BLYTH. (Lieut, 182.5. f-p., 22; h-p., 18.)
Charles Blyth, born 17 Sept. 1795, is ninth son of the late Wm. Blyth, Esq., of Sneeting Hall, Kirby, near Colchester.
This officer entered the Navy, in July, 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the King George, hired cutter, for the purpose of joining the Defence 74, Capt. Chas. Ekins, previously to which, however, he served with the in-shore squadron at the bombardment of Copenhagen, and was for a short time attached to the Prince of Wales 98, bearing the flag of Lord Gambler, and Spencer 74, Capt. Hon. Robt. Stopford. In Dec. following he at length joined his appointed ship, but soon returned to the Spencer, and, on the latter being paid off, in Dec. 1808, was transferred to the Indefatigable 40, Capt. John Tremayne Rodd, one of the ships employed at the destruction of the French squadron in Aix Roads, in April, 1809. In 1810 Mr. Blyth became Midshipman of the Scipion 74, bearing the flag of Hon. R. Stopford, from which ship, after assisting at the reduction of Java in Aug. 1811, he accompanied the same officer into the Lion 64. He next joined the President 38, Capts. Fras. Mason and Archibald Duff, under the former of whom he appears to have been very actively engaged at the siege of St. Sebastian, in Aug. and Sept. 1813, where he commanded the President’s 10-oared cutter, one of the few boats that effected a landing at the storming of Santa Clara. Mr. Blyth, who passed his examination in Oct. 1814, subsequently served in the York 74, Capt. Alex. Wilmot Schomberg, on the Irish station; Niger 38, Capt. Sam. Jackson, on the coast of North America; from 1821 to 1824, as Acting-Lieutenant, and Mate in charge of chronometers, in the Bustard 10, and Ringdove 18, Capts. Martin Jas. Wigston, and Edwin Ludlow Rich, in the West Indies; and, lastly, the Britomart 10, Capts. Octavius Vernon and Thos. Stephenson, of which vessel he was created a Lieutenant 9 Feb. 1825. He invalided m 1826; and, since 2 Dec. 1843, has been employed in the Coast Guard.
Lieut. Blyth married, in Dec. 1829, Miss Jane M‘Dowell, of Ballymena, co. Antrim, by whom he has issue six children.