HARRISON. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 21; h-p., 22.)
John Harrison entered the Navy, 26 Jan. 1804, as L.M., on board the Inflexible 64, Capt. Thos. Bayley, stationed in the Downs. He became Midshipman, in June, 1805, of the Elephant 74, Capt. Geo. Dundas, and in Sept. 1807, after an intermediate servitude in the North Sea and West Indies, he was Appointed Master’s Mate of the Statira 38, Capts. Robt. Howe Bromley and Edwin Henry Chamberlayne, under whom he cruized on the American and Spanish coasts until Feb. 1809. Joining, then, the Valiant 74, Capts. John Bligh, Thos. Geo. Shortland, and Robt. Dudley Oliver, he witnessed the ensuing attack on the French shipping in Basque Roads, and was present, in the course of the same year, at the siege of Flushing. The Valiant being ultimately ordered to North America, Mr. Harrison there removed, in Aug. 1813, to the St. Domingo 74, bearing the flag of Sir John Borlase Warren. He obtained his commission 27 June, 1814, four years after he had passed his examination, and was subsequently, from 1817 until 1827, employed in command of different Telegraph stations on the Chatham and Portsmouth lines. He has not since held any official occupation.