PYKE. (Commander, 1841. f-p., 24; h-p., 13.)
John Pyke is brother of Lieut. Joseph Pyke, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 7 July, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Implacable 74, Capt. Geo. Cockburn, bearing the flag at Cadiz of Sir Rich. Goodwin Keats, whom he followed, in Sept. of the same year, into the Milford 74, and in July, 1811, into the Hibernia 110. The ship last mentioned was stationed off Toulon, where, from Sept. 1812 until March, 1814, Mr. Pyke served as Midshipman (a rating he had attained in Jan. of the former year) on board the Curaçoa 36, Capt. John Tower. He was next, until Aug. 1819, employed on the Newfoundland and Home stations in the Bellerophon 74 and Salisbury 50, both flag-ships of Sir R. G. Keats, Bulwark 74, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Rowley, and Rochfort 80, Capt. Sir Archibald Collingwood Dickson. He then sailed in the Leander 60, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood, for the East Indies, whence, in March, 1821, he returned to England as Acting-Lieutenant (a rank he had held for more than six months on board the Leander) in the Alligator, Capt. Wilkie. He was confirmed a Lieutenant, shortly after his arrival in England, by a commission bearing date 18 Nov. 1821. His succeeding appointments were – 6 Feb. 1822, to the Ranger 28, Capt. Peter Fisher, fitting for Newfoundland, whence he returned about 1824 – 30 March, 1826, to the Hyperion 42, Coast Blockade ship, Capt. Wm. Jas. Mingaye – 20 Nov. 1828, as First, to the Dispatch 18, Capts. Wm. Bohun Bowyer and Edw. Augustus Frankland, in which vessel he continued, part of the time on the Irish station, until paid off in Feb. 1832 – 23 July, 1832, in a similar capacity, for seven months, to the Scout 18, Capt. Wm. Hargood, employed on particular service – and, 15 May, 1833, as Senior, to the Castor 36, Capt. Lord John Hay. In the latter ship he served for about three years on the coast of Spain during the civil war. He has since been on half-pay. He attained the rank he now holds 23 Nov. 1841.
Commander Pyke married, 18 April, 1827, Caroline Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Chancellor Yonge, of Staddon, near Bideford, Devon.