LUNN. (Commander, 1844.)
John Lunn served as Midshipman of the Phoebe, of 46 guns and 300 men, Capt. Jas. Hillyar, and was in company with the Cherub 18 at the capture, 28 March, 1814, off Valparaiso, of the American frigate Essex, of 46 guns and 265 men, who struck her colours at the close of a warm action of two hours, in which the Phoebe lost 4 men killed and 7 wounded, and herself 24 killed and 45 wounded. In 1821, having passed his examination in 1817, and been appointed Mate of the Révolutionnaire 46, Capt. Hon. Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew, he assisted in the boats of that ship at the capture of several pirates in the Mediterranean. His appointments in the capacity of Lieutenant, a rank he attained 12 June, 1829, were – 29 Nov. 1831, to the Caledonia 120, Capts. Jas. Hillyar, Thos. Brown, and Geo. Bohun Martin, in which ship he was for nearly six years employed in the Mediterranean, half the time under the flags of Sir Josias Rowley and Hon. Sir Robt. Stopford – and, 10 Aug. 1838, and 12 Oct. 1840, to the command of the Pluto and Locust steamers. In those vessels, with the exception of a short period which intervened between the paying off of the one and the commissioning of the other, he served uninterruptedly on the North America and West India and Mediterranean stations, until advanced to his present rank 19 Dec. 1844. Since 20 May, 1846, he has been in command of the Virago steam-sloop, of 300 horse-power, again in the Mediterranean. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.