LINCOLN. (Lieut., 1837. f-p., 12; h-p., 11.)
Henry Lincoln was born 26 July, 1811. This officer entered the Navy, 18 March, 1824, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Lively 46, Capt. Wm. Elliott, employed at first off Lisbon (where his participation, as Midshipman, in the operations against Don Miguel procured him the medal of the Tower and Sword of Portugal), and -afterwards on the West India, African, and Channel stations. Having left the Lively in Dec. 1826, he next, in March, 1827, joined the Wellesley 74, Capts. Fred. Lewis Maitland and Sam. Campbell Rowley, attached to the force in the Mediterranean, on which station (with the exception of an interval between Jan. 1832 and Nov. 1833) he served, in the capacity of Mate, from 1830 until within a short period of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant 26 Dec. 1837, in the same ship and in the Favourite 18, Capt. Geo. Rodney Mundy, and Malabar 74, Capts. Henry Shovell Marsham and Wm. Augustus Montagu. His commission was awarded to him while an invalid at Plymouth Hospital, whither he had been sent in consequence of illness contracted in the performance of duty at Cadiz; and which, having produced lameness, has since kept him on half-pay.