ROBERTS. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 27; h-p., 16.)
Lazarus Roberts entered the Navy, 1 June, 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Ville de Paris 110, Capts. Thos. Le Marchant Gosselin, John Whitby, and Geo. Aldham, bearing the flag in the Channel of Hon. Wm. Cornwallis; under whom he appears to have been present, 22 Aug. 1805, in an attack made upon the French fleet close in with Brest harbour. Being removed, in May, 1806, as Midshipman (a rating he had attained in Oct. 1804), to the Montagu 74, Capt. Robt. Waller Otway, he sailed in that ship with Sir Rich. Strachan in pursuit of a French squadron to the West Indies. On subsequently proceeding to the Mediterranean he assisted at the evacuation of Scylla, a fortified rock on the Faro of Messina, the garrison of which was embarked under a smart fire from the Calabrian shore. He also co-operated with the patriots on the coast of Catalonia, where he took part in the defence of Gerona, and aided in taking possession of the fortress of Rosas. On his return to England with Capt. Otway in the Malta 80, he joined, in Dec. 1808, the Revenge 74, Capt. Hon. Chas. Paget, part of the force employed in the following year in the expedition to the Walcheren. In June, 1810, he was received on board the Royal William, Capt. Robt. Hall, lying at Spithead; from May, 1811, to Jan. 1815, he served (the last 19 months as Master’s Mate) on board the Zealous 74, Capt. Thos. Boys, in the Baltic; and, on 7 Feb. in the latter year, being then at Cork in the Boyne 98, Capt. Fred. Lewis Maitland, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. On 30 June, 1834 (having had command since 27 June, 1831, of the Scout Revenue-cruizer), he obtained charge of a station in the Coast Guard, in which service he remained until appointed, 28 Jan. 1845, for two years and a half, to the Royal Charlotte, another Revenue-vessel. Since 19 June, 1847, he has again been in the Coast Guard.