ROBILLIARD. (Lieut., 1835. f-p.,21; h-p., 12.)
John Robilliard, born 5 Nov. 1800, is son of the late Nicholas Robilliard, Esq., Jurat of the Court of Alderney; and is a relative of Commander Nicholas Robilliard, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 29 Aug. 1814, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Tay 20, Capt. Wm. Robilliard, stationed in the Channel. Removing, in Feb. 1815, to the Malta 84, Capts. Wm. Chas. Fahie and Thos. Boys, he witnessed in that ship the surrender of Naples, and co-operated in the boats with the Austrian troops under Baron Laner at the siege of Gaeta. After serving for nearly three years with Capt. Boys in the Ramillies 74, on the North Sea station, part of the time in the capacity of Midshipman, he joined, in Dec. 1818, the Dauntless 24, Capts. Hon. Valentine Gardner, John Campbell, and Geo. Cornish Gambier, and sailed for the East Indies, whence, in 1821, he returned to England with General Sir Thos. Hislop as a passed Midshipman in the Alligator 28, Capt. Jas. Wilkie, then recently launched. He was next, from April, 1824, until Aug. 1827, employed in the West Indies on board the Primrose 18, Capts. John Stoddart, Geo. Vernon Jackson, and Octavius Vernon Harcourt – the last two years as Acting-Master, a rank to which he had been advanced, in consequence of a death vacancy, by the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Lawrence Wm. Halsted. Not wishing to continue in the line of Master, he joined as Mate (shortly after the Primrose had been paid off) the Revenge 76, Capts. Norborne Thompson and Hon. Chas. Orlando Bridgeman. In that ship he served in the Mediterranean until transferred, as Admiralty Mate, in Oct. 1830, to the St. Vincent 120, Capt. Hyde Parker, under whom, on being turned over to the Asia 84, we find him stationed at first on the coast of Holland during the Dutch embargo, and next, until July, 1834, under the flag of the present Sir Wm. Parker off Lisbon during the hostilities between Pedro and Miguel. He served subsequently, from Sept. 1834 until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 9 July, 1835, at Plymouth, in the San Josef 110, Capt. Gordon Thos. Falcon; and, from 12 Aug. in the latter year until paid off in Nov. 1838, in South America, in the Cleopatra 26, Capt. Hon. Geo. Grey. He has not been since employed.
Lieut. Robilliard married, 17 Nov. 1842, Harriet, daughter of Lucas Le Cocq, Esq., Jurat of the Court of Alderney, by whom he has issue.