830
- Taylor, William Norton - Commander, 1841
Te . . .
- Teed, Richard Manston - Retired Commander, 1848
- Teek, Francis - Lieutenant, 1823
- Temple, Charles Henry Verelett - Lieutenant, 1842
- Temple, Francis - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Temple, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Temple, Henry Edward - Lieutenant, 1814
- Templeman, John Weare - Lieutenant, 1809
- Tennant, Charles Edmund - Commander, 1842
Th . . .
- Thelwall, Bevis - Retired Commander, 1844
- Therry, Bryan Keating - Lieutenant, 1826
- Thicknesse, John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Thomas, Abel Wantner - Commander, 1814
- Thomas, Frederick Jennings - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Thomas, Frederick William Leopold - Lieutenant, 1841
- Thomas, George (a) - Retired Commander, 1844
- Thomas, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Thomas, Montagu - Commander, 1844
- Thomas, Richard - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1848
- Thomas, Robert (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thomas, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1847
- Thomas, Robert Strickland - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thomas, Robinson - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thomas, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1842
- Thomas, William - Lieutenant, 1822
- Thomas, William George - Lieutenant, 1812
- Thomas, William Sidney - Commander, 1842
- Thomond, James GCH Marquess of Thomond, formerly Lord James O’Bryen - Admiral of the Blue, 1847
- Thompson, Andrew - Lieutenant, 1816
- Thompson, Charles - Retired Commander, 1840
- Thompson, James - Lieutenant, 1825
- Thompson, John - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Thompson, John (a) - Retired Commander, 1848
- Thompson, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thompson, John Last - Lieutenant, 1810
- Thompson, John Rowley - Lieutenant, 1841
- Thompson, Josiah - Commander, 1838
- Thompson, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1830
- Thompson, Thomas Pickering - Captain, 1847
- Thompson, Thomas Raikes Trigge - Captain, 1837
- Thompson, Thomas Sparke - Captain, 1846
- Thomson, Charles - Commander, 1840
- Thomson, Robert Kennedy - Lieutenant, 1823
- Thomson, William Augustus - Commander, 1832
- Thorley, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thornbrough, Edward Le Cras - Captain, 1827
- Thorndike, Charles Alexander - Lieutenant, 1826
- Thorne, James - Captain, 1829
- Thornton, Henry Alexander Daniel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Thornton, Samuel - Captain, 1827
- Thorold, Richard - Retired Commander, 1845
- Thorp, William - Lieutenant, 1838
- Thrackston, Edwin - Retired Commander, 1846
- Thruston, Charles Thomas - Retired Captain, 1844
- Thurburn, James Ptolemy - Lieutenant, 1841
- Thursby, Frederick Spencer - Lieutenant, 1826
- Thurtell, Charles - Commander, 1843
Ti . . .
- Tickell, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1842
- Tilley, James - Lieutenant, 1812
- Tills, William - Lieutenant, 1827
- Tills, Charles - Retired Commander, 1844
- Timins, George - Retired Commander, 1838
- Tincombe, George - Commander, 1825
- Tindal, Charles - Retired Commander, 1842
- Tindal, Louis Symonds - Commander, 1841
- Tindale, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1800
- Tinling, Edward Burnaby - Captain, 1843
- Tisdall, Archibald - Captain, 1815
To . . .
- Toby, Henry Collett - Lieutenant, 1841
- Tod, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Toker, John Buck - Lieutenant, 1820
- Toker, Thomas Richard - Captain, 1813
- Tolcher, Edward - Lieutenant, 1821
- Tollemache, Wilbraham Francis Manners - Lieutenant, 1828
- Tollervey, John Sydney - Lieutenant, 1827
- Tom, John - Lieutenant, 1826
- Tomkins, Henry Weston - Lieutenant, 1816
- Tomlin, George William - Lieutenant, 1827
- Tomlinson, James Ward - Lieutenant, 1826
- Tomlinson, Nicholas - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Tomlinson, Nicholas Robinson - Lieutenant, 1810
- Tomlinson, Robert Cosby - Lieutenant, 1813
- Tompson, Joseph Frank - Lieutenant, 1824
- Tonge, Louis Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1825
- Torlesse, Henry Boden - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tottenham, John Francis - Lieutenant, 1844
- Tottenham, William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Touzeau, James Charles Mann - Commander, 1842
- Tower, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1842
- Towers, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Towne, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Townsend, James - Commander, 1814
- Townsend, John - Lieutenant, 1844
- Townsend, Joseph Cuthbert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Townsend, Thomas - Retired Commander, 1848
- Townshend, John - Captain, 1834
- Townshend, William James - Lieutenant, 1813
- Towsey, George William - Lieutenant, 1846
- Tozer, Aaron - Captain, 1830
- Tozer, Caleb Evan - Lieutenant, 1819
Tr . . .
