ROBILLIARD. (Commander, 1841.)
Nicholas Robilliard is a relative of Lieut. John Robilliard, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, in Dec. 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Daphne 20, Capts. Philip Pipon and Jas. Green, employed in the Baltic and East Indies. Rejoining Capt. Pipon as Midshipman, in Sept. 1813, on board the Tagus 36, he was afforded an opportimity of assisting in that ship at the capture of the French 40-gun frigate Cérès, off the Cape de Verde Islands 6 Jan. 1814. From Oct. 1815 until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 31 March, 1818, he served in the Downs, the latter part of the time as Master’s Mate, in the Ganymede 20 and Severn 40, both commanded by Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch. He was afterwards appointed – 3 Nov. 1824, to the Britannia 120, flag-ship of Sir Jas. Saumarez and Lord Northesk at Plymouth, where he served for about five years – 24 June, 1833, for a short time, to the Endymion 50, Capt. Sir Sam. Roberts, employed on Channel service – and, 30 Jan. 1839, to the command, which he retained until July, 1845, of the Seaflower cutter, on the Home station. Since he left that vessel he has been on half-pay. His commission as Commander bears date 23 Nov. 1841.
He married at Twickenham, 12 Oct. 1825, Rebecca, daughter of Wm. Davies, Esq., of Surrey Square. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.