CROSBIE. (Lieut., 1828. f-p., 15; h-p., 13.)
John Gustavus Crosbie is third son of the late General Sir John Crosbie, G.C.H.
This officer entered the Navy, 5 Aug. 1819, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Leander 50, Capt. Chas. Richardson, fitting for the flag of Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood, Commander-in-Chief in the East Indies, where he served, a great part of the period as Midshipman, until the close of 1822. He was afterwards employed for some time in the Trinculo 18, Capt. Rodney Shannon, on the coast of Ireland; passed his examination 2 Nov. 1825; and in 1826 returned to India as Mate of the Java 52, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Wm. Hall Gage. He there served, from 22 Feb. 1828, to 27 March, 1829, as Acting-Lieutenant, on board the Champion 18, Capt. Geo. Delmé, and Pandora 18, Capts. Wm. Clarke Jervoise and Hon. John Fred. Gordon; and being then confirmed by commission dated back to 28 May, 1828, was subsequently appointed – 25 April, 1831, to the Rattlesnake 28, Capt. Chas. Graham – and, 22 Nov. 1836, to the Carysfort 26, Capt. Henry Byam Martin, respectively employed on the South American and Mediterranean stations. He has been on half-pay since Nov. 1838. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.