LINDSEY. (Commander, 1814. f-p., 11; h-p., 33.)
John Lindsey entered the Navy, 1 Nov. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the San Josef 110, Capt. John Tremayne Rodd, hearing the flag in the Channel of Sir Chas. Cotton; and from Dec. 1806 until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 1 June, 1810, was employed off L’Orient, and on the Lisbon, Cork, and Mediterranean stations, as Midshipman, in the Pallas 32, Capts. Geo. Miller, Henry Manaton Ommanney, and Geo. Fras. Seymour, Hibernia 120, flag-ship of Sir C. Cotton, Virginie 38, Capt. Edw. Brace, and again in the San Josef. He was then appointed to the Achille 74, Capt. Sir Rich. King, and he afterwards joined – 5 Jan. 1811, the Impériuse 38, Capt. Hon. Henry Duncan, also in the Mediterranean – 1 May, 1812 (after an interval of four months), the Coquette 20, Capt. John Simpson, on the West India station – 23 Oct. 1813, the Jason 32, Capt. Hon. Jas. Wm. King, employed off Helvoetsluys – and 22 June, 1814, the Impregnable 104, bearing the flag of H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence, whom he accompanied to Bordeaux. He was advanced to his present rank 27 Aug. following; and has since been on half-pay. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.