STEVENSON. (Retired Commander, 1846. f-p., 7; h-p., 39.)
Charles Goude Stevenson entered the Navy, in Feb. 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Robust 74, Capt.Wm. Brown, with whom he served off Rochefort and on the Irish station, the latter part of the time in the Hussar 38, until the spring of 1802. In the summer of 1803 he was again placed under the command of the same officer in the Romney 50; in which ship he made a voyage to the coast of Africa and the West Indies, and continued employed in the capacity of Midshipman with Capt. Hon. John Colville, until wrecked in the Texel 19 Nov. 1804. He next, in Feb. 1805, became Master’s Mate of the Otter sloop, Capt. John Davies, stationed at first in the Downs and then at the Cape of Good Hope; and in July and Aug. 1808 (he had left the Otter in the preceding April) he was successively nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Lyra and Apelles sloops, the former lying in the river Thames. In the Apelles, to which vessel, commanded in the Downs by Capt. Thos. Oliver, he was confirmed 27 Oct. 1808, he continued until ill health obliged him, in Nov. 1809, to seek half-pay. He accepted his present rank 20 April, 1846. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.