STEPHENS. (Lieutenant, 1841.)
John Stephens entered the Navy 15 Oct. 1829; passed his examination 20 July, 1836; and while serving in the Mediterranean as Mate on board the Inconstant 36, Capt. Danl. Pring, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 17 Aug. 1841. His succeeding appointments were – 19 Aug. 1841, as Additional, to the Powerful 84, Capt. Geo. Mansel, also in the Mediterranean – 23 Nov. following, for a short time, to the Implacable 72, Capt. Edw. Harvey, on the same station – 11 May, 1843, again as Additional-Lieutenant, to the Dublin 50, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Rich, Thomas in the Pacific – 2 Aug. 1844, to the Growler steam-sloop, Capt. Claude Henry Mason Buckle, on the coast of Africa, whence he returned in the spring of 1845 – 8 April, 1846, as First, to the Childers 12, Capt. John Chas. Pitman, on the East India station – and, 7 May, 1847, nine months after he had been superseded from the Childers, to the Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir John Louis, Admiral Superintendent at Plymouth, where he remained until the early part of 1848. Agent – Fred. Dufaur.