GALLICHAN. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 12; h-p., 37.)
James Gallichan entered the Navy, 7 April, 1798, as L.M., on board the Belliqueux 64, Capts. John Inglis and Rowley Bulteel, under the latter of whom, in Aug. 1799, he attended the expedition to the Holder. During the last two years of the French revolutionary war he served, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Actaeon brig; and on next joining the Kite, Capt. Philip Pipon, he cooperated in the bombardment of Granville in Sept. 1803. He was afterwards employed for five years in the Caesar 80, Capts. Sir Rich. John Strachan, Thos. Geo. Shortland, Chas. Richardson, and Wm. Granger. He was consequently present at the capture of the four line-of-battle ships which had effected their escape from Trafalgar, 4 Nov. 1805; the destruction, off Cape Henry, of the 74-gun ship L’Impétueux, 14 Sept. 1806; the destruction also of three French frigates under the batteries of Sable d’Olonne, and of the shipping in Aix Roads, in 1809; and, as Acting-Lieutenant, in the expedition to the Walcheren. Since his official promotion, which took place 4 May, 1810, Lieut. Gallichan has been on half-pay.