- Tracey, Augustus Frederick - Lieutenant, 1828
- Tracey, Benjamin Wheatley - Lieutenant, 1829
- Tracy, John - Commander, 1814
- Tracy, John Joseph Clapp Harding - Lieutenant, 1837
- Traill, Gilbert - Lieutenant, 1809
- Travers, Eaton Stannard Kt KH - Captain, 1829
- Travers, James - Lieutenant, 1826
- Treacy, Joshua - Retired Captain, 1844
- Treeve, John - Retired Commander, 1848
- Trefusis, George Rolle Walpole - Captain, 1824
- Tremlett, Francisco Saugro - Lieutenant, 1843
- Tremlett, George Neat - Retired Commander, 1831
- Tremlett, William Henry Brown - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1847
- Trench, Robert Le Poer - Lieutenant, 1833
- Trench, William Le Poer - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Trent, George Norris - Lieutenant, 1814
- Tresahar, John - Retired Commander, 1827
- Tribe, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tringham, William - Commander, 1844
- Tripp, John Upton - Retired Commander, 1847
- Triscott, Richard Shepheard - Captain, 1841
- Triscott, William Elworthy - Commander, 1846
- Trist, Robert - Lieutenant, 1808
- Trollope, George Barne CB - Captain, 1814
- Trollope, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Trotter, Henry Dundas - Captain, 1835
- Trotter, Robert - Retired Commander, 1844
- Troubridge, Edward Norwich - Captain, 1842.
- Troubridge, Edward Thomas Bart CB MP - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Troughton, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1815
- Troughton, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Trounsell, George Patey - Lieutenant, 1815
- Truppo, James - Lieutenant, 1825
- Truscott, George - Retieed Captain, 1845
- Tryon, Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tryon, Robert - Captain, 1847
Tu . . .
- Tucker, Edward KCB - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Tucker, John Jervis - Captain, 1838
- Tucker, Robert (a) - Retired Captain, 1840
- Tucker, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tucker, Thomas Tudor CB - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Tucker, William - Retired Commander, 1842
- Tudor, John - Commander, 1842
- Tudor, John Kelly - Lieutenant, 1808
- Tufnell, Robert George - Lieutenant, 1847
- Tullidge, Joseph Crew - Retired Captain, 1842
- Tullis, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Tulloh, Charles - Retired Commander, 1845
- Tulloh, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Tulloh, William Izod - Retired Commander, 1846
- Tully, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Tully, Keevey - Lieutenant, 1813
- Tupman, George - Commander, 1815
- Turberville, Edmund - Commander, 1814
- Turnbull, Robert - Lieutenant, 1815
- Turner, Charles (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Turner, Francis John - Lieutenant, 1807
- Turner, James - Lieutenant, 1828
- Turner, James Howard - Lieutenant, 1825
- Turner, John (b) - Retired Commander, 1848
- Turner, Michael - Lieutenant, 1828
- Turner, Richard John - Lieutenant, 1846
- Turner, William - Captain, 1841
- Turner, William Thackery - Lieutenant, 1843
- Turnour, Arthur Richard - Commander, 1815
- Turnour, Edmund Edward - Lieutenant, 1842
- Turnour, Edward Winterton - Lieutenant, 1843
- Turrell, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
Tw . . .
- Tweed, John Powell - Commander, 1830
- Tweed, Robert - Retired Commander, 1847
- Twigg, Richard Elliott - Retired Commander, 1844
- Twisden, John - Retired Commander, 1823
- Twiss, Robert Walpole - Commander, 1846
- Twysden, Henry Duncan - Commander, 1838
Ty . . .
