LAVIE. (Lieut., 1830. f-p., 15; h-p., 10.)
Augustus Lavie, born 6 April, 1805, is brother of Commander Geo. Lavie, R.N.
This officer entered the Navy, 5 Jan. 1822, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Spencer 74, Capt. Thos. Dundas, lying at Plymouth, where he followed the same officer into the Bulwark 74. From Sept. 1823 until Feb. 1827 we find him employed in South America as Midshipman of the Spartiate 76, and Wellesley 74, flag-ships of Sir Geo. Eyre. During the next seven months he was again stationed at Plymouth, in the Britannia 120, and Ocean 80, Capts. Philip Pipon and Patrick Campbell. He then joined the Talbot 28, Capt. Hon. Fred. Spencer, attached to the force in the Mediterranean, where, from July, 1828, until advanced to the rank of Lieutenant 6 April, 1830, he discharged the duties of Mate on board the Asia 84, Capts. Edw. Curzon and Wm. Jas. Hope Johnstone. His succeeding appointments Were – 9 May, 1832, and 6 Jan. 1834, to the Ariadne 28, and Comus 18, Capts. Chas. Phillips and Wm. Price Hamilton, both on the West India station, whence he invalided in May, 1835 – 27 Oct. 1836, to the Samarang 28, Capt. Wm. Broughton, with whom he served in South America until Nov. 1839 – 20 Dec. 1841, to the Vindictive 50, Capt. John Toup Nicolas, lying at Portsmouth – and 26 May, 1842; to the Calcutta 84, Capt. Sir Sam. Roberts. He returned home from Quebec in Nov. of the latter year, and has since been on half-pay.