WILLCOX. (Lieutenant, 1842.)
Robert Willcox entered the Navy 8 June, 1832; passed his examination 14 Feb. 1839; was a Student in 1841 at the Royal Naval College; and was promoted (soon after he had been nominated Mate of the Alfred 50, Capt. John Brett Purvis) to the rank of Lieutenant 7 March, 1842. His appointments have since been – 18 April, 1842, to the Indus 78, Capt. Sir Jas. Stirling, in the Mediterranean – 28 Jan. 1845, as First (the Indus had been paid off in June, 1844), to the Rolla 10, Capt. John Simpson, fitting for the coast of Africa, whence he returned in the early part of 1846 – 5 Sept. in the latter year, for a few months, to the Recruit brig, Capt. Adolphus Slade, on the Home station – 6 Nov. 1848, to the Coast Guard – and, 17 Feb. 1849, to the command of the Harpy Revenue-cruizer.