THORLEY. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 32.)
Robert Thorley entered the Navy, 21 Oct. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Princess of Orange 74, Capt. Joshua Sydney Horton; attained the rating of Midshipman in July, 1807; and from the following Dec. until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 18 Feb. 1815, was employed, part of the time in the capacity of Master’s Mate, in the Antelope 50, Capt. Edw. Galwey, Isis 50, Capt. Woodley Losack, Dryad 36, Capt. E. Galwey, Quebec 32, Capt. Robt. Scallon, and Bonne Citoyenne 20, Capt. Augustus Wm. Jas. Clifford. In the above ships he served on the Downs, Mediterranean, Lisbon, St. Helena, North Sea, Channel, Newfoundland, and Irish stations. The Dryad, while he was in her, accompanied the expedition to the Walcheren; co-operated, in 1810, with the patriots on the north coast of Spain; and destroyed, 23 Dec. 1812, a French national brig of 22 guns, near Ile Dieu. Since his promotion Mr. Thorley has been on half-pay.