HILL. (Lieutenant, 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 32.)
Charles Hill entered the Navy, 1 Oct. 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Plantagenet 74, Capts. Wm. Bradley, Thos. Eyles, and Robt. Lloyd, in which ship he was for six years and a half employed, chiefly on the Home station. During that period, however, he witnessed the departure, in 1807, of the royal family of Portugal for the Brazils, and was for some time prior to the convention of Cintra engaged in blockading the Russian squadron in the Tagus. From March, 1812, until Oct. 1814, he was next employed, in the Baltic and Mediterranean, as Midshipman[1] and Master’s Mate, on board the Bristol troop-ship, Capts. Wm. Kent, John Thompson, and Geo. Wyndham, besides serving in a gun-boat at Cadiz. He was ultimately promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, 6 Feb. 1815, while attached to the Lightning 20, Capt. Geo. Kennie, on the Irish station; but he has not, to our knowledge, been since afloat.
Lieut. Hill’s eldest daughter is married to a son of Lieut. John Skinley, R.N.
- ↑ A rating he had attained in Oct. 1808.