GROVE. (Commander, 1838. f-p., 17; h-p., 17.)
Francis Grove, born in 1799, is second son of Edw. Grove, Esq., D.C.L., of Shenstone Park, co. Stafford, a Deputy-Lieutenant for that shire, by his first wife, Caroline, third surviving daughter of the Very Rev. Baptist Proby, Dean of Lichfield, youngest brother of John, first Lord Carysfort. His great-grandfather, Wm. Grove, Esq., D.C.L., represented the city of Coventry in Parliament from 1741 to 1761. One of his brothers, Wm. Grove, Esq., is a Police Magistrate; and another, Edm. Sneyd Grove, Esq., an officer in the R.N. His first-cousin, Mary (daughter, by one of his father’s sisters, of Thos. Lister, Esq., of Armitage Park, co. Stafford), who died in 1838, was the successive wife of Thos. Lord Ribblesdale, and of the present Lord John Russell. Her Ladyship’s sister is now a maid of honour to the Queen.
This officer entered the Navy, 28 Jan. 1813, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Daedalus 38, Capt. Murray Maxwell, and on 2 of the following July was wrecked near Ceylon. From that date until his return to England in July, 1815, he continued to be employed in the East Indies, chiefly as Midshipman, on board the Minden 74, flag-ship of Sir Sam. Hood, Theban 36, Capt. Sam. Leslie, Volage 22, Capt. Joseph Drury, and Malacca 36, Capt. Geo. Henderson. His name was then placed for very short periods on the books of the Manly 12, Capt. Chas. Simeon, and Hyacinth 20, Capt. Alex. Ronton Sharpe, both lying at Portsmouth; whence, on being appointed to the Leander 50, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral David Milne, he sailed for Algiers. After assisting at the bombardment of that place, 27 Aug. 1816, Mr. Grove proceeded to the coast of North America, where he remained until the summer of 1819. He then, on his return to England, joined the Queen Charlotte, flag-ship at Portsmouth of Sir Geo. Campbell, but in the following Dec. was again ordered abroad, having been appointed Mate of the Vigo 74, flag-ship at the Cape of Good Hope of Rear-Admiral Robt. Lambert. He was confirmed a Lieutenant, 29 Nov. 1821 (upwards of two years after he had passed his examination), in the Beaver 10, Capts. Archibald Maclean and Thos. Bourchier, on the South American station, and next appointed Senior – 9 March, 1824, of the Brisk 10, Capt. Chas. Hope, employed on Home duty – 1 Jan. 1828, of the Challenger 28, commanded on paarticular service by Capts. Joseph Harrison and Chas. Howe Fremantle – and 26 Oct. 1830, of the Tyne 28, Capt. Chas. Hope, with whom he returned to South America. He went on half-pay 2 Sept. 1832; and was advanced to his present rank 28 June, 1838.
Commander Grove married, first, 9 Dec. 1825, Emily, only daughter of the late Geo. Ure, Esq., of the Bengal Medical Establishment; and, secondly, 10 Sept. 1839, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Wm. Roberts, banker, of Glasgow. He has issue, by his first marriage, four sons and two daughters; and, by his second, two sons.