- Tylden, Henry Manby - Lieutenant, 1836
- Tyler, Charles - Retired Captain, 1844
- Tyler, George Kt KH - Captain, 1822
- Tyndale, Edward - Lieutenant, 1827
- Tyrrell, George - Lieutenant, 1812
- Tyssen, John - Lieutenant, 1832
- Tyte, Robert William - Retired Commander, 1840
Um . . .
- Umfreville, Samuel Charles - Commander, 1838
Ur . . .
- Urmston, William Brabazon - Lieutenant, 1848
Us . . .
- Usher, William Armstrong - Lieutenant, 1815
- Usherwood, William - Commander, 1830
- Ussher, Sydney Henry - Captain, 1846
- Ussher, Thomas Kt CB KCH - Rear-Admiral, of the Blue, 1846
Ut . . .
- Utlay, John Taylor - Lieutenant, 1811
Va . . .
- Vallack, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1821
- Vallack, Richard Glinn - Lieutenant, 1807
- Valobra, James - Retired Commander, 1844
- Valpy, Anthony Blagrave - Commander, 1814
- Vans, Randell - Lieutenant, 1811
- Vansittart, Charles Augustus - Lieutenant, 1845
- Vansittart, Edward Westby - Lieutenant, 1842
- Vansittart, Nicholas - Commander, 1847
- Vassall, Spencer Lambart Hunter Kt KH - Captain, 1837
Ve . . .
- Veitch, Harry Thomas - Lieutenant, 1843
- Veitch, Henry Gordon - Lieutenant, 1844
- Veitch, James Richard - Lieutenant, 1847
- Venus, William - Lieutenant, 1814
- Vernon, Henry Townley - Lieutenant, 1847
- Vesey, Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Vevers, George - Lieutenant, 1815
Vi . . .
- Vibart, James - Lieutenant, 1814
- Vicary, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Vidal, Alexander Thomas Emeric - Captain, 1825
- Vidal, Richard Emeric - Commander, 1830
- Vignoles, John - Lieutenant, 1812
- Vincent, Andrew Atkins KH - Captain, 1832
- Vincent, George - Lieutenant, 1834
Vo . . .
- Von Donop, Edward Pelham Brenton - Commander, 1849
- Voules, Edward Jervis - Lieutenant, 1842
Vy . . .
- Vyner, Arthur - Commander, 1843
- Vyse, Frederick Howard - Lieutenant, 1842
Wa . . .
- Waddilove, Robert James Darley - Lieutenant, 1843
- Wade, Charles Francis - Lieutenant, 1838
- Wadeson, Charles - Lieutenant, 1815
- Waghorn, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1842
- Wainwright, James Francis Ballard - Lieutenant, 1841
- Wainwright, John - Lieutenant, 1819
- Wake, Baldwin Arden - Commander, 1849
- Wake, Charles - Lieutenant, 1846
- Wakefield, John Watson - Lieutenant, 1827
- Wakem, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Walcott, Charles - Captain, 1846
- Walcott, John Edward - Captain, 1822
- Waldegrave, Granville George Lord Radstock CB - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841
- Waldegrave, William CB Earl - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Wale, George Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Walford, William - Lieutenant, 1810
- Walker, Baldwin Wake KCB KLH KRG KIC KSA KRE - Captain, 1838
- Walker, Bethune James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Walker, George (a) - Retired Commander, 1834
- Walker, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Walker, Henry (a) - Lieutenant, 1810
- Walker, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Walker, James Robertson formerly Robertson - Commander, 1815
- Walker, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Walker, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1827
- Walker, Leven Charles Frederick - Lieutenant, 1822
- Walker, William (a) KTS - Commander, 1828
- Walker, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Walkie, John - Commander, 1841
- Wall, Allen - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wall, Henry - Lieutenant, 1841
- Wallace, James - Retired Commander, 1844
- Wallace, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Waller, Edmund - Captain, 1817
- Wallis, James (a) - Captain, 1817
- Wallis, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wallis, Provo William Parry - Captain, 1819
- Walpole, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1845
- Walpole, William - Captain, 1819
- Walsh, Stephen Russel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Walters, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1846
- Walton, Charles John - Lieutenant, 1840
- Ward, Edward Willis - Lieutenant, 1815
- Ward, James Hamilton - Captain, 1846
- Ward, John Ross - Commander, 1845
