BEAUFOY. (Lieut., 1821. f-p., 26; h-p., 11.)
George Beaufoy entered the Navy, 4 July, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Elizabeth 74, Capts. Hon. Henry Curzon, Thos. Searle, and Hon. Edw. Leveson Gower, employed in the Channel and off Lisbon; removed, in May, 1811, to the Edinburgh 74, Capt. Robt. Rolles; and, after serving for some time in the West Indies and off Flushing, proceeded to the Mediterranean, where he was transferred, 3 Oct. 1812, as Midshipman, to the Union 98, with the same Captains. Subsequently to the fall of Genoa in April, 1814, he Joined the Iphigenia 36, Capt. Andrew King, under whom he escorted a fleet of transports from Glbraltar to Bermuda, and then sailed for the East Indies, whence he returned to England with Capt. John Tancock, and was paid off i. March, 1818. From Nov. in the latter year until Oct. 1821, Mr. Beaufoy was next attached, as Admiralty Midshipman, and for a short time as Acting-Lieutenant, to the Salisbury 50, and Pyramus 36, flagships in the Leeward Islands of Rear-Admirals Donald Campbell and Wm. Chas. Fahie; and, on 22 Dec. following, he was officially promoted into the Forte 44, flag-ship of the last-mentioned officer on the Halifax station, where he remained until placed out of commission in 1824. He was afterwards employed, from 29 April, 1828, until 1831, in the Samarang 28, Capt. Wm. Fanshawe Martin, in the Mediterranean, and from 27 Jan. 1832, until the early part of 1835, in the Pearl 20, Capt. Robt. Gordon, in North America and the West Indies. He was appointed to the command, 11 Jan. 1838, and 9 Aug. 1841, of the Nautilus brig and Speedy cutter, on, the African and Home stations; but since March, 1845, has been on half-pay. Agents – Messrs. StilwelL