DOBSON. (Captain, 1844. f-p., 29; h-p., 11.)
George Dobson entered the Navy, 14 Dec. 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Trident 64, Capt. Campbell, bearing the flag at Malta of Sir Alex. Ball. In Sept. 1808, he removed to the Saracen 18, Capts. Jas. Prevost and Buckland Stirling Bluett, of which vessel, when in the West Indies, he became a Midshipman about Oct. 1810. Between the following Sept. and Feb. 1815, he further served, on the latter and Mediterranean stations, in the Queen 74, bearing the flag at first of Sir Fras. Laforey, and afterwards commanded, as a private ship, by Capt. Lord Colville. During the six years immediately subsequent on the peace, we find him employed, chiefly as Master’s Mate, in the Vengeur 74 Capt. Thos. Alexander, and Northumberland 74, Capts. Sir Michael Seymour, Thos. Harvey, and Thos. Jas. Maling, respectively stationed at Portsmouth and Sheerness. He then, towards the close of 1821, proceeded to the Cape of Good Hope in the Andromache 44, Capts. Joseph Nourse and Constantine Rich. Moorsom; to a Lieutenancy in which ship he was confirmed 14 Jan. 1824. From 20 Dec. 1825, until promoted to the rank of Commander, 9 May, 1832, Mr. Dobson was next employed in the Java 52, and Southampton 52, flagship in the East Indies of Sir Wm. Hall Gage and Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen. For his subsequent distinguished services in the Coast Guard, to which he was appointed 13 July, 1838, this officer was advanced to Post-rank, 5 Jan. 1844. He has since been on half-pay.
Capt. Dobson is Senior Captain of 1844. He married, 8 July, 1835, Eliza, eldest daughter of Joseph Bonn, Esq., of Edward Street, Portman Square. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.