LAWRENCE. (Lieut., 1821. f-p., 17; h-p., 18.)
James Ross Lawrence, as Midshipman, on board the Bittern sloop, Capt. Geo. Augustus Hire, and was employed in that vessel, on Impress service, until Dec. 1815. Joining next, in July, 1816, the Leander 50, Capt. Edw. Chetham, he had an opportunity of participating in the ensuing bombardment of Algiers. After a further servitude in the same ship, on the Halifax station, he became, in Sept. 1819, Master’s Mate of the Owen Glendower 42, Capt. Hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer, and sailed for South America. He left the Owen Glendower in Feb. 1822, having been advanced to the rank of Lieutenant on 30 of the previous Nov.; and he was lastly, from 30 April, 1825, until the commencement of 1833, employed in the Coast Guard.