< A Naval Biographical Dictionary

GRIERSON. (Retired Commander, 1838. f-p., 16; h-p., 34.)

James Grierson entered the Navy, in Oct. 1797, as a Boy, on board the Iris 32, Capt. Geo. Brisac, with whom, and with Lieut. Rice of the Charger brig, he served on the North Sea station until Oct. 1802. On 20 Sept. 1805, after a further employment of exactly two years, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Northumberland 74, bearing the flag off Ferrol and in the West Indies of the late Sir Alex. Cochrane, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and appointed First of the Princess Charlotte 38, Capt. Geo. Tobin; in which ship, on 5 of the following month, he bore a part, off Tobago, in a severe action, of an hour’s duration, with La Cyane of 26, and La Naiade of 16 guns, the former of whom was captured. Continuing in the same ship until Nov. 1810, Mr. Grierson was further employed in her in affording protection to different convoys, and also for some time on the Irish station. His last appointments were – 21 Jan. 1811, and 25 March, 1812, as First-Lieutenant, to the Dictator 64, commanded in the Baltic by Capt. Robt. Williams, and Gloucester 74, bearing the flag off the coast of Holland of Rear-Admiral John Ferrier. He went on half-pay 22 Oct. 1814; and accepted his present rank 10 Aug. 1838. Agent – J. Chippendale.

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