MILLER. (Lieut., 1812. f-p., 13; h-p., 33.)
Alexander Miller entered the Navy, 9 March, 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Atlas 98, Capt. Theoph. Jones, with whom he served off Brest until April, 1802, the greater part of the time in the capacity of Midshipman. Re-embarking, 30 July, 1803, on board the Princess Royal 98, Capt. Jas. Vashon, he made a voyage in that ship to St. Helena; on his return whence, he removed, in Jan. 1804, to the Prince George 98, Capts. Joseph Sydney Yorke and Geo. Losack, attached to the fleet in the Channel. After a servitude of three years and a half on the West India and Home stations in the Fortunée 36, Capt. Henry Vansittart, he was nominated, 1 Aug. 1809, Acting-Lieutenant of the Brisk 18, Capt. John Coode. Rejoining Capt. Vansittart in Feb. 1810, as Master’s Mate, on board the {{sc|Fortunée}, he sailed with him in the course of that year for the Mediterranean in escort of Rear-Admiral Thos. Fras. Fremantle; under whose personal orders he was afterwards employed in the Ville de Paris 110, Rodney 74, and as Acting-Lieutenant in the Milford 74. Mr. Miller (whose commission bears date 27 July, 1812) was next, 28 Aug. 1813, appointed to the Vesuvius bomb, Capt. Wm. Hext; in which vessel he shared in the operations of 1814 in the river Gironde and assisted in throwing shells into the fortress of Blaye. He was paid off in Sept. of the latter year, and has not been since afloat.