COUCH. (Retired Commander, 1843. f.-p., 17; h-p., 41.)
Daniel Little Couch was born 24 May, 1779. This officer entered the Navy, 17 Feb. 1789, as Fst.-cl. Boy, on board the Adamant 50, Capt. Knox, flag-ship of Sir Rich. Hughes at Halifax, where he remained until 1791. Re-embarking in on board the Charon, Capt. Edm. Dodd, he visited the African and West India stations, and in removed with the same officer, as Midshipman, to the Dictator 64. He afterwards served for three years in the Channel, as Master’s Mate of the Atlas 98, commanded at first by Capt. Dodd, but latterly by Capt. Squire; and then – joining in succession the Melpomene 38, Capt. Sir Chas. Hamilton, and Fisgard, of 46 guns and 281 men, Capt. Thos. Byam Martin – was wounded in the latter ship at the capture, on 20 Oct. 1798, of l’Immortalité, of 42 guns and 580 men, after a close and obstinate conflict of great length, a loss to the British of 10 killed and 26 wounded, and to the enemy of 54 killed and 61 wounded. Having passed his examination in June, 1797, Mr. Couch was promoted, while subsequently serving in the West Indies on board the Volage frigate, Capt. Hon. Philip Wodehouse, to a Lieutenancy in the Serpent, Capt. Thos. Roberts, 9 Feb. 1799. His after-appointments appear to have been, on the Home and Mediterranean stations – 7 Oct. 1800, to the Formidable 98, Capts. Edw. Thornbrough and Rich. Grindall – 25 March, 1801, to the Majestic 74, Capt. Davidge Gould – 24 Oct. 1803, to the Terrible 74, Capt. Lord Henry Paulet – 20 Nov. 1804, to the Hero 74, Capt. Hon. Alan Hyde Gardner – 12 May, 1807, to the Kent 74, Capt. Thos. Rogers – and, lastly, 27 June, 1809, to the command of the Trusty gun-brig, which he left 21 Aug. 1810. While serving in the Hero, Lieut. Couch was present, in 1805, in Sir Robt. Calder’s and Sir Rich. Strachan’s actions; and witnessed the capture, 13 March, 1806, of the Marengo of 80 guns, and 40-gun frigate Belle Poule, of the former of which ships he was made prize-master. He became a Retired Commander on the Junior List 26 Nov. 1830, and on the Senior 27 March, 1843.