COWAN. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 22; h-p., 32.)
James Cowan entered the Navy, 5 Dec. 1793, as A.B., on board the Aimable 32, Capts. Sir Harry Burrard Neale and Fras. Laforey, under the former of whom he assisted, in 1804, at the reduction of Bastia and the capture of La Moselle French corvette, of 18 guns. On his arrival afterwards in the West Indies, he removed, in April, 1796, as Midshipman, to the Scipio 64, Capt. Chas. Sydney Davers; subsequently to which he became attached for two years to the America 64, Capt. John Smith, on the North Sea station, and served, from Oct. 1799, to June, 1806, in the Channel and Mediterranean, as Master’s Mate of the Active 38, Capts. C. S. Davers and Rich. Hussey Moubray. He then officiated for some time as Acting-Lieutenant of the Racehorse 18, Capt. Wm. Forbes, off the port of Cadiz, but in the following Sept. resumed his previous rank on board the Magnificent 74, Capt. Geo. Eyres, with whom he continued for upwards of five years, and witnessed the reduction, in Oct. 1809, of Zante, Cephalonia, &c., and, in April, 1810, of Sta. Maura. He next, in Sept. 1813, joined the Namur 74, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Thos. Williams, from which he was at length promoted to his present rank, 15 Feb. 1815. He has not since been afloat. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.