HOLBERTON. (Lieutenant, 1816.)
John Holberton entered the Navy, 16 Dec. 1809, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Implacable 74, Capt. Thos. Byam Martin, lying at Plymouth. In Feb. 1810 he joined the Scipion 74, bearing the flag of lion. Robt. Stopford, with whom, after sharing in the reduction of Java, he removed as Midshipman, in Jan. 1812, to the Lion 64. From 1813 to July, 1816, he was employed on board the Ajax 74, Capts. Robt. Waller Otway and Geo. Mundy; and he assisted, during that period, at the siege of St. Sebastian, also at the capture of L’Alcyon corvette, of 16 guns and 120 men, and in many active operations in the Mediterranean, where he visited Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, for the purpose of obtaining the liberation of the Christian slaves in bondage at those places. For his subsequent conduct at the battle of Algiers in the Impregnable 104, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral David Milne, Mr. Holberton was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant by commission dated 16 Sept. 1816; but, with the exception of some time passed in the Coast Blockade as a Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Ramillies 74, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch, he has since been on half-pay.