BROOMHEAD. (Lieut., 1823. f-p., 14; h-p., 25.)
Joseph Broomhead entered the Navy, 28 Aug. 1808, as Ordinary, on board the Prévoyante store-ship, Master-Commander Daniel M‘Coy, on the Mediterranean station, and in Dec. of the same year attained the rating of Midshipman. In Oct. 1809, he joined the Amethyst 36, Capt. Jacob Walton, under whom he was wrecked in Plymouth Sound, 16 Feb. 1811. He next, until Aug. 1816, served, in quick succession, in the Bulwark 74 Capt. Joshua Sydney Horton, Menelaus 38, Capt. Sir Peter Parker, America 74, Capt. Josias Rowley Alfred 74, Capt. J. S. Horton, Defiance 74, Capt! Rich. Raggett, Devonshire 74, Capt. Ross Donnelly, Tonnant 80, Capt. Rich. Raggett, and Spencer 74, Capt. Wm. Robt. Broughton, on the Home, Cadiz, Baltic, and America stations. He was afterwards employed, as Admiralty Midshipman, from Sept. 1818, to June, 1822, in the Révolutionnaire 46, Capt. Hon. Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew, in the Mediterranean; and next in the Impregnable 104, and Britannia 120, flag-ships at Plymouth of Sir Alex. Cochrane, as also in the Naiad 46, commanded in the Channel by Hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer. On 8 Nov. 1823, he was made Lieutenant into the Active 46, Capt. Andrew King, employed on the Lisbon and Mediterranean stations. He has been on half-pay since 1824.