GLANVILL. (Retired Commander, 1843. f-p., 18; h-p., 39.)
George Glanvill entered the Navy, 3 June 1790, as L.M., on board the Winchelsea, Capt. Hon. Chas. Carpenter, on the Channel station, from which ship he was discharged in the following December. Re-embarking, in Nov. 1793, as Midshipman, on board the Fortitude 74, Capts. Wm. Young and Thos. Taylor, he witnessed the ensuing evacuation of Toulon, assisted at the reduction of the island of Corsica, took part in Hotham’s two actions of 14 March and 13 July, 1795, and on 7 Oct. in the latter year was in company with the Censeur 74, when that ship was captured by a French squadron under M. Richery. After a further servitude of three years and a half with Capt. Taylor in the Fame 74, and with Capts. Jas. Young and Philip Wilkinson in the Unicorn 32, Mr. Glanvill was promoted to a Lieutenancy, 13 July, 1799, in the Cynthia 18, Capts. Micajah Malbon, John Dick, and John Wesley Wright; under the two first of whom he attended the expeditions. to Holland, Ferrol, and Egypt. For the services he performed on the latter occasion he was presented. with the Turkish gold medal. Being next appointed, 13 Oct. 1803, to the Malta 80, Capts. Sir Edw. Buller, Wm. Shield, and Robt. Waller Otway, the subject of this memoir, who continued to serve in that ship for the space of five years, had the fortune to participate in Sir Robt. Calder’s action 22 July, 1805, and also to assist at the capture, 27 Sept. 1806, of the French frigate Le Président. We afterwards find him commanding, from Nov. 1808 to Aug. 1809, the Rowena and Ann hired brigs, on the Channel station, whence he was then sent to serve with the flotilla at the siege of Flushing. His last appointments were, 13 April, 1811, to the Christian VII. 80, flag-ship of Admiral Young in the North Sea – and, 13 Feb. 1813, to the Spitfire sloop, Capt. John Ellis, on the coast of Africa, whence he invalided, in July, 1814. He assumed the rank of Retired Commander, on the Junior List, 26 Nov. 1830; and on the Senior, 14 Oct. 1843.