PARKER. (Commander, 1814. f-p., 13; h-p., 33.)
Henry Parker entered the Navy, 27 Jan. 1801, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Belleisle 74, Capts. Wm. Domett, Chas. Boyles, John Whitby, and Wm. Hargood; In which ship he continued for a period of six years and a half. At first he was stationed in the Channel; he afterwards accompanied Lord Nelson to the West Indies and back in pursuit of the combined squadrons of France and Spain; and on 21 Oct. 1805 he was present as Midshipman (a rating he had attained in June, 1801) at the battle of Trafalgar. He next, 14 Sept. 1806, witnessed the destruction, off Cape Henry, of the French 74-gun ship L’Impétueux; and in Nov. 1807, on his return from a second visit to the West Indies, where he had removed with Capt. Hargood to the Northumberland 74, he was ordered to join the Swiftsure 74, bearing the flag at Halifax of Sir John Borlase Warren. Under that officer (with the exception of an interval between Nov. 1811 and May, 1813, passed on board the Dragon 74, Capts. Thos. Forrest, Fras, Aug. Collier, and Robt. Barrie) Mr. Parker, whose first commission bears date 28 April, 1808, continued almost uninterruptedly employed in the same ship and in the San Domingo 74, part of the time as Flag-Lieutenant, until advanced to his present rank, 27 June, 1814. His last appointment was to the Coast Guard, in which service he remained from 3 Feb. 1832 until the early part of 1835.
Commander Parker married, 10 April, 1822, Lady Frances Theophila Anne Hastings, eldest daughter of the late and sister of the present Earl of Huntingdon. Agents – Messrs. Chard.