- Ward, Richard - Lieutenant, 1810
- Ward, William - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Ward, William Robert (a) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Ward, William Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1814
- Warde, Charles KH - Captain, 1815
- Warden, Frederick - Captain, 1845
- Warden, William - Retired Commander, 1837
- Wardle, John - Lieutenant, 1810
- Ware, Charles Beamish - Lieutenant, 1816
- Warner, Arthur Lee - Commander, 1821
- Warrand, Thomas - Captain, 1825
- Warre, Arthur Brathwaite - Lieutenant, 1847
- Warre, John Frederick - Lieutenant, 1841
- Warre, William Archibald - Lieutenant, 1812
- Warren, Charles Bamber - Lieutenant, 1839
- Warren, Charles Duncan - Lieutenant, 1828
- Warren, Charles Gayton - Retired Commander, 1840
- Warren, Frederic - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Warren, Frederick Pelham - Lieutenant, 1843
- Warren, Henry - Lieutenant, 1840
- Warren, James Ferris - Lieutenant, 1817
- Warren, John Talbot - Commander, 1833
- Warren, Richard Laird - Captain, 1839
- Warren, William CB - Captain, 1841
- Warren, William Frederick - Lieutenant, 1845
- Warton, Joseph - Retired Commander, 1836
- Wasey, Edward Frodsham Noel K. -Lieutenant, 1846
- Washington, John - Captain, 1842
- Waterhouse, Bartholomew George - Lieutenant, 1814
- Waterman, John - Retired Commander, 1848
- Waters, Dominick Creagh - Lieutenant, 1815
- Watkins, Frederick - Admiral of the Red, 1840
- Watkins, Thomas Vernon - Captain, 1847
- Watkins, Walter - Lieutenant, 1815
- Watling, John Wyatt - Captain, 1830
- Watson, Christopher Robert - Lieutenant, 1828
- Watson, David Henry - Lieutenant, 1818
- Watson, James Stuart McKenzie - Lieutenant, 1826
- Watson, John - Commander, 1814
- Watson, Rundle Burges CB - Captain, 1842
- Watson, William - Retired Commander, 1840
- Watts, George Edward - Captain, 1814
- Watts, Stephen Ross - Lieutenant, 1828
- Wauchope, Robert - Rear-Admiral of the Blue, 1849
We . . .
- Weale, Edward Taylor - Commander, 1827
- Weatherley, Richard - Lieutenant, 1816
- Weaver, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Weaver, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1826
- Webb, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Webb, Joseph Richard Raggett - Commander, 1828
- Webb, Nicholas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Webb, William - Captain, 1826
- Webb, William Henry - Commander, 1847
- Webber, George Wood - Lieutenant, 1827
- Webber, Edmund - Lieutenant, 1847
- Webber, William Charles - Lieutenant, 1825
- Webster, Augustus Frederick - Lieutenant, 1843
- Webster, Godfrey - Lieutenant, 1840
- Webster, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1837
- Weekes, William Burt - Lieutenant, 1812
- Weir, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Welch, David - Commander, 1846
- Welch, Robert - Retired Commander, 1836
- Welch, Robert Gregory - Commander, 1841
- Weld, Daniel - Commander, 1825
- Weld, Richard - Lieutenant, 1814
- Weller, John Hotham - Commander, 1843
- Wellesley, George Greville - Captain, 1844
- Wellington, Henry James - Commander, 1842
- Wells, Andrew - Retired Commander, 1834
- Wells, Edward Francis - Lieutenant, 1829
- Wells, John Palmer - Lieutenant, 1821
- Welsh, George - Retired Commander, 1844
- Welsh, William - Lieutenant, 1828
- Welstead, Frederick - Retired Commander, 1835
- Wemyss, James Erskine - Captain, 1814
- Wemyss, Robert - Lieutenant, 1814
- Wentworth, William Fitzwilliam - Lieutenant, 1813
- West, Alexander George - Commander, 1848
- West, Balchen Folkes - Commander, 1843
- West, Christopher - Commander, 1814
- West, Henry (a) - Commander, 1831
- West, Henry (b) - Lieutenant, 1846
- West, James Banks - Commander, 1846
- West, John KCB - Admiral of the White, 1841
- West, Joseph - Commander, 1841
- West, William Wade - Lieutenant, 1810
- Westbrook, Edmund Barford - Commander, 1839
- Westbrook, George Frederick - Lieutenant, 1826
- Western, George - Lieutenant, 1837
- Western, Richard Roger - Commander, 1846
- Westphal, George Augustus Kt - Captain, 1819
- Westphal, Philip - Captain, 1830
- Westropp, Berkley - Lieutenant, 1825
- Wetherall, Frederick Augustus - Captain, 1826
- Wettenhall, Robert - Lieutenant, 1830
Wh . . .
