GRIFFITHS. (Commander, 1846.)
William Tomlin Griffiths is son of the late Lieut.-Gen. J. Griffiths.
This officer entered the Navy 29 Jan. 1814; passed his examination in 1821; and obtained his first commission 16 Aug. 1825. His subsequent appointments were – 17 Dec. 1826 and 12 April, 1830, to the Rifleman 18, and Samarang 28, Capts. Fred. Thos. Michell and Wm. Fanshawe Martin, on the Mediterranean station – 2 April, 1833, after an interval of more than two years, to the Donegal 78, Capt. Arthur Fanshawe, off Lisbon – 8 May, 1833, and 21 March, 1834, to the Britannia 120, Capt. Peter Rainier, and Barham 50, Capt. Hugh Pigot, again in the Mediterranean, whence he came home shortly after joining the latter ship – 13 Jan. 1837, again to the Britannia, bearing the flag at Portsmouth of Sir Philip Chas. Durham, with whom he served until the summer of 1838 – and 29 June, 1843, to the Penelope steam-vessel, Capt. Wm. Jones, employed on particular service. He was superseded in the following Sept.; and, on 9 Nov. 1846, was advanced to his present rank.
Commander Griffiths married, 17 Nov. 1831, Louisa Catherine, daughter of the late J. Griffiths, Esq., of Argyll Street, London. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.