COTTON. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 18; h-p., 17.)
Francis Vere Cotton is, we are given to understand, a nephew of Gen. Viscount Combermere, G.C.B.
This officer entered the Royal Naval College 6 Aug. 1812; and embarked, 19 May, 1814, as a Volunteer, on board the Pomone 38, Capts. Philip Carteret and John Rich. Lumley, in which frigate he sailed for the coast of North America. On his return home in Aug. 1815, he became Midshipman of the Albion 74, flag-ship at Sheerness of Sir Chas. Rowley; after which he served for five years in the East and West Indies, on board the Orlando 36, and Malabar 74, both commanded by Capt. John Clavell, Raleigh 18, Capt. Wm. Augustus Baumgardt, and Salisbury 50, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Wm. Chas. Fahie. Having passed his examination in Aug. 1818, and attained the rank of Lieutenant 1 Jan. 1821, Mr. Cotton was next appointed, in the latter capacity – 13 Sept. 1823, to the Weasel 10, Capts. Tim. Curtis and Rich. Beaumont, stationed in the Mediterranean – and, 9 Aug. 1828, as First, to the Galatea 42, Capts. Sir Chas. Sullivan and Chas. Napier, employed on particular service. He was promoted, 12 Feb. 1830, to the command of the Champion 18. After serving for some time on the Halifax station, he proceeded to the West Indies, where he removed, 31 Jan. 1832, to the Racehorse 18. Capt. Cotton, who has been on half-pay since the close of 1833, attained Post-rank 23 Nov. 1841. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.