WARE. (Lieut., 1816. f-p., 10; h-p., 30.)
Charles Beamish Ware, born in 1792, is third son of the late Thos. Ware, Esq., of Woodfort, near Mallow, co. Cork, by Mary, second daughter of Wm. Beamish, Esq., 11. N., of Willis Grove, co. Cork; and brother-in-law of the late Major Du Cane and the late Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Geo. Schreiber.
This officer entered the Navy, 1 Aug. 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Donegal 74, Capt. Pulteney Malcolm, stationed off Rochefort. He served from March, 1808, until April, 1811, part of the time as Midshipman, in the Implacable 74, Capts. Thos. Byam Martin, Philip Pipon, Geo. Chas. Mackenzie, and Geo. Cockburn; during the next 17 months he was employed under the officer last mentioned and Capts. Wm. Shepheard, Joshua Sydney Horton, and Wm. Hanwell, in the Alfred 50 and Grampus 50, at the defence of Cadiz; he then, in Aug. 1812, joined the Marlborough 74, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Cockburn (the latter had been promoted to Flag-rank), lying at Spithead; and in the following month he removed to the Aboukir 74, Capts. Thos. Browne, Geo. Parker, and Norborne Thompson. In the Implacable, under Capt. Martin, he took part, 26 Aug. 1808, in a gallant action of 20 minutes with the Russian 74-gun ship Sewolod, which was completely silenced, and in the end, with the assistance of the Centaur 74, flag-ship of Sir Sam. Hood, captured and burnt in sight of the whole Russian fleet near Rogerswick, after a total loss to the enemy of 303 men, and to the Implacable, individually, of 6 killed and 25 wounded. Under Capt. Cockburn he accompanied, in the same ship, an expedition sent to Quiberon Bay to co-operate with the Baron de Kolli in an attempt to liberate Ferdinand VII. of Spain from his confinement at Valençay. After visiting Cadiz, the Implacable escorted two line-of-battle ships, of 120 guns each, to the Havana, and then proceeded to Vera Cruz, whence she returned to Cadiz with 2,000,000 dollars. In the Aboukir Mr. Ware united, we believe, in the defence of Riga and in the operations of April, 1814, against Genoa. He continued employed in her, as Master’s Mate, until Sept. 1815; and in the course of that month and of the following Dec. he joined, as Admiralty-Midshipman, the Cadmus 10, Capt. John Gedge, in the North Sea, and Leander 50, Capts. Wm. Skipsey and Edw. Chetham. For his conduct in the latter ship at the bombardnient of Algiers he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 16 Sept. 1816. He has since been on half-pay.