CARNAC. (Captain, 1837. f-p., 19; h-p., 18.)
John Rivett-Carnac, born 28 June, 1796, is youngest son of the late Jas. Rivett-Carnac, Esq., Chief Member of Council, and subsequently Acting-Governor of Bombay (a descendant of the ancient family of the Rivetts of Suffolk, whose immediate ancestor settled at Derby in 1540), by Henrietta, daughter of Jas. Fisher, Esq., of Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, and great-grand-daughter of Bishop Butts; grandson of Thos. Rivett, Esq., M.P., of Mappleton Hall, High Sheriff for co. Derby in 1757; brother of the present Sir Jas. Rivett-Carnac, Bart., formerly M.P. for Sandwich, and late Governor of Bombay; and brother-in-law of Capt. Wm. Fisher, R.N.
This officer entered the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth in Feb. 1810; and embarked, 29 April, 1312, as Midshipman, on board the Junon 38, Capt. Jas. Sanders; in the boats of which frigate we find him assisting at the capture of two American schooners of 6 and 8 guns, co-operating also in the various acts of hostility committed by Sir Geo. Cockburn in the Chesapeake, and contributing, under Lieut. Philip Westphal, to the defeat of 10 gun-boats which, in July, 1813, attacked the Martin 18, when aground in Delaware Bay. In June of the latter year Mr. Rivett-Carnac further participated in the attack on Craney Island and in the destruction of Hampton. In Oct. following he joined, with Capt. Sanders, the Sybille 38, commanded subsequently by Capt. Thos. Forrest, whom he accompanied to the latitude of Greenland in quest of Commodore Rodgers. He was next in succession transferred to the Berwick 74, Capt. Edw. Brace, on the Mediterranean station, and to the Boyne 98, and Queen Charlotte 100, both flag-ships of Lord Exmouth, under whom he passed his examination 13 May, 1816, and attended the ensuing expedition to Algiers. We afterwards find him serving as Admiralty-Midshipman in the Inconstant 36, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Jas. Lucas Yeo, on the coast of Africa, and in the Vengeur 74, Capt. Thos. Alexander, guardship at Portsmouth. He was promoted, 1 Oct. 1818, to a Lieutenancy in the Albion 74, bearing the flag, in the Mediterranean, of Sir Chas. Vinicombe Penrose; and subsequently joined – 23 Jan. 1819, and 7 Nov. 1821, the Racehorse 18, Capts. Hon. Geo. Pryse Campbell and Chas. Abbot, and Rochfort 80, flag-ship of Sir Graham Moore, on the same station – 22 Aug. 1825, the Galatea 42, Capt. Sir Chas. Sullivan, fitting at Deptford – and, 23 Jan. 1826, the Success 28, Capt. Jas. Stirling, with whom he appears to have been employed, early in 1827, in examining the western coast of Australia, previously to the establishment of the colony at Swan River. His advancement to the rank of Commander took place 30 April, 1827, and his appointment to the Wellesley 74, as Second-Captain to Sir Edw. Codrington, in his last evolutionary cruize, 21 Sept. 1830. He left that ship 21 Jan. 1832; attained his present rank 10 Jan. 1837; and has not since been afloat.
Capt. Rivett-Carnac married, in March, 1826, Maria Jane, daughter of Sam. Davis, Esq., of Portland Place, and of Birdhurst Lodge, Surrey, by whom he has issue six children. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.