KIRBY. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 10; h-p., 33.)
Thomas Kirby, born 2 Nov. 1790, is third son of the Rev. John Kirby, Vicar of Mayfield, co. Sussex. His younger brother, William, was promoted for his services as Acting-Lieutenant of the Cherub at the capture of the American frigate Essex in 1814, and afterwards died from the effects of the fatigue he had undergone in bringing some prizes home from the South Sea.
This officer entered the Navy, 14 May, 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Repulse 74, Capts. Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge and John Halliday, in which ship he was employed for upwards of seven years, chiefly as Midshipman and Master’s Mate. He was, in consequence, present in Sir Robt. Calder’s action 22 July, 1805; at the capture of the Marengo of 80 guns, bearing the flag of Admiral Linois, and 40gun frigate Belle Poule, 13 March, 1806; at the taking, 27 Sept. following, of Le Président French frigate; at the passage of the Dardanells, and destruction of the Turkish squadron at Point Pesquies, in Feb. 1807; at the siege of Flushing in Aug. 1809; and, on 30 Aug. 1810, when the Repulse, in gallant style, rescued the Philomel sloop from capture, by interposing herself between that vessel and an advanced division of the Toulon fleet, which she compelled to put back. In Aug. 1811 Mr. Kirby became Acting-Lieutenant of the Imogene 16, Capt. Wm. Stephens, with whom (the appointment being confirmed on 17 of the following Oct.) he continued to serve until 30 Nov. 1813 – witnessing in the interim the reduction of the islands of Augusta and Curzola. He has since been on half-pay.
He married, in Jan. 1831, Louisa, eldest daughter of Robt. Becher, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells, by whom he has issue two sons and two daughters. Agents – Case and Loudonsack.