NEVILL. (Captain, 1846. f-p., 20; h-p., 20.)
William Nevill is son of the late Wm. Nevill, Esq., of Easton, Hants; and brother-in-law of J Griffith, Esq., of H.M. Ordnance.
This officer entered the Navy, 2 April, 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Royal William, Capt. John Irwin, lying at Spithead; removed, in Feb. 1810, to the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth; and again, 30 Nov. 1812, embarked, as a Supernumary, on board the Puissant 74, sheerhulk, at Spithead, Capt. Benj. Wm. Page. He sailed soon afterwards for St. Helena, as a Volunteer, in the Bellona 74, Capt. Geo. M‘Kinley; an don his return successively joined, in Jan. 1814, the Royal Sovereign 100, Capt. Chas. Thurlow Smith, and, as Midshipman, the Scamander 36 Capts Gilbert Heathcote and Sir John Louis. After serving in that ship at Bermuda, as Master’s Mate in the Ramillies 74, and Malta 80, commanded at Plymouth by Capt. Chas. Ogle, and as Admiralty-Midshipman in the Amphion 32, Capt. Wm. Bowles, in South America, he joined, in March, 1816, the Magicienne 36, Capt. John Brett Purvis; of which ship, stationed in the East Indies, he was created a Lieutenant 12 Dec. in the same year. Being paid off in July, 1819, he was next appointed – 28 May, 1822, to the Jupiter 60, Capt. Geo. Augustus Westphall, under whom he escorted Lord Amherst and suite to Bengal – and, 14 June, 1824, to the Jaseur sloop, Capt. Thos. Martin, fitting for South America. He attained the rank of Commander 9 Feb. 1825; and was subsequently, from 27 Nov. 1841, until advanced on his return to England to Post-rank, 2 May, 1846, employed in that capacity in the Serpent 16, again on the East India station. He has since been on half-pay.
Capt. Nevill is a Magistrate for Winchester and co. Hants.