DWARRIS. (Lieut., 1817. f-p., 9; h-p., 30.)
William Henry Dwarris entered the Navy, 16 Dec. 1808, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Loire 38, Capts. Alex. Wilmot Schomberg and Thos. Brown; under the former of whom he assisted, as Midshipman, at the capture, 5 Jan. 1809, of the Hébé French corvette of 20 guns, and, afterwards, of the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. We are informed that he was also for some time very actively employed in co-operation with the patriots on the coast of Galicia. In Nov. 1812 this officer joined the Salsette 36, Capts. Henry Hope and John Bowen. After an intermediate servitude in the East Indies he returned to England, in 1814, on board the Cornwallis 50, Capt. Stephen Thos. Digby. Towards the close of 1815 he became Admiralty Midshipman of the Alceste 38, Capt. Murray Maxwell, in which frigate we soon afterwards find him accompanying Lord Amherst in his embassy to China. He there removed, in July, 1816, to the Lyra brig, Capt. Basil Hall. Since his official promotion, which took place 5 Nov. 1817, Lieut. Dwarris, we believe, has been on half-pay.