- Wharton, John Anthony Lawrence - Commander, 1848
- Wharton, John Francis - Retired Commander, 1838
- Wharton, Richard Hill - Lieutenant, 1841
- Wheatley, John - Commander, 1832
- Wheeler, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wheeler, Thomas Pryor - Lieutenant, 1826
- Whichelo, George - Lieutenant, 1825
- Whinyates, Thomas - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Whipple, John - Commander, 1798
- Whipple, Thomas Connell O’Donnell - Lieutenant, 1840
- Whish, William George Hyndham - Captain, 1841
- Whitaker, Thomas - Commander, 1840
- Whitcombe, Samuel Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- White, Frederick - Commander, 1846
- White, George - Retired Commander, 1849
- White, George Henry Parlby - Captain, 1846
- White, George Robert - Lieutenant, 1821
- White, George William - Lieutenant, 1829
- White, Henry Towry - Lieutenant, 1827
- White, Hugh Brice - Lieutenant, 1802
- White, John (a) - Retired Commander, 1845
- White, John (b) - Retired Commander, 1844
- White, John Chambers KCB - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1837
- White, Mark - Commander, 1815
- White, Martin - Captain, 1818
- White, Peter - Lieutenant, 1812
- White, Richard - Lieutenant, 1815
- White, Richard Dunning - Commander, 1847
- White, Richard Hamond - Lieutenant, 1825
- White, Thomas - Rear-Admiral, 1846
- Whitehead, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Whiteway, Samuel - Retired Commander, 1846
- Whitshed, James Hawkins formerly Hawkins, Bart, GCB - Admiral of the Fleet, 1844
- Whymper, William - Retired Commander, 1841
- White, John William - Lieutenant, 1843
- Whyte, Robert Charles - Lieutenant, 1840
Wi . . .
- Wickham, John Clements - Commander, 1837
- Widdrington, Samuel Edward formerly Cook, KTS - Commander, 1824
- Wight, John - Vice-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Wigley, John Gwyn - Commander, 1841
- Wigston, James - Captain, 1830
- Wilbraham, Richard - Commander, 1814
- Wildey, Henry - Retired Captain, 1840
- Wildey, John - Lieutenant, 1817
- Wilkinson, Frederick Augustus - Commander, 1824
- Wilkinson, George William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Wilkinson, James KCTS - Captain, 1840
- Wilkinson, John James - Lieutenant, 1827
- Wilkinson, Stephen - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wilkinson, William - Lieutenant, 1815
- Willcox, James - Commander, 1846
- Willcox, Robert (a) - Commander, 1823
- Willcox, Robert (b) - Lieutenant, 1842
- Willes, George Ommanney - Lieutenant, 1840
- Willes, George Wickens KFM - Captain, 1814
- Williams, Augustus Aldborough Lloyd - Lieutenant, 1813
- Williams, Charles Hamlyn - Captain, 1832
- Williams, Edward Richard - Captain, 1827
- Williams, George - Commander, 1846
- Williams, George Bell - Lieutenant, 1840
- Williams, Hugh Lloyd - Lieutenant, 1821
- Williams, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Williams, John Sutton - Lieutenant, 1815
- Williams, Joseph - Lieutenant, 1807
- Williams, Lawrence Blount - Lieutenant, 1824
- Williams, Poulton - Lieutenant, 1826
- Williams, Richard - Lieutenant, 1840
- Williams, Richard Nicholls - Lieutenant, 1813
- Williams, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1825
- Williams, Thomas (a) - Commander, 1814
- Williams, Thomas (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Williams, Thomas Mark - Lieutenant, 1815
- Williams, William John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Williams, Woodford John - Captain, 1841.
