JONES-PARRY. (Retired Captain, 1840. f-p., 15; h-p., 34.)
Thomas Parry Jones-Parry was born 14 April, 1784, and died 26 May, 1845. He was of very ancient Welsh extraction – was the son of Thos. Parry Jones-Parry, Esq., of Llwynon, co. Denbigh, by Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of Love Parry, Esq., M.P., of Peniarth and Madryn, co. Caernarvon – and brother (with Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Parry Jones-Parry) of the present Major-General Sir Love Parry Jones-Parry, K.H., of Madryn Castle, formerly M.P. for Horsham, in Sussex, and also for Caernarvonshire. One of his sisters was the wife of the late Robt. Browne Macgregor, Esq., Lieut.Colonel of the 88th Regt.; and another, of Major-General Clapham, of Widcombe House, co. Somerset.
This officer entered the Navy, 29 Oct. 1796, as Midshipman, on board the Triumph 74, Capts. Sir Erasmus Gower and Wm. Essington, under the latter of whom he fought in the action off Camperdown, 11 Oct. 1797. In Feb. 1798 he rejoined Sir E. Gower on board the Neptune 98, in which ship, commanded afterwards by Capts. Jas. Vashon, Herbert Sawyer, and Edw. Brace, he continued employed in the Channel and Mediterranean until transferred, in Nov. 1801, to the Theseus 74, Capt. John Bligh, fitting for the Jamaica station, where, after having acted as Lieutenant in the Ganges 74, Capt. Geo. McKinley, and Racoon 18, Capt. Austin Bissell, he was confirmed by commission dated 28 Jan. 1803, and appointed First of the Echo sloop, Capts. Edm. Boger and Rich. Henry Muddle. In that vessel he assisted, 1 Oct. 1804, at the capture of the 'Hazard', French privateer, of 16 guns and 50 men. Returning to Europe in 1807, he was next, in the course of that and of the following year, appointed to the Porcupine and Leveret, Capts. Hon. Henry Duncan and Robt. Evans. In the Leveret he was for several months employed in the Baltic. He was promoted (while again serving in the West Indies on board the Garland) to the command, 27 Dec. 1808, of the Musette sloop, in which he remained until Sept. 1810. His last appointment was, 7 June, 1814, to the Royalist 16, lying at Plymouth. He went on half-pay in the following Nov., and accepted the rank of Captain on the retired list 10 Sept. 1840.
Capt. Jones-Parry was a Magistrate for cos. Denbigh and Caernarvon, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for Caernarvonshire, for which county he served the office of High Sheriff in 1836. He married, 19 April, 1811, Margaret, only child of the late Vice-Admiral Robt. Lloyd, of Tregayan, co. Anglesey, by whom he has left issue three sons and five daughters.