DREW. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 20; h-p., 18.)
Josias Drew was born, 28 Dec. 1790, at Devonport. His father was a naval officer.
This officer entered the Navy, 19 May, 1803, as Sec.-cl. Boy, on board the Imogene 18, Capt. Henry Vaughan. After visiting the coast of Africa, he proceeded to the West Indies, where, on becoming Midshipman of the Demerara 10, Lieut.-Commander Thos. Dutton, he was unfortunately taken captive, 14 July, 1804, by the French privateer Grand Décidé of 22 guns and 150 men, at the close of a sanguinary action, in which the British vessel lost a third of her crew in killed and wounded. On being exchanged, in the following December, Mr. Drew joined the Alligator 28, troop-ship, Capts. Robt. Henderson, Fras. Augustus Collier, Thos. Sharp, and Hugh Cameron; under the first of whom, and Capt. John Palmer, he afterwards served in the Pheasant 18. Returning with convoy to England in Sept. 1806, he next became attached to the Rattler 18; in which vessel, under Capts. Jas. John Chas. Agassiz, Henry Higman, Alex. Gordon, John Thomson, and Henry Bourne, he appears to have been very actively employed, on the North American and West India stations, part of the time as Master’s Mate and Acting-Master, until Oct. 1814. During that period, we find him serving in the boats at the capture, on 2 and 19 May, 1813, of the United States privateers Gallynippe, of 2 guns and 55 men, and Alexander, of 18 guns and 70 men. Having passed his examination 7 Feb. 1810, Mr. Drew, on leaving the Rattler, became Acting-Lieutenant of the Niemen 38, Capt. Sam. Pym, with whom he continued until paid off in May, 1815 – previously to which he had, on 22 Feb. in the same year, been officially promoted. With the exception of a command, from Oct. 1840, to Aug. 1843, of the Dove Revenue-vessel, he has been in charge, since 25 April, 1836, of a station in the Coast Guard.
Lieut. Drew married, 12 March, 1827, Mary, eldest daughter of Jas. Leverson, Esq., of Treheveris, in the parish of Kenwyr, co. Cornwall, by whom he has issue four children.