RUBIDGE. (Retired Commander, 1841. f-p., 18; h-p., 33.)
Charles Rubidge entered the Navy, 16 Oct. 1796, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Arrow sloop, Capt. Nathaniel Portlock, and during the 13 following months was employed in the Channel. From March, 1800, until Oct. 1802, he served on the Home, Mediterranean, and West India stations in the Ceres and Transfer, both commanded by Capt. John Nicholas, and Ceres again, Capts. Wm. Russell and Chas. Jones. In the Transfer he accompanied the expedition to Egypt in 1801. After he had been for three years attached, in the Mediterranean, Channel, and North Sea, to the William store-ship, Master-Commander Thos. Brown, and Agincourt 64 and Orpheus 32, both commanded by Capt. Thos. Briggs, he was nominated, 14 March, 1806, Sub-Lieutenant of the Censor, Lieut.-Commander Joshua Latimer Rowe. During the afterpart of the war he served in the Regulus 44, flagship off Guernsey of Sir Edm. Nagle, Aetna. bomb, Capts. Wm. Godfrey, Paul Lawless, John Bowker, and John Fordyce Maples, and in command of the Hardy and Bloodhound gun-brigs. The Aetna assisted at the bombardment of Copenhagen and the siege of Flushing; and the Hardy co-operated in the defence of Cadiz. The Bloodhound was employed on the coasts of North America and England. Lieut. Rubidge accepted his present rank 12 Oct. 1841.
He is Registrar of Peterborough, Upper Canada. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.