WOOLLAMS. (Lieut., 1815.. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)
Francis Woollamswas born 21 March, 1793, and died about the commencement of 1847. This officer entered the Navy, 18 July, 1806, as A.B., on board the Spartiate 74, Capt. Sir Fras. Laforey; with whom, after cruizing in the Channel, off Cape Finisterre, and in the Bay of Biscay, he proceeded to the Mediterranean; vehere (he had attained the rating of Midshipman in Nov. 1806) he assisted at the reduction, in June, 1809, of the islands of Ischia and Procida. In the following Dec. he removed to the Trinculo 18, Capt. John Lamborn, stationed in the Downs; he served next, from Oct. 1810 until Oct. 1812, in the Dragon 74, flag-ship of Sir Fras. Laforey in the West Indies; and in June, 1813, he became Master’s Mate of the Ajax 74, Capts. Robt. Waller Otway and Geo. Mundy. In that ship, in which he acted as Lieutenant from 10 June until 31 Oct. 1814, he was at first attached to the Channel fleet; was employed next at the siege of St. Sebastian (where he aided in storming the island of Sta. Clara); assisted at the capture, 17 March, 1814, off Scilly, of L’Alcyon corvette of 16 guns and 120 men; escorted a squadron of transports from Bordeaux to Quebec, having on board 5000 troops, destined to reinforce the English army in Canada; and returned ultimately to the Mediterranean. He was presented, in Sept. 1815, with a commission bearing date 28 Feb. in that year; and, from 7 Sept. 1818 until 25 Sept. 1819, was employed in the Tribune 42, Capt. Nesbit Josiah Willoughby, on the coast of Ireland. He did not again go afloat.
Lieut. Woollams married, 24 Sept. 1832, Sarah, youngest daughter of the late Thos. Patten, Esq., of Fiddington, co. Somerset.