- Williamson, George - Lieutenant, 1807
- Williamson, Neilson - Lieutenant, 1810
- Willis, James Wyndham - Lieutenant, 1809
- Willis, William Alexander - Captain, 1844
- Willison, John - Lieutenant, 1811
- Willoughby, Digby Lord Middleton - Retired Captain, 1840
- Willoughby, Francis - Lieutenant, 1843
- Willoughby, James Beautine - Commander, 1846
- Willoughby, Nesbit Josiah Kt CB KCH - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1847
- Wills, John (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wills, Thomas George - Captain, 1835.
- Willson, John - Commander, 1841
- Willyams, John Vyner - Commander, 1844
- Eardley-Wilmot, Arthur Parry - Commander, 1847
- Wilmot, Charles Edward - Commander, 1846
- Wilmot, Henry Sacheverell Bart - Lieutenant, 1825
- Wilmshurst, Arthur - Lieutenant, 1845
- Wilson, Alexander - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wilson, Bosville John - Lieutenant, 1832
- Wilson, Edmund - Commander, 1845
- Wilson, George (a) - Retired Commander, 1834
- Wilson, George (b) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wilson, George Knyvett - Captain, 1848
- Wilson, Harry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Wilson, Henry Smith - Commander, 1821
- Wilson, James - Commander, 1828
- Wilson, James Henry Richard - Lieutenant, 1825
- Wilson, John (b) - Captain, 1830
- Wilson, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wilson, John (c) - Lieutenant, 1843
- Wilson, Orlando Hart - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wilson, Thomas - Commander, 1843
- Wilson, William Watts - Lieutenant, 1841
- Windham, John Henry - Commander, 1838
- Wingfield, David - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wingrove, Henry Edward - Commander, 1846
- Winlo, George William - Lieutenant, 1838
- Winniett, William - Commander, 1843
- Winsor, George - Commander, 1843
- Winterbottom, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Winthrop, George Teal Sebor - Lieutenant, 1846
- Winthrop, Hay Erskine Shipley - Commander, 1846.
- Wise, Chapman - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wise, Charles - Captain, 1847
- Wise, John - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wiseman, William Saltonstall (a) Bart - Captain, 1820
- Wiseman, William Saltonstall (b) Bart - Commander, 1846
- Witham, Charles Kt - Lieutenant, 1818
- Witham, Francis - Lieutenant, 1818
Wo . . .
- Wodehouse, Armine - Lieutenant, 1845
- Wodehouse, Edward Thornton - Captain, 1841
- Wodehouse, George - Commander, 1844
- Wolfe, James - Commander, 1843
- Wollaston, Charles - Vice-Admiral, of the Blue, 1841
- Wolley, Godfrey Lamplugh - Commander, 1841
- Wolrige, Charles - Lieutenant, 1808
- Wolrige, George Rhodes - Lieutenant, 1842
- Wolrige, Sydney - Lieutenant, 1848
- Wolrige, Thomas - Captain, 1822
- Wolrige, William - Captain, 1818
- Wood, Arthur Wellington - Lieutenant, 1840
- Wood, Charles Octavius - Lieutenant, 1845
- Wood, Frederick - Captain, 1842
- Wood, George - Retired Commander, 1842
- Wood, Granville Hamilton - Commander, 1846
- Wood, James (b) - Lieutenant, 1813
- Wood, James (c) - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wood, James (d) - Lieutenant, 1841
- Wood, James Frederick Lewis - Commander, 1843
- Wood, James Monypenny - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wood, John (a) - Lieutenant, 1812
- Wood, William - Retired Commander, 1846
- Wood, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1826
