HUNT. (Retired Commander, 1830.)
William Hunt entered the Navy, 9 May, 1790, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Otter sloop, Capt. Thos. Williams, employed in the North Sea, where, in the course of the same month, he became Midshipman of the Speedy sloop, Capt. Geo. Maude, and afterwards of the Lord Mulgrave 20, Capt. Robt. Rolles, and Superb 74, Capt. John Sutton – of which latter ship he was created a Lieutenant 24 Jan. 1799. Prior to the peace of Amiens he further served on the Home station on board the Sally armed ship, Capt. Wolfe, Vengeance and Irresistible 74’s, Capts. Geo. Duff and Wm. Bligh, and Agamemnon 64, Capt. Robt.- Devereux Fancourt. On the renewal of hostilities be obtained an appointment in the Impress service at Hull. He became a Retired-Commander on the Junior List 26 Nov. 1830; and on the Senior, 15 Dec. 1842. Agents – Halford and Co.