SMYTH. (Lieut., 1826. f-p., 19; h-p., 14.)
Francis Smyth was born in May, 1803.
This officer entered the Navy, 14 July, 1814, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Bermuda 10, Capt. John Pakenham, in which vessel, after having served in the Channel and attained the rating of Midshipman, he was wrecked, near Tampico Bar, in the West Indies, 16 Nov. 1816. He was subsequently employed – from Feb. 1817 until May, 1818, again in the West Indies, in the Rifleman 18, Capt. Houston Stewart, Salisbury 58, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral John Erskine Douglas, and Primrose 18, Capt. Chas. Geo. Rodney Phillott – from Nov. 1818 until Dec. 1821 in the Spencer 76, flag-ship of Sir Josias Rowley at Cork – from Dec. 1821 until Nov. 1823 in the Windsor Castle 74, Capt. Chas. Dashwood, lying at Plymouth – from Nov. 1823 until Aug. 1829 in the Tamar 26, Capt. Sir Jas. John Gordon Bremer, Boadicea 46, Commodore Sir Jas. Brisbane, and Rainbow 28, Capt. Hon. Henry John Rous, all in the East Indies, where he was confirmed a Lieutenant (about five months after he had been ordered to act as such) in the vessel last mentioned, 11 Oct. 1826 – and, from 11 June, 1832, until 2 Dec. 1833, as Senior, in the Dispatch 18, Capt. Geo. Daniell, a third time in the West Indies. He then invalided with a constitution so much impaired from the effects of long service in tropic climes that he was for long unable to go afloat. Restored at length to health, he was nominated, 27 Nov. 1844, Admiralty Agent on board a contract mail steam-vessel; in which capacity he continued until appointed, 27 July, 1847, to the command of the Antelope steamer of 260 horse-power, fitting for the Mediterranean, where he is now serving.
Lieut. Smyth married in April, 1835, and has issue five children.