MAY. (Lieutenant, 1838.)
Augustus Charles May passed his examination in 1830; and obtained his commission 28 June, 1838. His succeeding appointments were – 5 July, 1838, as Additional Lieutenant, to the Cornwallis 74, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Chas. Paget – 27 Oct. following, to the Thunder surveying-vessel, Capt. Edw. Barnett – 16 Feb. 1840, again as Additional, to the Winchester 50, bearing the flag of Sir Thos. Harvey – 25 Sept. 1840, to the Pilot 16, Capt. Geo. Ramsay – 2 March, 1841, to the command of the Skipjack schooner – 11 Jan. 1842, as First-Lieutenant, after an interval of half-pay, to his former ship the Thunder, still commanded by Capt. Barnett – 5 Dec. 1843, in a similar capacity, to the Larne 18, Capt. John Wm. Douglas Brisbane – and, 19 Nov. 1845, again as Senior, to the Alarm 26, Capts. Chas. Colville Frankland and Granville Gower Loch. With the exception of the Larne, which formed part of the force on the coast of Africa, the above ships were all employed on the North America and West India station. Lieut. May has been on half-pay since April, 1847. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.