YOUNG. (Lieut., 1826. f-p., 31; h-p., 8.)
Thomas Young was born 12 Nov. 1794.
This officer entered the Navy, 22 Nov. 1808, on board the Dromedary shore-ship, Master-Commanders S. P. Pritchard and Edm. Ives; with whom he continued employed as Clerk and Midshipman until Feb. 1817; visiting during that period New Holland, the East and West Indies, and the North Sea. In May, 1809, while at Sydney Cove, he was wounded in the arm in endeavouring to extinguish a fire which had broken out on board the ship. From Aug. 1818 until he invalided, in July, 1820, he served as Second-Master in the Bann 20, Capts. Andrew Mitchell and Jodrell Leigh, in the West Indies; in the following Sept. he was appointed, in a similar capacity, to the Tartar 42, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Geo. Ralph Collier on the coast of Africa; and in June, 1821, he was there nominated Acting-Master of the Myrmidon 20, Capt. Henry John Leeke. On; 15 April, 1822, he piloted the boats of the latter ship and of the Iphigenia 42 into the river Bonny, and assisted at the capture of five vessels, measuring in the whole 877 tons, and carrying altogether 36 guns, 164 men, and 1532 slaves. He boarded and took possession, on that occasion, of La Vigilante, a French brig of 4 guns and 31 men; and he brought out the Yacnam, a Spanish schooner, of 16 guns and 46 men. He continued employed, still on the coast of Africa, in the Owen Glendower 42, Commodore Sir Robt. Mends, Swinger brig, Victor sloop, Capt. Geo. Woollcombe, Maidstone 42, Commodore Chas. Bullen, again in the Swinger (as Acting-Lieutenant), and in the Esk 20, Capt. Wm. Jardine Purchas, until a few weeks after his official promotion, which took place 15 March, 1826. He then came home an invalid in the Dispatch 18, Capt. Robt. White Parsons. Since 2 Aug. 1833 he has been in charge of a station in the Coast Guard.
Lieut. Young married, 18 May, 1835, and has issue five children.