- Wood, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1845
- Wood, William Cotterell - Commander, 1841
- Woodcock, Francis Henry - Lieutenant, 1811
- Woodd, Robert - Retired Commander, 1844
- Woodgate, Thomas - Commander, 1842
- Woodham, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1815
- Woodin, William Henry - Lieutenant, 1813
- Woodley, Augustus John - Commander, 1845
- Woodley, William - Commander, 1816
- Woodman, Thomas Copeland - Lieutenant, 1839
- Woodman, William Ingle - Lieutenant, 1804
- Woodriff, Daniel James - Commander, 1822
- Woodriff, John Robert - Commander, 1848
- Woodruff, Henry - Lieutenant, 1830
- Woodruffe, Daniel - Lieutenant, 1828
- Woods, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1819
- Woodthorpe, John Bolton - Captain, 1842
- Woodward, Augustine - Lieutenant, 1812
- Woolcock, William (a) - Lieutenant, 1809
- Woolcock, William (b) - Lieutenant, 1810
- Woolcombe, Belfield - Lieutenant, 1841
- Woolcombe, Frederick - Lieutenant, 1846
- Wooldridge, Samuel Otway - Lieutenant, 1837
- Wooldridge, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Woollams, Francis - Lieutenant, 1815
- Woollcombe, George - Captain, 1830
- Woolver, Richard James - Lieutenant, 1815
- Woolward, John Horatio - Lieutenant, 1840
- Wormeley, Ralph Randolph - Captain, 1814
- Worsfold, William - Commander, 1841
- Worsley, Marcus - Lieutenant, 1818
- Worth, Henry John - Captain, 1840
- Worthington, Benjamin - Lieutenant, 1813
Wr . . .
- Wray, Luke Henry - Commander, 1824
- Wrayford, Michael - Retired Commander, 1836
- Wriford, Samuel - Commander, 1815
- Wright, Charles Mayson Moncrieffe - Captain, 1846
- Wright, George Keith Elphinstone - Lieutenant, 1846
- Wright, Henry - Lieutenant, 1832
- Wright, Henry Wilson - Lieutenant, 1848
- Wright, John - Lieutenant, 1814
- Wright, Philip - Ketiked Commander, 1840
- Wright, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1815
- Wright, William - Lieutenant, 1825
- Wright, William Elliot - Commander, 1817
- Wroot, Michael Milsom - Commander, 1827
Wy . . .
- Wyatt, Henry Benjamin - Commander, 1815
- Wybergh, Peter - Commander, 1824
- Wyborn, John - Retired Captain, 1840
- Wyke, George - Lieutenant, 1840
- Wylde, Edward - Lieutenant, 1814
- Wylde, Sydenham - Lieutenant, 1826
- Wynyard, William Rowley - Lieutenant, 1826
- Wyvill, Christopher - Captain, 1832
Ya . . .
- Yates, James Thomas - Lieutenant, 1814
- Yates, Richard Augustus - Captain, 1827
- Yates, Robert Ballard - Commander, 1814
Ye . . .
- Yeats, John Samuel - Lieutenant, 1815
- Henry, Hastings Reginald - Captain, 1843
Yo . . .
- Yolland, Charles Augustus - Lieutenant, 1828
- Yonge, Edmund - Captain, 1841
- Yonge, Frederick Duke - Lieutenant, 1845
- Yorke, Reginald - Captain, 1846
- Youel, Edward - Lieutenant, 1812
- Young, Alexander - Retired Commander, 1840
- Young, Alfred - Lieutenant, 1842
- Young, Brook - One of the Junior Lieutenants
- Young, Charles Henry - Lieutenant, 1845
- Young, Daniel - Lieutenant, 1822
- Young, George (a) Bart - Captain, 1841
- Young, George (b) - Retired Commander, 1846
- Young, Horatio Beauman - Captain, 1846
- Young, Jacob Ley - Commander, 1847
- Young, John Thomas - Retired Commander, 1836
- Young, Matthew - Retired Commander, 1839
- Young, Robert Benjamin - Commander, 1810
- Young, Thomas - Lieutenant, 1826
- Young, Thomas Bristowe - Commander, 1813
- Young, William - Vice-Admiral of the Blue, 1846
- Young, William Francis - Lieutenant, 1826
Yu . . .
