SMITH. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 11; h-p., 29.)
Andrew Smith (a) was born in Dec. 1793.
This officer entered the Navy, 23 Nov. 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Cumberland 74, Capt. Hon. Philip Wodehouse, attached to the fleet in the Mediterranean, where he attained the rating of Midshipman in May, 1809, and continued to serve in the Cephalus 18 and Topaze 36, both commanded by Capt. Edw. Harvey, until Jan. 1812. He was next, until Dec. 1813, employed in the North Sea and Channel in the Chatham 74 and, as Master’s Mate, in the Ville de Paris 110, flagships of Admirals Matthew Henry Scott and Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope; and from the latter date until April, 1815, in the capacity last mentioned and as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Latona 38, bearing the flag of Sir W. J. Hope, Apelles 14, Capt. Alex. M‘Vicar, Oberon 14, Capt. Jas. Murray, Stork 18, Capt. Robt. Lisle Coulson, and Cherokee 10, Capt. Wm. Ramage – all on the Leith station. He was officially promoted 28 Aug. 1815, and served afterwards, from 4 Sept. in that year until 23 Oct. 1816, and from 17 Feb. 1817 until 24 June, 1819, again at Leith, in the Cherokee, commanded, as before, by Capt. Ramage, and in the Nimrod 18, Capt. John Windham Dalling. He has not been since afloat.