DUNDAS. (Captain, 1825. f-p., 18; h-p., 16.)
Henry Dundas entered the Royal Naval College 4 Feb. 1813; and embarked, 15 Sept. 1815, as a Volunteer, on board the Niger 38, Capt. Sam. Jackson, on the North American station. He there became Admiralty-Midshipman, 8 July, 1817, of the Leander 50, bearing the flag of Sir David Milne; and, after a twelvemonths’ subsequent attachment to the Liffey 50, Capt. Hon. Henry Duncan, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, 7 Dec. 1819. In the latter capacity we find him successively appointed, 24 Jan. 1820, and 20 Oct. 1821, to the Glasgow 50, and Euryalus 42, Capts. Hon. Anthony Maitland and Augustus Wm. Jas. Clifford, both employed in the Mediterranean, where he officially assumed command, 16 May, 1823, of the Rose 18. As a Post Captain, to which rank he was elevated 9 Feb. 1825, Capt. Dundas commanded the Dartmouth 42, and Sapphire 28, on the Jamaica and South American stations. His appointment to the former ship took place on the day of his promotion; and to the Sapphire 20 Dec. 1826. He has been on half-pay since 1830.
Capt. Dundas married, in 1836, Robina Mary, sister of the present Sir David Dundas, Bart., of Beechwood, co. Mid-Lothian, and of Dunira, co. Perth. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.