- Yule, Charles Bampfield - Lieutenant, 1842
- Yule, James - Lieutenant, 1826
General Actions
- No. 1. – Lord Howe’s Actions
- No. 2. – Vice-Admiral Hotham’s Action
- No. 3. – Lord Bridport’s Action
- No. 4. – Action off Cape St. Vincent
- No. 5. – Admiral Duncan’s Action
- No. 6. – Battle of the Nile
- No. 7. – Battle of Copenhagen
- No. 8. – Battle of Algeciras
- No. 9. – Battle off Cadiz
- No. 10. – Sir Robert Calder’s Action
- No. 11. – Battle of Trafalgar
- No. 12. – Sir Richard Strachan’s Action
- No. 13. – Sir J. T. Duckworth’s Action
- No. 14. – The Dardanells
- No. 15. – Lord Gambier’s Expedition to Copenhagen
- No. 16. – Lord Gambier’s Actions
- No. 17. – Sir Edward Pellew, off Toulon
- No. 18. – Battle of Algiers
- No. 19. – Battle of Navarino
- No. 20. – St. Jean d’Acre
- Abbreviations in Appendix
- Appendix Title
- Promotions
- Promotions - Lieutenants
- Appointments, Discharges, &c
- Appointments to Ships A
- Appointments to Ships B
- Appointments to Ships C
- Appointments to Ships D
- Appointments to Ships E
- Appointments to Ships F
- Appointments to Ships G
- Appointments to Ships H
- Appointments to Ships I
- Appointments to Ships J
- Appointments to Ships K
- Appointments to Ships L
- Appointments to Ships M
- Appointments to Ships N
- Appointments to Ships O
- Appointments to Ships P
- Appointments to Ships Q
- Appointments to Ships R
- Appointments to Ships S
- Appointments to Ships T
- Appointments to Ships V
- Appointments to Ships W
- Appointments to Ships Y
- Coast Guard
- Others
- Addendum: Barnett, Edward - Captain, 1846
- Addendum: Berkeley, Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinge - Captain, 1814
- Addendum: Bott, George - Lieutenant, 1832
- Addendum: Brown, Thomas - Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1846
- Addendum: Bullen, Joseph - Admiral of the White, 1841
- Addendum: Carthew, James - Vice-Admiral, of the Red, 1841
- Addendum: Coghill, Josiah - Rear-Admiral of the Red
- Addendum: Denham, Henry Mangles FRS - Captain, 1846
- Addendum: Dickinson, Thomas - Captain, 1832
- Addendum: Dillon, William Henry Kt KCH - Rear-Admiral of the White, 1846
- Addendum: Dorville, John William - Lieutenant, 1841
- Addendum: Dunn, Nicholas James Cuthbert - Commander, 1814
- Addendum: Falcon, Gordon Thomas - Rear-Admiral, of the Blue, 1848
- Addendum: Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall - Commander, 1841
- Addendum: Grace, Percy - Captain, 1825
- Addendum: Hamond, Andrew Snape - Captain, 1846
- Addendum: Harris, Robert - Commander, 1841
- Addendum: Helpman, Philip Augustus - Commander, 1842
- Addendum: Lushington, Stephen - Captain, 1829
- Addendum: Pace, Edmund Howard - Lieutenant, 1821
- Addendum: Parker, Frederick Augustus Hargood - Commander, 1814
- Addendum: Pelly, Richard Wilson - Commander, 1844
- Addendum: Phepoe, John - Retired Commander, 1848
- Addendum: Richardson, Samuel - Lieutenant, 1822
- Addendum: Sartorius, George Rose Kt - Captain, 1814
- Addendum: Seymour, George Francis Kt GCH - Rear-Admiral of the Red, 1841
- Addendum: Seymour, George Henry - Captain, 1844
- Addendum: Snell, George - Commander, 1843
- Addendum: Thompson, Thomas Sparke - Captain, 1846
- Addendum: Wallis, Provo William Parry - Captain, 1819
- Addendum: Widdrington, Samuel Edward - Commander, 1824
Promotions and Deaths

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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