STUDDERT. (Lieut., 1837. f-p., 21; h-p., 2.)
Richard Studdert, born 7 Nov. 1811, is third son of the present Thos. Studdert, Esq., of Bunratty Castle, co. Clare, by Alicia, daughter of Geo. Studdert, Esq., of Kilkishen, by Anna, daughter of John Blood, Esq., of Castle Fergus, a descendant of the celebrated Colonel Blood, who had grants of land from Charles II. in Ireland in 1660. One of his brothers, Robert, is married to a niece of Lieut.-General Hawkshaw; and one of his sisters, Alicia, to Colonel Fred. Maunsell, Lieutenant-Colonel and Inspecting Field-officer of the Recruiting District. He is nephew of Capt. John F. Studdert, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 17 June, 1824, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Champion 18, commanded by his uncle, Capt. J. F. Studdert, with whom, after cruizing experimentally in the Channel, he sailed for the East Indies; where he took a Midshipman’s part in the closing operations of the Burmese war, and, in June and Aug. 1826, joined the Boadicea 46 and Warspite 76, bearing each the broad pendant of Commodore Sir Jas. Brisbane. In the latter ship, the command of Which was given in succession, on the death of Sir J. Brisbane, to Capts. Hon. Rich. Saunders Dundas and Wm. Parker, he visited Australia, and was employed on the South American, Lisbon, Mediterranean, and Plymouth stations, until discharged, in Jan. 1829, into the Kent 78, Capts. John Ferris Devonshire and Sam. Pym. In that ship and her tender, the Leveret 10, Lieut.-Commander Henry John Worth, he served in the Channel, on the coast of Ireland, and again in the Mediterranean, until Jan. 1831 – the last 12 months in the capacity of Mate. He was next, from 17 May, 1833, until 23 Nov. 1835, and from the latter date until 27 July, 1837, employed afresh on the Mediterranean station, in the Caledonia 120, Capts. Thos. Brown and Geo. Bohun Martin, and Volage 28, Capt. Peter Richards. He attained his present rank 26 Dec. 1837; served from 3 Feb. 1838 until 8 March, 1843, in the Andromache 26, Capt. Robt. Lambert Baynes, on the North America and West India, and Cape of Good Hope and Brazilian stations; and from 9 Sept. 1844 until the summer of 1848 officiated as First-Lieutenant of the Daring 12, Capts. Henry Jas. Matson and Wm. Peel, in the Channel and again in North America and the West Indies. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.