< A Naval Biographical Dictionary

COLE. (Lieutenant, 1812. f-p., 12; h-p., 34.)

Robert Martin Cole entered the Navy, 12 Feb. 1801, as A.B., on board the Princess Charlotte 38, Capt. Sir Edw. Berry, in which ship, and the Ruby 64, commanded by the same officer, he served, in the Baltic and North Sea, until April, 1802. He soon afterwards became Midshipman of the Childers brig; and, from Nov. in the same year, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 17 Jan. 1812, was furthermore elnployed, on the North America, East and West India, and Baltic stations, in the Dasher sloop, Tremendous 74, Capt. John Osborn, Pitt 36, Capt. Walt. Bathurst, Terpsichore 32, commanded by various officers, Winchelsea frigate, L’Aigle 36, Capt. George Wolfe, Neptune 98, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane, and Victory 100, bearing the flag of Sir Jas. Saumarez. He subsequently joined, 16 Feb. 1813, the Barham 74, Capt. John Wm. Spranger, and, 15 April, 1815, the Scout 18, Capt. Jas. Arth. Murray; but since Sept. in the latter year has not been afloat.

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