COPPIN. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 20; h-p., 21.)
Frederick Coppin entered the Navy, 9 Jan. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Uranie 38, Capt. Christ. Laroche, cruizing in the Channel; attained the rating of Midshipman 28 July following; and from Aug. 1807, until Dec. 1810, served, on the American, Home, and West India stations, on board the Statira 38, Capts. Robt. Howe Bromley, Edwin Henry Chamberlayne, and Geo. Paris Monke, and Neptune 98, Capt. Volant Vashon Ballard. He then in succession joined the Safeguard and Wrangler gun-brigs, Lieut.-Commanders Thos. England and John Bentinck Pettet, serving in the Baltic; became attached for a few months in 1812 to the Namur 74, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Thos. Williams; and after an intermediate servitude as Master’s Mate, on the Cape and Home stations, in the Stag 36 and Spartan 38, both commanded by Capt. Phipps Hornby, was promoted to the rank he now holds 11 Feb. 1815. We subsequently find him doing duty, for some months in the latter year, on board the Aboukir 74, Capt. Norborne Thompson, in the Mediterranean; and, from 9 Nov. 1833, until the summer of 1834, officiating in the Channel as First-Lieutenant of the Dee steamer and Wolf sloop, Capt. Edw. Stanley. He has been in the Coast Guard since 1 Feb. 1837.
He married, 8 Jan. 1840, Eliza, second daughter of Peter Giorgi, Esq., of Smith Street, Chelsea.